Krisken's art stuff, previously all 40k miniatures

I'm pleased that you like them so much OC. These Termies turned out better than i could have hoped, especially considering they were converted at the last minute (and without a proper plan in place).

A Terminator Chaplain would be a blast to put together and paint, for sure!
Ok, right now I'm doing something kinda special (and it's something I've never done before). I'm hoping that sometime tonight I'll have it finished and have a decent picture up so y'all can judge how I did.
As promised.

This is the custom banner for my 40k chapter The Pride of the Emperor. I wanted it to look like stained glass. Did I pull it off ok?
Thanks! Not felt, though. That's actually Vallejo paint which has been painted on note card paper which was treated with white glue on both sides.
Roughly 6 hours :)

Thanks OC! I'm hoping I can do more things like this now that I know how easy it is on flat surfaces (get image, print image, outline image with pencil, place on flat surface, rub for a while until it's on the paper/model, paint in the lines). Much easier than it looks.
I'm just now getting into 40k because of some friends. I'm not sure which army to build, but I did pick up a metal Chaos Daemon Prince and 5 Pink Horrors for $25. I've been leaning towards either basic Space Marines or Blood Angels.
You really can't go wrong with Space Marines. They have good stats and the army books are fairly balanced in the game. Blood Angels can be a little tricky as they look like they would own face on paper but the mech army seems to work better than the deep strike army.
I did play a three way 500 point game with my friends and played one of their Space Marines armies, which consisted of some scouts (with a rocket launcher), a HQ that could call down some kind of strike from space, and a regular unit of 10 soldiers that included a flame throwing and rocket launching duo in a Rhino (I'm still learning all of the terms). One friend played an Ork army and the other plays Grey Knights (and is switching to Dark Eldar).

Your painting is really, really good. I think the guy who's going to be playing Dark Eldar might be looking into the harlequins, so I'm going to point him to this thread.


Staff member
You really can't go wrong with Space Marines. They have good stats and the army books are fairly balanced in the game. Blood Angels can be a little tricky as they look like they would own face on paper but the mech army seems to work better than the deep strike army.
I played Blood Angels - they can be frustrating as hell. I had such poor luck with their "rage rule".
I did play a three way 500 point game with my friends and played one of their Space Marines armies, which consisted of some scouts (with a rocket launcher), a HQ that could call down some kind of strike from space, and a regular unit of 10 soldiers that included a flame throwing and rocket launching duo in a Rhino (I'm still learning all of the terms). One friend played an Ork army and the other plays Grey Knights (and is switching to Dark Eldar).

Your painting is really, really good. I think the guy who's going to be playing Dark Eldar might be looking into the harlequins, so I'm going to point him to this thread.
That HQ... I'm trying to remember if that is Marneas Calgar or someone else who pulls down that orbital strike. Nasty ability, for sure. I once turned that guy into a spawn using The Blue Scribes before he could do the bombardment. My friend was not pleased!

Thanks KCWM! I was really pushing on those Harlequins, especially the Shadowseer. I don't think I work quite as hard on the painting as I used to, but I am trying to work on my realism and do a better job with other techniques I'm not used to like battle damage, weathering, and more scenic items for basing.

I played Blood Angels - they can be frustrating as hell. I had such poor luck with their "rage rule".
You must have had Death Company. "Rage" can be a huge pain in the rump!
I believe it is a Space Marine "Chapter Master" character that can call down an orbital strike. Marneus Calgar by virtue of being the chapter master of the Ultramarines also has this ability.


Staff member
Dude. I just saw that you scratch-built those vehicles - I bow down to your modeling ability.


Staff member
The highlighting and shading turned out really well on that one.

And dude - I blame you for the Grey Knights I just picked up.
Thanks Zappit! I'm super stoked to get to repainting the army now that I have a color scheme worked out which is nicer than the cartoon look of the old ones.

Haha, awesome! Though to be sure I would never advocate buying Grey Knights :p (I have a huge Daemon army). You'll have to tell me how it works out for you!


Staff member
They have been fun as hell to assemble - especially the Termies. I've also hacked up a Chaos Lord and used some extra GK Terminator parts to make my Grand Master. (About as ironic as one can get in Warhammer, I suppose.) I'm thinking of taking a risk with the painting, though. I found an article on how to do non-metallic metal armor, and damn, it looked cool, and I think it would work on the Knights.

Oh, and Krisken, you ever see this 40K forum?

Pretty lively, and I think your scratchbuilt stuff would be the stuff of legend there.
With non-metal metal be sure to use a wet palette as it will make the blending much easier and the paint won't dry so fast. I do love the NMM look and much prefer it over the metallic paints (which I've been avoiding other than to show battle damage).

I've bookmarked the forum and will check it out tonight :)
So I ended up winning a small army of Necrons today on eBay. Some come painted, but I'm not too happy with the Destroyers I got. Here's the auction.

I think I got a pretty good deal and it looks like I'll have some for myself to paint.

Thoughts? I've been kind of interested in the Necrons, but this presented itself and I figured, why not?
Congrats KCWM! Hold onto those Scarab Swarms as they are making some waves with the new codex. I'm not very familiar with the new army so I would suggest checking on some of the forums for suggestions on building onto what you have when you get that far :)
Bah, I also ended up winning a Chaos Space Marine army too. Ugh. I think this one is a more complete army. I believe you have more experience with the CSMs, Krisken. Any suggestions on the new army I bought?

It looks like I still need transports for both, and they are expensive.

The nice thing is, I've sold two of the three items I had on Craigslist. If I can get this short scale bass sold, I will have bought both armies for nothing out of pocket.