Since Cole is Scott's Avatar, I doubt he would ever permanently drop him from the comic. Then the other half of Scott's Avatar is of course Skull.
If only he was this subtle in his blog posts.This story seems a bit too soapboxy, but I might be letting who the message I coming from sway that a bit.
Kurtz has strayed from "funnies" to "soaps" more and more frequently in recent years, but I don't think he's quite ready to go full Winkerbean like that.Cole kills himself. No family, no job, no friends. Calling it now.
Nah I'm over the whole "you guys need to be nicer" thing, because you were right about that. I'm just saying that it's a little conceited to think that he sits pouring over this forum to determine how to draw his next strip. It's a little crazy to think that.I think you care even more than we do. Seriously.
That pretty much sounds word for word what Lucas first said about his original trilogy.I can kind of see why he would want to redraw it, because his art really has improved in some ways. But I don't really see a point from the readers perspective. He also does recognize the problems that presents :
"my fear of making things worse always supersedes my hatred of my old art and writing"
That pretty much sounds word for word what Lucas first said about his original trilogy.
Oh and to put what you said into my context:
"I can kind of see why he would want to update it, because technology really has improved in some ways"
Maybe he should have someone get all that organized.I do like the Story Spotlight. Since he does not have the archives laid out by story line or tags, it is hard to go back and read his old comics.