[Webcomic] Webcomic Appreciation Jamboree


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To be fair, that only happens if you grind Smithing. The item is given according to level, so you need to be around 50 to get daedric.
For the record, I finished a quest for Ulfric above level 50 and was given leather armor. Leather. Armor. I was wearing a full suit of daedric at the time.
Added at: 17:01
Ok, in other news (and what I really came here to post), I know some people love to hate on the Oatmeal, but he's making a valid point about piracy today.

I think hazel and Zach are going to break up in Girls With Slingshots. While it feels a little random For them to all of a sudden be having problems, the problem itself seems to fit the recent idea of Hazel wanting to get her life back together.


You know, just a few weeks ago I was thinking how a lot of the weird rules of quantum physics seem an awful lot like glitches.
Anyone here read Alsobagels? I'm a huuuuuuuuuuge fan of it. Got both tpbs authographed by the author. What's weird is that the guy is two years younger than me. I can't wait till it starts up again.
Just discovered Spare Keys.
It looks new-ish, but I want more of this so badly...that I'm perfectly willing to wait for updates. That's how much appreciation I have for it.

The first two stories stand alone, and are probably best read cold by diving straight in. The other two start to explain things, and I'm not sure I want to lose the mystery just yet.



Staff member
I just remembered the gem that is Phd Comics and caught up on it. It's not updated a lot but if you've ever worked in Academia (or know someone who has) it's pretty hilarious.
They made Oracle a complete ditz? That's disappointing.
Batgirl was pretty happy go lucky before she got shot by the Joker. But then again, getting shot by the Joker does tend to change one's perspective on life.

To be serious though, I think this Batgirl reminds me more of Stephanie Brown than Barbara Gordon. She actually had that sort of personality at points in her run. I think they just didn't use her because of the inevitable blonde jokes.
Yeah I know, it's just that current Batgirl is frail and very at war with herself over the situation she recovered from. To see her reduced to that is just.... ugh.
Yeah I know, it's just that current Batgirl is frail and very at war with herself over the situation she recovered from. To see her reduced to that is just.... ugh.
Honestly, I liked it better when Barbara Gordon was Oracle and Stephanie Brown was Batgirl. Both had good books going and I at least wanted to read Batgirl for once. I really don't care about reading about another emotional damaged hero in the Bat family, so I dropped the book once they made it clear that is where they were taking her.

Come to think of it, I dropped a lot of my DC picks since New 52. I only read Batman Beyond Unlimited, Static Shock (which has been cancelled), and All-Star Western. They cancelled Power Girl and Zatanna (her new costume is BORING), which were my constant picks before New 52. Still waiting for another Captain Marvel book.


Staff member
Yeah I know, it's just that current Batgirl is frail and very at war with herself over the situation she recovered from. To see her reduced to that is just.... ugh.
She hasn't been reduced to anything. The Batgirl/Oracle you're a fan of is still around. This is another canon (and the comic isn't even part of that canon). It's a light-hearted take on the character used for campy gags about superheroes. It's not meant to be the Oracle from the comics, don't saddle Super BFFs with that baggage.
figmentPez - She's a ditz in that canon, it's disappointing to see the character, regardless of where it is, being changed to that. Even for "laughs".

AshburnerX - It's had the opposite effect on me. As the only "Bat Family" comics I'm reading are Detective, Batgirl and Batwoman, I have room for a nice emotionally damaged character, and I got two (Woman/Girl) and they're really well written. I've bought more comics since 52 than I had in the past 10yrs put together.


Staff member
figmentPez - She's a ditz in that canon, it's disappointing to see the character, regardless of where it is, being changed to that. Even for "laughs".
I don't see her behavior in the shorts, or the fan-comic, as ditzy. She's juvenile in the shorts, and obsessive to the point of myopia in the fan-comic, but not ditzy. I've seen a lot of otherwise intelligent teen girls act that way, some even into adulthood. They're not idiots, they're generally capable, but when it comes to some subjects they're so invested in a certain way of thinking that they can't shift mental gears even in the face of direct contradiction. Actually, now that I think of it, it's only the bubbling enthusiasm that makes it a stereo-typical teen girl thing. People from any demographic can sometimes show such situational-stupidity when it comes to some subjects.


Staff member
I've never seen the show, I'm not talking about the show, I'm talking about the comic strip.
Have you ever seen a fangirl 'ship a couple so badly it makes her go a little bit insane? (I have, it's somewhere between amusing and frightening.) That's the situation the comic is poking fun at. Batgirl 'ships Batman/Batwoman so much that reality can't settle in. She's not necessarily dumb about anything else, she's just so obsessed with her fandom that she can't see past it.
Let me put it this way, the strip triggered un-funny things for me and it killed it.

1: Confusing sexual orientation for religion in a "redneck" stupid sort of way.
2: Making the character I actually really like in current comic cannon, that "redneck stupid".

It doesn't even really matter the context/cannon it comes from, those 2 things just put it in the dirt for me personally. I'm sure others would find it amusing. I do not.