[Gaming] Mass Effect 3 : It's here and thy ending is queeeeeeer.

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Played some Mass Effect 3 last night. I get all excited about returning characters even though it's only been a week or so since I finished ME2; I can't imagine the elation felt by those who waited years.

Honestly, the game's solid. The controls are tighter and combat smoother, which it has to be since the enemies have become a tiny bit smarter and better-equipped. The war assets screen is interesting, even though I know it'll mean dick for the ending. I'm enjoying this new galaxy map of "scan, scan, RUN LIKE HELL". Normandy load times are down. There's a lot going on and I love that feeling. I also love the little touches reflecting on past actions with other characters, even DLC characters.

It's total bullshit that "From Ashes" was DLC. I knew it in advance and was okay with it, but seeing as it was the first mission I did once the galaxy map became available, and it set a strong tone for everything going forward, I think it's garbage that some people probably missed it due to the decision to snip it.
My wife is visiting the Citadel in Mass Effect 2 and choosing the Paragon option for getting discounts at the stores by having them all say "I'm Commander Shepherd and this is my favorite store on the Citadel." Now she's walking around and it plays everywhere she goes.

I want there to be some consequence for saying each is her favorite, like for the shop owners to converge and make her choose one or something.
My wife's love interest in ME1 was Kaidan.

She's having a big pout now that he's bitched her out in ME2. I gotta admit, that was harsh. I put Ashley in her place right away, which was easier since she wasn't a love interest for my Shep--wasn't half as bad as Kaidan's chewing out my wife's femshep.
Why are the Quarian admirals so fucking stupid?

Tali kind of warned me about this bullshit in the first game, but I really didn't take heed.

And now she's not even here to say "I told you so." :(
Why are the Quarian admirals so fucking stupid?

Tali kind of warned me about this bullshit in the first game, but I really didn't take heed.

And now she's not even here to say "I told you so." :(
Wait, hang on...

Tali's dead in your game?

Dude, you need to go back and replay the first two games, and keep her alive. Y'hear me? YOU NEED TO KEEP HER ALIVE!!!

... Sorry, Tali crush.
Wait, hang on...

Tali's dead in your game?

Dude, you need to go back and replay the first two games, and keep her alive. Y'hear me? YOU NEED TO KEEP HER ALIVE!!!
I'll see what happens since while I like to go into these games blind and just see what consequences follow my actions, my wife likes to organize the story for herself, so she's reading the wikis and things to get a perfect ending to ME2. I'll see what happens then.

I'm not starting over ME2 and ME3 right now for that :p.

Even if she was at my side for almost every mission in ME1 and much of ME2, and I felt so bad seeing her name on the wall of the dead on the Normandy.
That, right there, is one of the best things about the ME series, I think. It really does evoke strong emotional responses in its players. It creates these great characters and makes you care about them.
That, right there, is one of the best things about the ME series, I think. It really does evoke strong emotional responses in its players. It creates these great characters and makes you care about them.
I took Garrus along to Sur'Kesh. The banter between he and Wrex...

Garrus: "Never going to let us forget the Rachni Wars?"
Wrex: "Last time I was at the Citadel I didn't see a giant statue in your honor."

Wrex: "I have to make friends with the one turian in the galaxy who thinks he's funny"
Garrus: "I'm supposed to hate krogan, but you came along and warmed my heart with your winning personality."

I just wanted my Sheperd to run up, hug them, and go "Aw, I love you guys!"
I'll see what happens since while I like to go into these games blind and just see what consequences follow my actions, my wife likes to organize the story for herself, so she's reading the wikis and things to get a perfect ending to ME2. I'll see what happens then.

I'm not starting over ME2 and ME3 right now for that :p.

Even if she was at my side for almost every mission in ME1 and much of ME2, and I felt so bad seeing her name on the wall of the dead on the Normandy.

She died in ME2 for me, also. She was my favorite character, it was heartbreaking. When I discovered the monument to the dead on the normandy, I teared up a little, seeing her on there.


Finished the stuff in the Perseus Veil.

Wow... that did not go well for me.

I imagine if Tali had been alive and loyal, along with Legion alive and loyal, I would've had a better result. As it is, I chose the geth. Tali's dead. So is her entire species, minus those on pilgrimage. Legion's dead.

Yeah, not good. I wish it hadn't come to that.
Finished the stuff in the Perseus Veil.

