[Question] What Kind of Drunk Are You?

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Here's the chart in case you need help.

Also, I was going to post this on your wall, ElJuski, but Courtney would have seen it.


Staff member
Hey man, a bottle of Cold Duck Andre in under 8 minutes is a pretty reasonable feat of alcoholism!

But anyways, Courtney...

I'm like, in awe that some random fucking drunk chart would be so fine tuned to my emotional anguish.


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I drink cheap champagne because once, when I was 18 to 21, I was madly in love with a hot blonde. We even made friends with a seal, once!

Ah, as someone who has been 18-21 and in love with a hot blond I feel your pain. I can't comment on the seal thing. I generally avoid seals, since they tend to be dicks.


Staff member
Courtney's from the female version of the chart.. You know, the "pukey drunk."

They just didn't get to her in the song because they stopped when Stacy was missing.

Happy drunk for sure.

I tend to be MUCH more outgoing and friendly when I've enjoyed a few. Which btw hasn't happened (outside of my daily wine here at home) since last year.... ugh.


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Where's the option for slutty drunk?
It was in the video.

The Drunkest One
The Slut
Someone's Cousin
The Missing Girl
(they stop there, but I'd go on to include)
The Talker
The Mother Hen (AKA the "We Gotta Go" girl)
The Designated
Turns Into a Guy
probably a few more.


Staff member
I'm thinking an "Are you on the internet?" question should be asked. Also, "Have you been drinking tequila?" should go to a "Wild Drunk". Is your phone on you ---> Are you texting your ex?

Let's Chug! -----> Hey, how you doin'? -----> Slutty Drunk


Staff member
I'm thinking an "Are you on the internet?" question should be asked. Also, "Have you been drinking tequila?" should go to a "Wild Drunk". Is your phone on you ---> Are you texting your ex?

Let's Chug! -----> Hey, how you doin'? -----> Slutty Drunk
Is Glenn Beck on? ----> flip over the fucking coffee table -----> make tater tots


Staff member
Bang a katamari --> Say that "Well, I'm no (name of last guy she slept with who actually lived in that room before ElJuski did) ---> Somehow manage to do it again.


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you forget the whole bit where I passed out stone cold on top of her like she wasn't even there
Added at: 22:27


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Get drunk in St. Louis ---> End up at a high school party ---> End up dragging a knife-toting lesbian out of the party while she's kicking and screaming because she tackles a larger girl ---> Convince ElJuski to sleep with the blonde so his couch opens up. ----> Wake up to a scream-fest.


Staff member
Get drunk in St. Louis ---> End up at a high school party ---> End up dragging a knife-toting lesbian out of the party while she's kicking and screaming because she tackles a larger girl ---> Convince ElJuski to sleep with the blonde so his couch opens up. ----> Wake up to a scream-fest.
Everyone wakes up sleeping huddled together on the living room floor.

You also forgot the part with the ghost.


As a side note, I have two bottles of vodka and I'm working through one right now.

I'm looking at you Shegs. :unibrow:
I don't know what I am, given that I've never been drunk past the point of ''slightly tipsy''. But if I had to guess, I'm probably the hungry drunk.


Staff member
I get sleepy with booze. Sleepier and sleepier.

But the little woman... she's like the lyrics from "baby's all liqoured up" by the Beat Farmers.

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