I hate the double standard our society puts kids through.

"Don't hit, but stand up for yourself."
"Tell a grown-up if someone bullies you, but don't tattle."
"Be a leader, but do what you're told."
I've always hated the whole share your toys thing. I wouldn't give my stuff to someone I don't know, so why should I expect my kids to do it? Not that I don't encourage my kids to share with each other or their friends and classmates, but if we're at the park and some child we don't know comes over to my kids I don't make them share their toys. It seems like too many children have learned they can play with anyone else's things without asking just because it's sitting there. That bugs me.
Screw it. I'm wide awake, I've had breakfast, and I can pack in minutes. Rather than spend all day pacing around and not being able to sleep tonight, I'm leaving for DC now. Or as now as now can be once I've got everything done. NLT 7am, max.
I've always hated the whole share your toys thing. I wouldn't give my stuff to someone I don't know, so why should I expect my kids to do it? Not that I don't encourage my kids to share with each other or their friends and classmates, but if we're at the park and some child we don't know comes over to my kids I don't make them share their toys. It seems like too many children have learned they can play with anyone else's things without asking just because it's sitting there. That bugs me.
^That is perfectly acceptable. Just because you are in public doesn't mean your private possessions are public property.


If you mispronounce AND put the emPHAsis on the wrong sylLAble onigiri becomes a highly offensive word....


Staff member
I think what she means is:

If you mispronounce it, and put the emphasis on the wrong syllable, "onigiri" becomes a highly offensive word.


Staff member
See, you're being sarcastic, but that sentence makes no sense unless you take the extra couple seconds to make it grammatically correct.
See, you're being sarcastic, but that sentence makes no sense unless you take the extra couple seconds to make it grammatically correct.
It's worded awkwardly, but I'm not allowed to judge anymore since I have to decipher mixed-worded sentences as my day job, so my tolerance level is higher than that of mortal folk.


I don't really want to get into an argument about how I type. I type pretty much exactly the way I talk. If you can't understand what I say, as many have noted, it probably isn't worth trying to figure out anyway. Just move on.
Agreed; let's skip the argument and head straight to analysis!

- If you mispronounce AND put the emPHAsis on the wrong sylLAble (Professor QP says a comma here would've solved some of the initial confusion) onigiri becomes a highly offensive word....

But that's only if onigiri must be in the final part of the sentence for dramatic effect. Alternatively and clearer:

- Onigiri becomes a highly offensive word if you mispronounce it AND put the emPHAsis on the wrong sylLAble.

But the comma version is less boring and skips the unnecessary pronoun.

The impetus of understanding lies with the communicator.
On the one hand, I refuse to accept this because that would mean the people who fail to understand my instructions are right and it's my fault.

On the other hand, I must accept this because otherwise I'm simply failing to understand what my wife says and it's my fault.


Staff member
I'm just saying, for someone, like me, who has a job where proper written communication is fundamental to success, I find it surprising that you don't take more stock into it.

Here's some random crap: bought my train ticket back to chi-city in August for my nerdy buddy's bachelor party / wedding. Should be a roarin' good time back in the dirty six-thirty.
My move back to Canada went well. Surprisingly without a hitch, too. Already got to see an indy wrestling show that a friend of mine ring announces for. Books are almost on the shelves and the apartment is almost all together.

Now just to get some sort of job while I wait to hear about student teaching.