Krisken's art stuff, previously all 40k miniatures



Very awesome stuff! Makes me want to dust off my paints and keep at my Space Marine army!
I've been trying to scratch build a suitable bastion, but man, I really didn't think it out before hand, so it's just blocky and I'm still not as good at cutting straight lines as I'd like to be, even with guidelines drawn. I think its going to work, but I'm going to have to rethink it. I was doing a guide on it for this 40k site my friends and I have started within the last month, but as I got further into it, I think I got a little disappointed with it.
Krisken, I like your site and I think you do good work so you seem like the bloke to ask. What brushes do you recommend for painting 40K models? Does it make a difference if it's resin, plastic or metal? My friend who paints likes Citadel paints but I've heard that Vallejo is probably a better bet. Thoughts sir? I ask because I have recently become the owner of the Black Reach starter set and it seems fun.
Ok, moment of weakness (aka, really drunk). I have delved further into the photography of my miniatures and found my old images to be severely lacking.

Blog post on this discover can be found here.


Staff member
Krisken! Love that paint job. That the finecast model, or the old pewter one?

I've been into this pretty hard lately, renewing my Space Marine and Chaos Marine armies.

Heavily customized Master of the Forge...I got two of the same sprue in the pack, and didn't get the pack those servo arms connect to. Used some Necron bits to fill in the gaps.

Some Possessed that I'm working on building, all custom jobs.

The Dark Vengeance Hellbrute with added driver. The thing looks out of control, so once it's painted, I'm going to turn the staff into an electric prod and wrap him in chains, which will be held in the driver's fee hand.

And finally, a squad of bikers on hell steeds rather than bikes.

Thanks Ash, Zappit! Zappit, it's the old pewter model, and boy is it heavy! I was surprised by how heavy it is.

It's funny, I was always ok with the images as they appeared in that old crummy camera, but this makes a huge difference. I'm much happier to see the images show the model as it really is than the previous images.


Staff member
I got the pewter one years ago to turn into a Chaos Lord, can't even find the original head. It looks just as bad now as it did then.

But damn, was it an imposing model.

The photography is great, man. Clear as day.
Somehow I missed your images added to the post. They look fantastic! I love the guy riding the Hellbrute! Such great ideas here. Very much liking the custom jobs you've been putting out, sir!
Man, those customs are great. I'm still only assembling my Necrons. Haven't reached the painting stage yet. Will post some when I finally build the courage to do so.
I... I'm feeling weak... the new models are looking good, and I can't wait to see what the new Chaos Codex has in store for the game......

Man, I thought I was out...


Staff member
Lots of coverage on that in the DakkaDakka forums. Bikes got better. Infantry got cheaper with lots of options. Characters must issue and accept challenges as often as possible. Hellbrute replaces Dread. Demon Princes lost a lot. Cultists are now an option for any army. Cult troops seem okay, but Thousand Sons was left wanting, though Ahriman is now Mastery 4. Havocs a can get (not great) anti-air weapons. Warp Talons are pricey. Abaddon will fucking WRECK anything in his path. Lash of Submission is gone. Mutilators are unimpressive. Defilers suck. Chaos Marines can go up to initiative 5 at +1 point each.

I've got a big order for the new models coming in, and plan to convert a junky Predator to Chaos. Couldn't resist. Got a Warpsmith, Forgefiend, Raptors squad, and two Aspiring Champions coming in with the new Codex. I'm not even picking out a paint job until I see the changes to the armies. I do think I'm making a few more of those biker conversions, though.
Frank- Looking forward to seeing them!

I know it, OC. The Chaos Codex looks like a blast to play.

I'm loving the customization available, Zappit. I am wracking my brain to come up with a awesome Nurgle biker conversion which I can replicate over and over while having Plague Marine bikers, toughness 6 (WOW) fast attackers zipping around shooting things to pieces.

Right now I just have the Codex and Typhus ordered, but hopefully they will be arriving tomorrow (crosses fingers). There is just so much potential in this book, adding in some FW units (Blight Drones, here I come!). Oh, and of course I'll have an ally unit of Epidemius and Plaguebearers to go with him. The whole thing is Nurgleriffic.


Staff member
I think Plague horse might work. Just combine a Chaos Knights kit and a CSM kit. It's cheaper, gives you five of them, and a paint job could make them very sickly looking. Spots of Greenstuff could add to the effect. I've found it was a fairly quick and easy conversion, as the Marine torsos fit very well on the knight legs. Most people I talked to have no problem with using those as bikes. Actually, nobody has had a problem.
I think that's definitely do-able, but I was thinking of making some actual bikes of my own, perhaps some disgustingly pollutant monstrosities. Since I'd probably only have 5 or so, I think I could make 5 great, unique bikes, perhaps bulkier to represent their extra toughness.

