[Gaming] Mass Effect 3 : It's here and thy ending is queeeeeeer.

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Wonder how long this will last... and if Bioware will stop making snide comments because of it. If anything, it makes the consumer anger very apparent.
Debate over whether or not to get the game is academic now: taxes came in, and my wife surprised me with a copy.

Now to finish my second ME2 playthrough and get cracking on this thing...
If we do have to pay for an ending I'm going to wait till someone else buys it first and then tells us if it actually gives proper closure or not. Stupid EA.
For them to know how they're responding to this so soon (and don't be surprised if the future content isn't too far in the future), it only emphasizes just how planned it was that there would be ending DLC from before the game's launch.
Probably best case scnario from a clusterfuck of an ending.

Sure, the ending is ass... but it'll be an ass that has been photo-shopped to look less like ass and marinated in cologne so it doesn't smell as bad.
Ugh. I would rather have paid for an expansion pack, a la Dragon Age: Awakening, than had them simply polish the turd that was that ending.

I'll download it, and I'll reserve judgment until then, but I've already cancelled my SWTOR account, and unless I'm really wowed by what they come up with this summer, Mass Effect 3 will be the last Bioware title I buy.
Alright folks, whether you're on one side of the balance or another, regardless of which, watch this.

I'm with HowDroll on this... I am right at the point where I will never support another game they make if they don't do something to salvage how they totally ruined the end of the Mass Effect trilogy.
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