
Staff member
other thread? More like last page!

And yeah, I hope he's joking. For the record, guys, I fucking hate dubstep.
other thread? More like last page!

And yeah, I hope he's joking. For the record, guys, I fucking hate dubstep.
See I kinda thought it was in this thread and then I was like "why would Vagabond post 'I have an extra ticket' in the Epic Win Thread?" And bet against myself.

Also, that is because Dubstep is awful.
Holy crap... Cartoon Network brought back Toonami for April Fool's Day, instead of showing The Room... and are showing episodes of Dragon Ball Z and Gundam Wing. I'm reliving one of the best parts of my childhood at this very moment. So happy right now.

EDIT: Tenchi Muyo episode too. Wonder if they are going to toss in Ronin Warriors, Sailor Moon, or Big O.

They've even done a Toonami Game Review for Mass Effect 3, like back in the old days. They've been planning this for awhile.

EDIT 2: Looks like we're getting Outlaw Star.
Chilling with friends last night at my friend's bar. Had 6 beers, 2 shots and got 3 hrs of sleep in a 24hr period and still managed to some how ACE the assessment tests I had to do in order to go back to school. :thumbsup: Going to hopefully go back and take Digital imaging and web design, and sociology.
My mom is awesome. My folks were through here this past weekend after their two-month vacation in South Carolina. Mom asked if I wanted some chocolate for Easter. I said, "Oh, I don't know, maybe a chocolate bunny or something."

Well, I was cleaning up tonight and opened my end-table to find...a chocolate bunny. I love my mom. :D
Shegokigo the money is in the usual account. Make sure to send a clear message this time. The usual bonus for such a request will be transferred upon completion.

Yosh, I hope you have a will and some identifiable teeth for your family.
Oh please like she couaoeug0-q394yuq2049yuqwoe0hgijWQERHG0OIQW3RJH..........I was wrong. Ah stiffed again. Can't a guy make a dishonest buck no more?
Did that series end well?

Anyway, started my art project two days before I usually do. The usual time is mid-night on the day the project is do while I'm hopped up on espresso. Gotta break these habits some how!
A few weeks back, LittleSin asked if I wanted a copy of the "Nick's Prom Night" poster she made once. Of course, I said hell yes.

That package arrived today:


What I didn't expect was this:


The little minx tricked me. She said, and I quote, "You didn't seem the type to accept a monetary gift on a whim" and she's right. She also said that while she was aware I already sold the other American card I had (to Quotemander Prime), she thought I was a sweet guy that deserved a little break now and then.

And dammit if she doesn't deserve at least praise for being so awesome and nice for doing this. I told her that I'd find some way not to pay her back, but at least show her my thanks in an equal fashion. At the very least, should Dill ever get published, she's getting a free, signed copy.

Oh, and this was on her letter:

Snapshot 3.JPG

I awesome is that?!
Oh man. I wasn't expecting forum tribute!'re welcome! I'm glad you liked it and I hope it works!

Glad to see the picture got there in tact as well!

This is surprisingly awkward for me. :p Happy...and awkward.

I'm looking forward to getting that novel when it is published (not if or whatever). :)
I finally decided to go and buy a telescope.

I spent a little bit more than I intended to but I wanted to get a decent one that would last me for years to come. And based off of the reviews I read this one should do me just fine. It is mainly for lunar and planetary viewing but it will still work nicely for nebula's. But anyways I am super stoked for its arrival.
Is that what the kids are calling it these days?


Staff member
I had a pretty good weekend. We went on a multi-family vacation, where my family, three of my son's friends and their families rented out a huge chunk of a hotel, then went out to an Astros game together. Good first MLB game for my kids, since a little bit of everything happened in the game, and the Astros won.
Hooray! I'm not lactose intolerant! It was just a run of the mill 'feeling shitty for two weeks straight'!
I've prepared a music playlist of comic booky songs to play while people file in for my presentation on Wednesday. It includes the music from the Sin City trailer. So when someone asks, "Where can I find Nick Piers?" someone will respond, "Eyes to the stage, pilgrim. He's just warming up."

And yes, I just compared myself to Jessica Alba playing a stripper. Deal with it.