[Gaming] FTL

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Decided to give the game a try, it's pretty addicting, but man can I hate roguelike games. It's so sad getting so far only to get blown to shreds. I almost want to use the quicksave cheat.

I have yet to reach the final boss, but my best run took me pretty far. I got lucky in the first two sectors in which I was hailed by a slaver four times. Instead of paying them for a slave I attacked them, and once I beat them they gave me a slave for free. I soon had a nearly full crew with Mantis, Rockmen, and Engi all working on various systems or support. The rockman was pretty much entirely on fire duty.

The ship finally met it's end near the final sector, when I get roflstomped by a famed pirate before I could jump to FTL.
That would be my dream map.So much time to grind.Get a Long Range Scanner and you are golden.

Another tip,if you get boarded and still dont have good fighter units.use the button to open all doors then send all your units into the infirmary (manualy close doors there) and then open airlocks.Enemies will make a beeline towards rooms that have air and inside the infirmary you are guaranteed to win.
What... the... fuck....
I finally did the same. How do you stop that many droids? I had everything firing at their droid center and I had a Defense Mark 2. They just blew through my entire 100% Hull bar and double shield in less than 4 turns.

I think Frank had the answer in another thread. Upgraded cloaking system to keep the droids from blowing the crap out of you... I'm going to try this on my next playthrough.

Don't know if it makes you feel better but on my best playthrough I had full weapons systems with 2 level 3 burst lasers and a level 2 heavy laser, full shields, tons of reactor power, a fire bomb launcher, full veterancy on all systems crew members... and I still got torn apart in not much more time than you did by the droid storm. Frustrating.
Yeah, you can only cloak once every two droid assaults but if it's killing you in 4 shots, that would bring it to 8, giving you enough time to hopefully pummel it's hull down. Taking out the weapon systems doesn't hurt. Taking out the mother's droid control in phase 2 doesn't stop the droid storm (though it does stop the boarder droids).

As an aside, has anyone gotten boarder drones yet? I have yet to see any.
As an aside, has anyone gotten boarder drones yet? I have yet to see any.
I had a chance to buy some once but I didn't have a droid control and not nearly enough scrap to get both, so I ended up just skipping it. Would have loved to try them out.


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So hooked. Beat the game on easy after about 6 tries, and the run that beat it I got incredibly lucky (unlocked the stealth engi and rock ships on the same run, I think the rock skin upgrade really made a difference in the final fight). I was doing pretty well against the end boss with my first try on easy with the fed cruiser, but the second stage kept peppering me with boarder drones and by the time I drove off the other ship and got my O2 system repaired everybody had died from asphyxiation except my lone Rock crewmember who had to spend 20 minutes running back and forth between the med lab and all the hull breaches, repairing them.

Soooo I went into the final final FINAL boss round with just one crewmember, and while previously I had him on shield duty it only made sense to keep him on the helm for the boosted dodge chance and let the level 4 shields tend to themselves. The boss kept teleporting over boarders and my answer was to (naturally, having only 1 crewman) void the entire ship except the bridge to space. Unfortunately, the overload laserblasts and such eventually took their toll, and without my engines, weapons and shields manned I just couldn't keep up. Got close though. If only I'd been able to find slightly better weaponry than I did. Another thing what made the difference on the one ran where I win was I managed to find, luck of the draw, a second level 2 burst laser. That means 6 shots simultaneously instead of 3. Chewed right through shields.


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There was something that has been picking at the corners of my memory as I play this game, and I think I put my finger on it. Some of the soundtrack sounds very similar to other certain songs...

For instance, this battle theme at 0:15

sounds VERY similar to this music from Final Fantasy 1.

And the final boss fight music below, at 3:27 starts a melody that sounds very suspiciously like Deutschland, Deutschland Uber Alles.


Staff member
I have 5 of the ships (Starter, Engi, Rock, Stealth, Fed Cruiser), and have started playing on normal. First try with the fed cruiser, I nearly got through the boss's second stage. I'm convinced a cloaking device is *manditory* for that second stage (or at least a defense droid II), to dodge the droid overloads. I had level 4 shields, 45% evade, 3 burst laser 2s and a breach bomb (all active at once), and it just wasn't enough because I had no stealth or droids. Of course, they got extremely lucky and got a boarding droid on the bridge on their first shot, so buh bye evade percentage. Then the first overload set fires everywhere, and it was just a painful slide into oblivion after that. And I went into round 2 at full hull, thanks to repair arm. So yeah... no cloak by sector 8 on normal? Pretty much might as well restart.