Wow... that did not go well for me.

I imagine if Tali had been alive and loyal, along with Legion alive and loyal, I would've had a better result. As it is, I chose the geth. Tali's dead. So is her entire species, minus those on pilgrimage. Legion's dead.

Yeah, not good. I wish it hadn't come to that.
It's like you're doing everything I did... stop that, that's my game!
No wonder my rep bar is so full of red.
If you are high reputation on either side, you get a third option.

If you have Tali and Legion alive, loyal, destroy the Geth Heretics in ME2, save that one Admiral from death in the bonus mission, plus have high enough Paragon or Renegade, you can convince the Quarians to stand down and both sides make peace. It's actually still one of my favorite moments in the game.

If you don't have any of those, then either the Geth go extinct, or the Quarians. You don't have much choice.
If you are high reputation on either side, you get a third option.

If you have Tali and Legion alive, loyal, destroy the Geth Heretics in ME2, save that one Admiral from death in the bonus mission, plus have high enough Paragon or Renegade, you can convince the Quarians to stand down and both sides make peace. It's actually still one of my favorite moments in the game.

If you don't have any of those, then either the Geth go extinct, or the Quarians. You don't have much choice.
Tali was dead, and not loyal when she died, I rewrote the heretics in ME2... so yeah, I was not getting it this playthrough. Next time.
What in the shit...

It's amazing what you can find randomly on youtube while looking through recommended videos.

And there are dozens of these.
Finished it. That was terrible. What an utter pile of ass.

Obviously the good point to shut off the game is

After Anderson and Sheperd's last talk. "I'm proud of you, child."

And I admit getting misty-eyed at that part.

Then I let things continue. I understood what was going on with the VI and the Citadel. I think the Citadel came first, then the Reapers, all this designed by a race who started the cycle. The change in programming by the Crucible solves some of the logical plotholes, but then... There is no way the green ending can be possible (BTW, never saw a red-green-blue dialogue tree; might've been nixed in a PS3 patch). I chose blue since it only affected the wrongful party. But then... suddenly the Normandy's zipping ahead of explosions for no apparent reason. They're on some word. Liara, you were on Earth with me, what the hell? And then, abruptly, credits, and that fuckwit Casey Hudson's name is the first thing you see.

I knew all the facts about the ending, I thought. I'd heard all about it, so I thought. But none of those low expectations can really prepare you for having gone through the three games and then come to that. It's so random, nonsensical, and the abruptness really shows how rushed it was, before all the evidence of what the writers planned came to surface.

Onto other griping, I feel like what went on in London would've happened largely the same no matter what my war assets. Hardly saw geth, never saw rachni, no volus bombers, no elcor warriors, batarian fleets, none of it. Plot organized stuff. The whole climax felt rushed.

I have some drawings to do for how this shit will have gone down for Centuri Sheperd. Don't really give a shit what crappy epilogues Bioware has planned for us (and odds are those will be generic for each character, with only some slight variance if it's a love interest, but no consideration for your Sheperd's actual relationship with the character).

I'm honestly surprised how aggravated I am. I watched AngryJoe's Top 10 reasons to hate it video, I've read Jay's posts and those of others, long articles, etc. I knew this ending in and out. I really believed I wouldn't be so offended all over again by its rushed nature, lazy storytelling, and garbage ideas, but that's exactly what happened. So nope, don't give a shit about the DLC, and I'm not sure I really give a shit about Bioware anymore either. It's clear from what was supposed to go on according to the other writers that this got rushed out the door and couldn't be delayed, probably because EA had already wound up so many DLC and exclusive content with stores and pre-order bonuses that no delay could be made, despite how badly it was needed.
Finished it. That was terrible. What an utter pile of ass.

Obviously the good point to shut off the game is

After Anderson and Sheperd's last talk. "I'm proud of you, child."

And I admit getting misty-eyed at that part.

My personal preference is to believe that Sheperd dies after this point, and that everything after is a dying hallucination as his blood-deprived brain tries to formulate some closure. It even explains why the child he always saw while dreaming was the magic VI
There's also the indoctrination theory, which I think fits fairly well. It doesn't fit perfectly, and some shoehorning is needed, but it's still better than accepting the current ending(s) at face value.
Finished it. That was terrible. What an utter pile of ass.

Obviously the good point to shut off the game is

After Anderson and Sheperd's last talk. "I'm proud of you, child."

