
Staff member
I never watched DS9 when it was originally on. I tried it recently. To me, It's nothing compared to TNG. The stories are smaller, they deal with less philosophical issues, and Dax's I'M SO FAR ABOVE YOU MERE MORTALS crap gets old literally after 5 minutes. It lacked any kind of real focus or drive in the first two seasons, and by the time it got one it was too late for me to care.

Also, I enjoy hot women as much as the next person (who enjoys hot women), but I couldn't care less in Star Trek. But for the record, Jolene Blalock wins.
I never watched DS9 when it was originally on. I tried it recently. To me, It's nothing compared to TNG. The stories are smaller, they deal with less philosophical issues, and Dax's I'M SO FAR ABOVE YOU MERE MORTALS crap gets old literally after 5 minutes. It lacked any kind of real focus or drive in the first two seasons, and by the time it got one it was too late for me to care.

Also, I enjoy hot women as much as the next person (who enjoys hot women), but I couldn't care less in Star Trek. But for the record, Jolene Blalock wins.
While you're totally right about the first seasons, and I do agree that "it gets better later on, really" is a lame excuse used by fans; in this case it's true. Not saying you have to keep watchin or anything, but most people who love DS9 do so for the later seasons - when the Dominion comes in, the war starts,... there are still less philosophical issues, and those that do get treated usually aren't exactly the better episodes or the more interesting. That's, to me, probably one of the biggest shortcomings.
The stories are smaller is mostly true in the beginning and a bit later on; on the other hand, DS9, because of the setting, allows for more development of other cultures. You learn more about how Ferengi, Cardassian, Klingon,... live and work in DS9 than all other shows combined. There's a very conscious effort to evolve other cultures/planets/races from Planet of the Hats #2475 to real distinct cultures. Ferengi aren't just money-grubbing roguish merchants; Klingons aren't just Orcs in Space, etc.
Dax...well, on the one side, it gets better; o nthe other side, it gets worse. She's not exactly my favourite character.
Am I the only one who reads a friend's Facebook post about her new boyfriend and how happy and in love she is, and thinks "I'll give it 2 or 3 weeks, max"?
New whiney post announcing hope for karma vengance on those who've hurt her? Check.
Relationship status now set to single? Check.

Called it!
A woman just died in front of me at the trainstation.She just suddenly keeled over.Someone called 911 while i put her into the recovery position.,while some dumb bitch next to me was doing "healing hands".I wanted to punch her so badly.She got into everyones way,even after the paramedics arrived.She would hover next to the woman,holding her hands over the body and head. Thankfully some security guys pulled her away.


Staff member
Is it weird that I think that whole scene is sad and cool at the same time. I'd help but I'd also be fascinated by the prospect of seeing someone die (out of pure curiosity).
It was so surreal.And this goddam hippy woman with her freaking "healing hands". -.-'
Infusing a person with your aura isnt gonna help her fight a heartattack or whatever she had.
Is it weird that I think that whole scene is sad and cool at the same time. I'd help but I'd also be fascinated by the prospect of seeing someone die (out of pure curiosity).
I heard someone die.

It probably would have been "better", less guilty experience if I had seen it.

As it was it ended up being...confusing.


Staff member
What do you say when a student says she'll miss you because you smell like soup? I was too confused to ask what type of soup.


Staff member
What do you say when a student says she'll miss you because you smell like soup? I was too confused to ask what type of soup.
How old is the student in question? I can think of a few things, but some of those are kinda creepy. Plus, with you living in the South, I'm unsure whether any reference to crackers with said soup would be appropriate :p