everything is shit

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Staff member
What they said. If you can't see the good in people and things then it's not them, it's you.

That's not saying there's bad out there - there is. But if you dwell on the bad or refuse to see the good in things then you're in for a long, miserable life. Or a short one. I think going to London and experiencing new things will be good for you. Nothing changes your perspective more than moving to a new area for a while. Even if it turns out the new place is worse than the place you're in it will be good for appreciating where you are now.
Dude, you're a white male living in the US. You have no right to complain compared to what everyone else goes through.


Staff member
What they said. If you can't see the good in people and things then it's not them, it's you.

That's not saying there's bad out there - there is. But if you dwell on the bad or refuse to see the good in things then you're in for a long, miserable life. Or a short one. I think going to London and experiencing new things will be good for you. Nothing changes your perspective more than moving to a new area for a while. Even if it turns out the new place is worse than the place you're in it will be good for appreciating where you are now.
take your own advice and move into watching Arrested Development.


Staff member
Find someone who is worse off than you and say to yourself, "Man. I'm glad I'm not THAT guy!"

Works for me.

(It's also why I stand next to the fat guy at the bar. Makes me feel thin.)
Find someone who is worse off than you and say to yourself, "Man. I'm glad I'm not THAT guy!"

Works for me.

(It's also why I stand next to the fat guy at the bar. Makes me feel thin.)
You told me you wanted to have a drink! ;_;
What we need to find you is some meek, simpering female for you to protect from the slings and arrows of our patriarchial society. That'll make you feel valuable.


Staff member
Honest advice: existential crises are perfect times to either move to another part of the world and start farming tea leaves, or consume as much new media as you can until you find some new resolve in life, or otherwise throwing yourself into some sort of purpose.

Just don't go Taxi Driver on us.
I know your problems sound important for you, but I must drop this bit of advice I was told by a wise man once...

"Don't sweat the petty stuff, and don't pet the sweaty stuff."
When you feel like crap/bored with life/need a new perspective/whateva, go volunteer: homeless shelter, soup kitchen, food pantry, habitat for humanity i.e. do something for complete strangers. It does help you and them.
But Charlie is an "Arm Chair" activist. Not one that actually goes out in the world and does something to better it. If you talk down about some of those down trodden people on a though, by golly he'll do something about that!


Staff member
No worries, man. About the only volunteering I do is when I give money to girl scouts for cookies or the bell ringers at Christmas.
Volunteering is hard, demanding work. I don't begrudge people not volunteering more of the time because it's not exactly easy to put in more hours on top of your already full work and personal life.
Agreed Ada, but don't you find it a bit hypocritical if they announce themselves as activisits?

Would you not begrudge someone complaining about a political figure if they did not vote?
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