And I admit getting misty-eyed at that part.

Then I let things continue. I understood what was going on with the VI and the Citadel. I think the Citadel came first, then the Reapers, all this designed by a race who started the cycle. The change in programming by the Crucible solves some of the logical plotholes, but then... There is no way the green ending can be possible (BTW, never saw a red-green-blue dialogue tree; might've been nixed in a PS3 patch). I chose blue since it only affected the wrongful party. But then... suddenly the Normandy's zipping ahead of explosions for no apparent reason. They're on some word. Liara, you were on Earth with me, what the hell? And then, abruptly, credits, and that fuckwit Casey Hudson's name is the first thing you see.

I knew all the facts about the ending, I thought. I'd heard all about it, so I thought. But none of those low expectations can really prepare you for having gone through the three games and then come to that. It's so random, nonsensical, and the abruptness really shows how rushed it was, before all the evidence of what the writers planned came to surface.

Onto other griping, I feel like what went on in London would've happened largely the same no matter what my war assets. Hardly saw geth, never saw rachni, no volus bombers, no elcor warriors, batarian fleets, none of it. Plot organized stuff. The whole climax felt rushed.

I have some drawings to do for how this shit will have gone down for Centuri Sheperd. Don't really give a shit what crappy epilogues Bioware has planned for us (and odds are those will be generic for each character, with only some slight variance if it's a love interest, but no consideration for your Sheperd's actual relationship with the character).

I'm honestly surprised how aggravated I am. I watched AngryJoe's Top 10 reasons to hate it video, I've read Jay's posts and those of others, long articles, etc. I knew this ending in and out. I really believed I wouldn't be so offended all over again by its rushed nature, lazy storytelling, and garbage ideas, but that's exactly what happened. So nope, don't give a shit about the DLC, and I'm not sure I really give a shit about Bioware anymore either. It's clear from what was supposed to go on according to the other writers that this got rushed out the door and couldn't be delayed, probably because EA had already wound up so many DLC and exclusive content with stores and pre-order bonuses that no delay could be made, despite how badly it was needed.

Finished it. That was terrible. What an utter pile of ass.

Obviously the good point to shut off the game is

After Anderson and Sheperd's last talk. "I'm proud of you, child."

And I admit getting misty-eyed at that part.

Then I let things continue. I understood what was going on with the VI and the Citadel. I think the Citadel came first, then the Reapers, all this designed by a race who started the cycle. The change in programming by the Crucible solves some of the logical plotholes, but then... There is no way the green ending can be possible (BTW, never saw a red-green-blue dialogue tree; might've been nixed in a PS3 patch). I chose blue since it only affected the wrongful party. But then... suddenly the Normandy's zipping ahead of explosions for no apparent reason. They're on some word. Liara, you were on Earth with me, what the hell? And then, abruptly, credits, and that fuckwit Casey Hudson's name is the first thing you see.

I knew all the facts about the ending, I thought. I'd heard all about it, so I thought. But none of those low expectations can really prepare you for having gone through the three games and then come to that. It's so random, nonsensical, and the abruptness really shows how rushed it was, before all the evidence of what the writers planned came to surface.

Onto other griping, I feel like what went on in London would've happened largely the same no matter what my war assets. Hardly saw geth, never saw rachni, no volus bombers, no elcor warriors, batarian fleets, none of it. Plot organized stuff. The whole climax felt rushed.

I have some drawings to do for how this shit will have gone down for Centuri Sheperd. Don't really give a shit what crappy epilogues Bioware has planned for us (and odds are those will be generic for each character, with only some slight variance if it's a love interest, but no consideration for your Sheperd's actual relationship with the character).

I'm honestly surprised how aggravated I am. I watched AngryJoe's Top 10 reasons to hate it video, I've read Jay's posts and those of others, long articles, etc. I knew this ending in and out. I really believed I wouldn't be so offended all over again by its rushed nature, lazy storytelling, and garbage ideas, but that's exactly what happened. So nope, don't give a shit about the DLC, and I'm not sure I really give a shit about Bioware anymore either. It's clear from what was supposed to go on according to the other writers that this got rushed out the door and couldn't be delayed, probably because EA had already wound up so many DLC and exclusive content with stores and pre-order bonuses that no delay could be made, despite how badly it was needed.

Now you feel our pain!

Curse you Bioware!
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