Krisken's art stuff, previously all 40k miniatures

Thanks guys! It really looks better than the picture gives the impression of. I guess when you have it blown up 4x bigger than the actual size it's bound to look a little fuzzy!
Thanks OC! There's a lot to love about the model, tbh. The detail is immense and the number of rings/bracelets/fiddly bits makes this both a chore and a pleasure to work on.
I was thinking that since the gems will be painted green it will come together when I get to that step. I guess we'll have to wait and see till it's done!
very cool! (I always say the same)

I think the green staff would look better if there was something else green in the minature. Maybe in the sword, or some details in the clothes?

In any case, this marble look is very well done!
Egads, you're right SJ! I forgot to add the latest picture. I'm such a goober for forgetting to post this.


I know it isn't a perfect green translation, but I think it helps to add to the legitimacy of the staff. I may go green on the pouches, but in the past that has turned out less than stellar and I'm worried I might have to redo it.

If you'd like to see the progression one after another, you can view it on the blog. Just click the first picture and you'll be able to easily scroll through them.

I decided the sword would look great if it had the same general look as the staff. Hope I pulled it off so far!
Man, that's awesome. I just picked up paints, brushes, and some primer to start working on my CSMs. I've stripped a few of my Necrons, but those guys are likely going up on Craigslist, or maybe eBay, soon. I just can't justify having two large armies, especially in light of what I still need for my Necrons. Ugh.
Man, that's awesome. I just picked up paints, brushes, and some primer to start working on my CSMs. I've stripped a few of my Necrons, but those guys are likely going up on Craigslist, or maybe eBay, soon. I just can't justify having two large armies, especially in light of what I still need for my Necrons. Ugh.
That's a good call, really. Keep an eye out for the Chaos Legions book coming out sometime after 6th edition this summer :)
I'm too busy drooling...

Although, and not trying to be funny, does the blackness of his cape need highlights? It looks fantastic with the phoenix, but are there folds that need some depth added to them?
I'm too busy drooling...

Although, and not trying to be funny, does the blackness of his cape need highlights? It looks fantastic with the phoenix, but are there folds that need some depth added to them?
No, it's a good point. I'll do that today when I wake up (yay 3rd shift) or after I see Avengers. I will make it super subtle, though.
Got rid of the ' trading for Blood Angels. Two armies it is. Fortunately, the BA were mostly painted by someone who can paint well.
The converted Plaguebearers I'll be using to substitute as Flamers of Tzeentch for my all Nurgle army. Added wings because Flamers are Jump Troops and have extra movement value and the vomit represents the flame attack.
I think the wings look really out of place, due to the solid white color. Is there anyway you could make them more... transparent? Like a bug's? For instance, you might be able to do it by taking normal white poster board and rubbing some cooking grease/oil into it. Sort of like what happens to fast food containers when exposed to fatty grease from a burger.

Alternatively, make them a darker color, like a dark grey or light black.
I might steel the idea for those wings. I plan on making one of my Daemon Princes a Princess, pink and all. rather than demon wings, I want to give "her" pixie or butterfly wings...because it's funny.
I might steel the idea for those wings. I plan on making one of my Daemon Princes a Princess, pink and all. rather than demon wings, I want to give "her" pixie or butterfly wings...because it's funny.
hah, I did that a long time ago with a fantasy Dragon by giving it butterfly wings for a friend. It was pretty cool even way back then.