Is it weird that I think that whole scene is sad and cool at the same time. I'd help but I'd also be fascinated by the prospect of seeing someone die (out of pure curiosity).
It's like watching a candle fade out or be blown out. Simultaneously beautiful and horrifying.
No, see, you're still doing it. I need a hard ass LittleKagsin kicking ass and taking names. Your candy coated charisma causes me consternation constantly!
Ha, I'll see what I can do. ;)

In general, I think I actually make people nervous, they think that my perpetual happiness can't last and that I will probably snap at any moment.


Staff member
It's like watching a candle fade out or be blown out. Simultaneously beautiful and horrifying.
Once, at Karate Camp, Sensei Mikami was pushing us very hard, and one of the older guys had a heart attack. Fell like a sack of potatoes. Nothing so dramatic as the movies. Just plunk, and wet himself. We had a doctor and whole group of firefighters practicing, and they went to work on him until the ambulance arrived. Our kid's sensei got them all out of the room and kept going with them like nothing happened. Totally cool and professional.
Once, at Karate Camp, Sensei Mikami was pushing us very hard, and one of the older guys had a heart attack. Fell like a sack of potatoes. Nothing so dramatic as the movies. Just plunk, and wet himself. We had a doctor and whole group of firefighters practicing, and they went to work on him until the ambulance arrived. Our kid's sensei got them all out of the room and kept going with them like nothing happened. Totally cool and professional.
We were in the room last year as my grandmother lost her fight with cancer. She was breathing slowly, and then slower, and then slower again until she stopped.

And my dad announced "She's gone."

And then my grandmother took a long gasping breath and started up the whole process for another 5 minutes. Breathing shallower and shallower until she eventually stopped.

I've never laughed and cried so much in my life. Except for checkeredhat jokes.


Staff member
Hence why I said I was unsure whether that would be appropriate.

But I've understood that it's a thing? In the States? Eating salt crackers with soup? Or have I been lied to by Robot Chicken?
I've seen people eat them with tomato soup or chili. They always have them next to the soup at restaurants.


Staff member
She's 7. She's sweet but really needy. And she likes to smell people. If she continues this in 3rd grade we'll have to discuss boundaries.
She's 7. She's sweet but really needy. And she likes to smell people. If she continues this in 3rd grade we'll have to discuss boundaries.
*sniff sniff* you smell funny. Yes, I can see how that would be breaking some boundaries. But women always want you to notice their shampoo/cologne/perfume! It's so confusing!
By the way CG, I'm pretty sure it's pumpkin cream. Sweet and soft, with just a hint of a tang to it :p

On the other topic: people dieing freaks me out. But the worst ever to happen to me was still having to walk through the underground catacombs of the hospital I worked at, all alone, at 1 am, with a dead baby.
When my Mom died in the house I was responsible for tuning mirrors around while they rolled her out...they were still trying to revive her...but my Aunt and Dad told me to do it. I would be "helping".


Staff member
When my Mom died in the house I was responsible for tuning mirrors around while they rolled her out...they were still trying to revive her...but my Aunt and Dad told me to do it. I would be "helping".
They used to have that same tradition over here in Finland. A little creepy...
Moving on Sunday but I have a furniture problem.

I have a double mattress, with no boxspring or frame.
And I have a chesterfield that folds out into a double sized bed.

So, do I plop my mattress on the floor in my bedroom and have a couch in the living room and mattress to sleep on in my bedroom, or do I unfold the couch to give myself a bed in my bedroom, but no seating in my living room whatsoever other than my cheap office chair?

My landlord was helping me to search for a double size bed frame but came up with nothing. I don't have the cash or time to get one for the move now. But I can and probably will continue to look once I'm moved in.


you might find cheap box spring and frame at a second hand store. I know you wouldnt want a used mattress but a box spring should be ok.. Or maybe not. just a though.
Moving on Sunday but I have a furniture problem.

I have a double mattress, with no boxspring or frame.
And I have a chesterfield that folds out into a double sized bed.

So, do I plop my mattress on the floor in my bedroom and have a couch in the living room and mattress to sleep on in my bedroom, or do I unfold the couch to give myself a bed in my bedroom, but no seating in my living room whatsoever other than my cheap office chair?

My landlord was helping me to search for a double size bed frame but came up with nothing. I don't have the cash or time to get one for the move now. But I can and probably will continue to look once I'm moved in.
Best to ask the person you intend to share it with.
Keep the couch in the living room and leave the mattress in your bedroom. That way you have a place to sleep and a place to seat guests.

Edit: And makare has good advice about finding a second hand box spring and frame.


Staff member
you might find cheap box spring and frame at a second hand store. I know you wouldnt want a used mattress but a box spring should be ok.. Or maybe not. just a though.
There is currently a bedbug epidemic sweeping the nation.

I would not risk it, personally.
I had my mattress on the floor up until last year.

It's not to bad...a bit hard on the back getting up in the morning. Keep an eye on craigslist.
yeah, bed bug outbreak in Toronto and Mississauga last year (And Toronto the year before that.) I am moving to the border of Toronto and Mississauga. Into a basement apartment.
However, it should be noted I've purchased one of those bed bug covers for the mattress. Don't really know how effective they are though.


Staff member
You have no idea!

The best part was, I was barely affected by it. Just my silly roommates and that evil harlot that used to show up there.


Staff member
I mean, come on.

THAT roommate has to admit that he had a tendency to overreact! And considering I had some weird immunity...


Ive never had bed bugs so I dont know what they are like. I assume really annoying

There isa site you can order them though to get back at crappy bf/gf i guess