[Gaming] Mass Effect 3 : It's here and thy ending is queeeeeeer.

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I've been reading a lot of complaining about the framerate. Ran silky for me.
I had some annoying problems with ME2's menus, they used to load very slow, while the game ran fine... the demo didn't have that problem from what i could see (although i didn't play very long)... it just bugged out when i had to kill the husks and wouldn't continue...

No framerate issues either.
That ME2 menu problem is something new. I think it has to do with the connecting to EA's servers. It never used to take that long for me, but last time I logged in it sat there doing nothing for like 10 seconds.
Gah I should stop posting on forums when I'm tired.
That's what i do... bonus points if i annoy Gas with it...
Added at: 08:36
That ME2 menu problem is something new. I think it has to do with the connecting to EA's servers. It never used to take that long for me, but last time I logged in it sat there doing nothing for like 10 seconds.
Nope... there was no connecting to anything in my case...

You know, i haven't actually tested it with an actual disk in the drive....
Origin : Blachloch

Sent you as friend invite Frankie on Origin and FB friend invite. Once you accept I'll invite you to their FB group thing and you can play MP tonight.
I think the graphics in general look better in ME3, but I agree with the animations. Something about the way Shepard "Storms" now looks like he is flailing all over the place rather then powering forward like a soldier.

Also got to give them credit on Ashley, she actually looks a lot better then she did in ME1 and ME2. Maybe it's just the hair.

Oh man, I should take her and Tali everywhere I go, see what happens when they realize I have slept with both of them. :cool:

Who am I kidding, Garrus and Wrex are probably going to be the two with me all the time.
It should be amusing to see the fireworks between Ashley and Miranda on my savegame...

Hey Jay, when I get my Origin account updated can I get an invite as well?
I think the graphics in general look better in ME3, but I agree with the animations. Something about the way Shepard "Storms" now looks like he is flailing all over the place rather then powering forward like a soldier.
Yeah, it's like he's partly crouching...

And i found the settings bar and did some thing to it, and now it doesn't seem to look as bad as the first time, i think some stuff wasn't on...

Also got to give them credit on Ashley, she actually looks a lot better then she did in ME1 and ME2. Maybe it's just the hair.
Really? Because she looks nothing like her and the hair kinda takes away from her soldier thing. Alenko is 10 times better.
Really? Because she looks nothing like her and the hair kinda takes away from her soldier thing. Alenko is 10 times better.
I agree about Alenko, based on the images I have seen, does look a lot better in general. I think I just never found Ashley that attractive in ME1/ME2, while her new look feels a bit more attractive to me. Her hair not looking like a soldier does not bother me, just like it didn't really bother me for Miranda with her full mane.

I am really curious what is going to happen when I finally get to that point in the game where she calls me out on my relationship with Tali, and if you can get back together with her or not. (Not like I would, Tali is a lot cooler anyways, unless they ruin her in ME3)
I agree about Alenko, based on the images I have seen, does look a lot better in general. I think I just never found Ashley that attractive in ME1/ME2, while her new look feels a bit more attractive to me. Her hair not looking like a soldier does not bother me, just like it didn't really bother me for Miranda with her full mane.
Miranda didn't have family heritage soldier as part of her character...

And ME3 Ashley doesn't strike me as more attractive, just different... didn't even recognize her back when they 1st released the screen for her and Kaidan.
This makes me wonder, who are going to be the followers? We obviously have new people, like Vega, and we have people returning from the first game, like Liara and Ashley. What about Miranda? Jack? Thane? Jacob? I know they will likely not have all of them open for working in a squad fulltime, but I at least hope to see them on the Normandy or something as crew. It seems odd that so close to release we only have a few people listed as fulltime squad members on the web, and two of them you can only have one or the other (Ashley or Kaiden)
I'm happy that at least in the demo that Garrus finally has some new armor after taking the hit on Omega - I wanted to just say to him, "Dude, get some new armor - I don't care what your attachment is to it." - or maybe threaten him "I won't take you out on missions until you get some new armor!"


Don't forget about all the bullshit DLC that will inevitably be available to make multiplayer that much more cool Jay.

"Yeah, check out this cool scope for my assault rifle! It makes it so I can see through walls and shoot around corners! It only cost me ten bucks!"

Contrary to what Bioware says we probably will need to do the multiplayer component well to get the proper ending anyways.
There is a weapon that can track targets that walk behind walls, smoke etc. It is free. but yes many games have DLC BS, game companies have found a way to milk you for more. I would say stop buying it and perhaps it will go back but it may be to late for that now.
You do not need the MP to get the 'proper' ending. It's an or/and situation when it comes to MP ios and such, they are not needed, just another way to get... stuff.

I still do not understand WHY multiplayer plays a part in the singleplayer portion of the game... or how it'll even work.
It is something BioWare has been attempting for quite some time(since ME2). Not EA. It is a system to gain assets in your fight, which are found in SP or you can play mp and gain them. Just slower.

So how does that Origin taste? Mass Effect 3 does a fucking good job of washing out that feeling though.
I'm happy that at least in the demo that Garrus finally has some new armor after taking the hit on Omega - I wanted to just say to him, "Dude, get some new armor - I don't care what your attachment is to it." - or maybe threaten him "I won't take you out on missions until you get some new armor!"
I actually was a doofus and bought the ME2 Armor Pack DLC for the pure fact that it gave me a set of armor for Garrus that didn't come half destroyed. I am weird like that.
It is something BioWare has been attempting for quite some time(since ME2). Not EA. It is a system to gain assets in your fight, which are found in SP or you can play mp and gain them. Just slower.

So how does that Origin taste? Mass Effect 3 does a fucking good job of washing out that feeling though.
Couldn't care less. Not my main rig. This PC has Windows 7, generic names and Origin.
GG last night Frankie and Azure.

Maybe tonight we can all play together... perhaps get a 4th. Would be fun.
Sigh, I downloaded Origin, I am going to try and get the demo. I want to try it out and see if the game is worth putting up with the bullshit.
I'm pleasantly surprised how much fun the multiplayer was.

Jay, I always thought it was hilarious when you would throw a dude over the edge of the map just a split second before I took his head off with the sniper rifle. Nothing like a floating headless corpse. Good times :). Those guys we played with at the end sure liked to go lone wolf on us... and die horribly.

I'll try to find my headset for next time so I'm not just a silent teammate (the freaking in game text chat command didn't even work).
Yeah, that's Beta MP for ya.... people trying the demo.... many of them sucking (playing silver at LVL 1 so they can get more XP but the games won't even go past a few waves since their characters suck). I have no high expectations finding great people to play with but I expect much better gaming once people buy the game and play the MP a few weeks in. (after single player of course)

Yesterday I played with 3 games who were really good, we completed Silver 3 times, good games. Good people.

And yeah, headsets are great.

Frankie sounds like an angry cop.
I'll try to be on later tonight... no promises though as we are having company over and I'm not sure how late they're staying

It will be fun playing together with you and Frankie.

I think now that I understand the mini-missions that come up in the waves I will do much better.
I was playing some with my husband last night instead of sleeping. Infiltrator was kind of hard in a two player game since bitches liked to rush me, need to get a bigger group for sure.
I just did more in a group of 4 as a level 1 Vanguard than the 2 level 15 infiltrators and the level 5 soldier did.

Needless to say we didn't finish.

I don't think I'm gonna play anymore until the game is released. I don't want to start all over again. Same reason why stuff like WoW betas and the like don't interest me.
I just downloaded origin, and am now downloading the demo.

This is all your fault.

Fuck you guys.

I'll see you in game soon.
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