This is not to say I don't dig your knights :) I think that was a great idea and love the way they look.
I'd wait on the Chaos models anyway. They're waiting for people to buy up current stuff before they release a whole new line of shit a little down the road.

I... I'm feeling weak... the new models are looking good, and I can't wait to see what the new Chaos Codex has in store for the game......

Man, I thought I was out...
Hopefully, none of the podcasts I listen to are too optimistic about them showing anytime soon. Though, I guess I question if these guys even like 40K most of the time. Almost all any of the them do is bitch and moan.


Staff member
Those are the worst types of fans, the ones who freak out over minor changes. Don't like something in a game that expands and updates? Wait for to go to the next update, or better yet, have your play group use the set of rules you all fell in love with. You can do that.

GW's making a push for customizing with this new des - not to the point of the fourth edition one, which was responsible for more, "whoops, not legal" lists than any other codex before it. I haven't read it yet, but I like what I'm hearing, and I'm going to give it a fair shot. They're just releasing a ton of new models, moving a bunch to finecast, (ugh...) and I do believe we'll see the next wave before long. This is the first dex specifically geared towards sixth edition, so they really want to make it work and support it.
That's why I like 11th Company- fairly positive podcast that doesn't get all whiny when things change. I listen to a few others as well, though probably not as religiously as that one. Galan's group has a good podcast if you are into juvenile humor with a smattering of 40k ;)
I think that's definitely do-able, but I was thinking of making some actual bikes of my own, perhaps some disgustingly pollutant monstrosities. Since I'd probably only have 5 or so, I think I could make 5 great, unique bikes, perhaps bulkier to represent their extra toughness.

This is not to say I don't dig your knights :) I think that was a great idea and love the way they look.
I see a bunch of wheeled choppers with fat tires, 3-4 giant exhaust pipes that reach reach up higher than the rider, and an oil leak coming out of the bottom of each bike. Maybe do a sidecar on one that looks like a barrel of toxic waste.
That's why I like 11th Company- fairly positive podcast that doesn't get all whiny when things change. I listen to a few others as well, though probably not as religiously as that one. Galan's group has a good podcast if you are into juvenile humor with a smattering of 40k ;)
See, I'm not a fan of them either. Most of them come of as blowhard guys who seem to think everything revolves around silly tournaments.[DOUBLEPOST=1349668415][/DOUBLEPOST]Ugh, listening to 40K Radio. They can't stop making fun of the spelling of Pterodactyl.

Uhhh the peterodactyl.

I can understand that Frank. I think I listen mostly for the interviews and the tactical terrain segment (which is probably the best they have).

Yeah, 40k radio... it's so sad what it has become. It was so awesome back in the day.[DOUBLEPOST=1349670101][/DOUBLEPOST]
I see a bunch of wheeled choppers with fat tires, 3-4 giant exhaust pipes that reach reach up higher than the rider, and an oil leak coming out of the bottom of each bike. Maybe do a sidecar on one that looks like a barrel of toxic waste.
That's how I envision it as well. Man, now I'm excited to make bikes! I better get some measurements on those things...


Man. These look awesome! Now, I want to get into Warhammer! Looks really cool.
Thanks Danne! If you do decide to get into the game, there are tons of resources out there to check out. I'll be happy to help by pointing you in the right directions if you want. :)


Staff member
The new Chaos codex is in my hands, along with a Forgefiend/Maulerfiend kit, a Raptors/Warp Talons kit, and a Warpsmith. The last one's finecast...the worst compound word in gaming. Expect reviews.
My experiences with finecast thus far have been uniformly terrible. My first Necron Overlord came out of the package with several broken parts. The next's staff was so unrepairably bent and cracked that he was deemed DOA too. I made a God damn custom one out of leftover Triarch Praetorian/Lychguard parts and Immortal/Deathmark parts (I also made a couple of crypteks this way too). I honestly never want anything finecast ever.


Staff member
Some initial impressions for the new codex.

The four Legions - Alpha, Word Bearers, Iron Warriors, and Night Lords have no special rules to make them unique, not even for the purpose of flavor. They're just another paint job.

Infantry is good. Cheap. You need a lord in order to access cultists, but you can get massive mobs cheap as hell.

The demon engines have ballistic and weapon skills of 3. They can regenerate HPs and have an invulnerable save. The Maulerfiend can move 12 and ignores difficult terrain. It really is anti-armor though, because it's basically a Dreanought.

Tzeentch is not so good. Slannesh is meh. Nurgle is good. Kohen e is solid.

The chaos boon table is nuts, with tons of good bonuses. Any character, even named ones, have a slim chance of turning into a Chaos Spawn. Or a Demon Prince.