Oh, and on another run I got to try out boarding droids myself. They're kinda fun, but random since you don't get to pick where they insert or where they go once they do. Repair arm or repair droids (which is more expensive but repairs more) go a long way in normal mode.[DOUBLEPOST=1348650925][/DOUBLEPOST]
I've only come across boarding drones once.

I managed to put together an awesome boarding party my last game. A fully upgraded teleporter and four mantis crewmembers with maxed out fighting ability.

It was insane how fast they tore through ships.


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I never really felt the need for a teleporter, as easily half of what I run into are automated rebel drones. That, and it's rare I get more than 5 crewmembers, and only once has that consisted of more than one mantis. Usually I just have upgraded doors to protect my manned compartments and just space the compartments where there are intruders, or fight in the medbay, push comes to shove.
Frankie... I don't know whether to hug you or curse you... I almost didn't come to work today because of this...

My first few tries, I let pride run the game, and started it on Normal. 'Twas not mere pride, indeed, but unrefined Hubris, and I paid the price (despite obtaining 7 crew members on the second attempt, I only made sector 4)

I'm still refining my strategies for sector-clearing, but it's obvious I'm going to have to be more aggressive...
I've yet to beat it on easy. I've done nothing but create scores of timelines where the federation lies in ruins and my crew are nothing but frozen corpses slowly falling into a nearby sun.


Staff member
I've beaten it on easy with the Kestrel, the Fed cruiser, the engi ship and the rock ship. I also have the stealth ship unlocked but can't beat it with that. It can't fight for a damn from the start, so grinding is nigh impossible, which means not enough scrap, which means woefully underprepared for the enemy flagship.

I've beaten it once, ONCE, on normal, with the fed cruiser. And I acknowledge it was more the capricious whim of fate than any sort of stratagem of mine (because later runs with the exact same strategy got my ass blown off).


Staff member
Good god. I've been trying to watch "Lets Play" videos for FTL on youtube lately... people are so. very. stupid. Every single one of them started off by saying "Uhh ok so I have never played this before. Tutorial? Tutorials'r for FAGGITS, let's play! What is all this? Normal, cause that's how men play! GO! What is going on? what? what is this do? Jump! OMIGOHD I're be attacked! Pull ALL THE POWER FROM EVERYTHING AND PUT IT ALL TO WEAPONS! Shoot them! Shoot them! WHY SHIELDS NO WORK? Faaahhhk I'm ded!"
Good god. I've been trying to watch "Lets Play" videos for FTL on youtube lately... people are so. very. stupid. Every single one of them started off by saying "Uhh ok so I have never played this before. Tutorial? Tutorials'r for FAGGITS, let's play! What is all this? Normal, cause that's how men play! GO! What is going on? what? what is this do? Jump! OMIGOHD I're be attacked! Pull ALL THE POWER FROM EVERYTHING AND PUT IT ALL TO WEAPONS! Shoot them! Shoot them! WHY SHIELDS NO WORK? Faaahhhk I'm ded!"

Then again he's the only youtuber I watch do Let's Plays.
Frankie... I don't know whether to hug you or curse you... I almost didn't come to work today because of this...

My first few tries, I let pride run the game, and started it on Normal. 'Twas not mere pride, indeed, but unrefined Hubris, and I paid the price (despite obtaining 7 crew members on the second attempt, I only made sector 4)

I'm still refining my strategies for sector-clearing, but it's obvious I'm going to have to be more aggressive...
I hope you're enjoying it. I haven't played it much since Pandaria has made me incoherent with frustration and the little bit of Torchlight 2 I've been bagging in.


Staff member
What always gets me are those stupid solar flare fights. Oh yes, I WOULD LIKE TO FIGHT OFF MANTIS BOARDERS WHILE MY MED BAY IS ON FIRE
Just unlocked the Zoltan cruiser on my most recent play-through.... the one where I had to start over because the damned Rebel mothership got TOO close to my fleet, because I HAD to repair... *sighs*
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