
Staff member
I won my battle against the car rental company. It took two months of letter writing and phone calls. It turned out it was Twitter that got the job done. Nothing like publicly calling out a business. (Yes, I realize the complete irony of this post in light of my recent post in the Trayvon Martin thread).
I finally decided to go and buy a telescope.

I spent a little bit more than I intended to but I wanted to get a decent one that would last me for years to come. And based off of the reviews I read this one should do me just fine. It is mainly for lunar and planetary viewing but it will still work nicely for nebula's. But anyways I am super stoked for its arrival.
Ask the ladies if they want to see your eight inch, works every time...:whistling:
Me and my friend Scott did our presentation today for University Day. The topic? Super Teacher: Implementing Comics into Classrooms.

And we knocked it out of the goddamn park. There was one guest (a guest speaker himself) who said before we started that he wanted to see as many presentations as he could. However, he wound up staying for the entirety of our presentation. Better yet, at least half the people who attended said afterwards that they intended to check out many of the comics that I listed.

So yeah, it. Was. AWESOME.

Sadly, I couldn't rent a video camera. They were all booked and rented out for a day of presentations. :(


Staff member
I had that same feeling of regret many times until I got used to having a phone with a camera on it. I'm glad it went well! :)


Staff member
Which reminds me, Nick. I had this weird fucking dream that you showed up in, and I literally stopped in my dream and said, "What the fuck is that guy on the internet doing here?" You were wearing a superman shirt, because of course you were.


Staff member
One year ago, today, I PMed LittleKagsin to ask her about her entry in my silly little cosplay contest. Since then she's become one of my best friends. She's like a little sister to me now, and my life is so much better for it. :sohappy:


Staff member
I'm getting my first IMDB credit!

I mean, it's just a PA position for a small independent film... but still! One step closer towards a wikipedia page.
Awesome husband is awesome. He went and traded in my PS2 Sly Coopers' and Jak and Daxters', buying us (me...) the PS3 bundles. YAY! I know what I'm doing tonight.
Spare? No no no. This is Halforums. You give us every single detail, including order of clothes torn off, positions, and toys used in the process.
Got my big birthday present early yesterday. Got a brand-new Canon EOS Rebel T2i DSLR with a 18-55mm and 75-300mm lenses. Now I have to practice with it before our trip to Walt Disney World in September.


Staff member
Got my big birthday present early yesterday. Got a brand-new Canon EOS Rebel T2i DSLR with a 18-55mm and 75-300mm lenses. Now I have to practice with it before our trip to Walt Disney World in September.
I've got that camera. It's awesome. It's a great SLR, but the 24 fps full HD video really sells it. Make sure you get a class 10 card.
Got my big birthday present early yesterday. Got a brand-new Canon EOS Rebel T2i DSLR with a 18-55mm and 75-300mm lenses. Now I have to practice with it before our trip to Walt Disney World in September.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on it after you get a chance to get used to it. I've been going back and forth between the Canon T2i and the Nikon D5100 for a while now, trying to decide which to invest in.


Staff member
I'd love to hear your thoughts on it after you get a chance to get used to it. I've been going back and forth between the Canon T2i and the Nikon D5100 for a while now, trying to decide which to invest in.
I don't think you'd go wrong with either one. The nice thing about the Canon is the user base. You get access to things like Magic Lantern (not sure if that supports the Nikon D5100). The kit glass is nice. Here's a test video of my daughter I made soon after I took mine out of the box. 1080p, 24fps:
Yeah, so far Magic Lantern is Canon exclusive. The reviews I've read seem to indicate that Canon T2i/T3i edge out the Nikon D3100/D5100 in video quality but that's not what I'd be using the camera for primarily.


Staff member
I'm ordering my (reasonable) dream camera tomorrow!

It's a prosumer, so I can pick up better gigs and save up for my (actual) dream camera!
I found a copy of Highlander on Blu-Ray for $7... I could not believe it, because it was the winner of the Academy Awards for Best Movie Ever Made.


This is only an epic win because I was too lazy to go find the minor win or whatever it is called page.

Upon discovering that I have next to no food in my house I scrounged up tortillas, goat cheese and bacon to make a bastard quesadilla. What I ended up making was fantastic! I recommend it to everyone.

Wtf firefox for not knowing the word quesadilla.. no I do not mean quadrille you stupid shit!