Demon Princes are no longer worth it. No save at all unless you buy it. Upgrades are expensive, so a serviceable one eats up a ton of points. Too many.

Raptors, bikes, and Obliterators got better. Oblits are nuts now. Warp Talons have great weapons, can blind enemies coming in, and have jump packs. They lack assault grenades. Facepalm. I plan on expanding my bike squad and building some Raptors to create a massive assault spear to run with my Maulerfiend.

Terminators are slightly cheaper, with decent options.

The armory lacks artificer armor or invulnerable save items. Large squads accompanying characters are a must. The rule that forces characters to issue and accept challenges can add to survivability.

Edit -Aura of Darkness gives a 5+ invulnerable save.

Chosen have a load of options. Some pricier than others, but they look great to me.

There's a boatload of options here, with a seeming emphasis on either Black Legion or an original warband. Allies can make it even more interesting, but I'm going pure Chaos.

Hellbrutes are Dreads that can rage, and ignore crew shaken and stunned if they've already taken a hit. It's a dice roll to determine that, but they can be resilient buggers.

More information to follow.
My experiences with finecast thus far have been uniformly terrible. My first Necron Overlord came out of the package with several broken parts. The next's staff was so unrepairably bent and cracked that he was deemed DOA too. I made a God damn custom one out of leftover Triarch Praetorian/Lychguard parts and Immortal/Deathmark parts (I also made a couple of crypteks this way too). I honestly never want anything finecast ever.
That's horrible. I am ecstatic with the Finecast model I got (Tyhpus), though i admit it's the only one I've ever bought.

Some initial impressions for the new codex.

The four Legions - Alpha, Word Bearers, Iron Warriors, and Night Lords have no special rules to make them unique, not even for the purpose of flavor. They're just another paint job.

That is annoying, though to be fair you do unlock the elites and can take them as troops when the lord has the appropriate mark.

Infantry is good. Cheap. You need a lord in order to access cultists, but you can get massive mobs cheap as hell.

Yes, fantastic. Cultists are great, cheap Chaos Space Marines are great as well. Definitely a numbers game here.

The demon engines have ballistic and weapon skills of 3. They can regenerate HPs and have an invulnerable save. The Maulerfiend can move 12 and ignores difficult terrain. It really is anti-armor though, because it's basically a Dreanought.

I'm not big on the demon engines, but I can udnerstand why others like them. I see them potentially good, just not sure it will work in 6th.

Tzeentch is not so good. Slannesh is meh. Nurgle is good. Kohen e is solid.

I thought Tzeentch was ok though horribly expensive, Slaanesh is actually quite good as they have the best psychic power chart. Nurgle is fantastic. I'm not impressed with Khorn, but time will tell.

The chaos boon table is nuts, with tons of good bonuses. Any character, even named ones, have a slim chance of turning into a Chaos Spawn. Or a Demon Prince.


Demon Princes are no longer worth it. No save at all unless you buy it. Upgrades are expensive, so a serviceable one eats up a ton of points. Too many.

Yeah, they are teh suck. If you want a daemon prince, take one in your ally slot.

Raptors, bikes, and Obliterators got better. Oblits are nuts now. Warp Talons have great weapons, can blind enemies coming in, and have jump packs. They lack assault grenades. Facepalm. I plan on expanding my bike squad and building some Raptors to create a massive assault spear to run with my Maulerfiend.

Bikes and Oblits are fantastic. Taking a mark of Nurgle on the Oblits for just 6 more points is fantastic. Don't overlook Havocs either, I say. the Warp Talons are potentially good but good god, 6"? Really? Who the heck is going to deepstrike that close to a unit?

Terminators are slightly cheaper, with decent options.

Terminators are great again, of course.

The armory lacks artificer armor or invulnerable save items. Large squads accompanying characters are a must. The rule that forces characters to issue and accept challenges can add to survivability.

I find the rule to force characters to issue and accept challenges as a huge negative for the army. No one else will accept when it doesn't suit them, and will accept when it helps them best. Lets just say your cultist hero is the most stupidly brave character in the game.

Edit -Aura of Darkness gives a 5+ invulnerable save.

Chosen have a load of options. Some pricier than others, but they look great to me.

There's a boatload of options here, with a seeming emphasis on either Black Legion or an original warband. Allies can make it even more interesting, but I'm going pure Chaos.

Pure chaos is good, but might I suggest a couple Daemon units? Take one HQ, a troop, and then fill in with a large Screamer unit and a large Flamer unit. Those units are just fantastic.

Hellbrutes are Dreads that can rage, and ignore crew shaken and stunned if they've already taken a hit. It's a dice roll to determine that, but they can be resilient buggers.

More information to follow.
My own thoughts in red :)