Krisken's art stuff, previously all 40k miniatures

This is what my bases for the Daemon army will look like:

While I like the old school models for the horrors, I think I need to come up with a new idea for them. They just don't fit with the rest of the army (the flamers and such). I'm thinking of trying my hand at more sculpting, making floating balls of flames to use as Horrors of Tzeentch. I've seen eyeballs used, too. Any ideas?
Basically they are formless horrors and such. Since the Blue/Pink Horrors of old kinda look like goofy goblins with giant hands, i was thinking of making something that would better resemble that and fit in with the flamers better.
I'd do that, except put an eyeball behind the teeth.
hah, that would be neat.

I was thinking the balls of flame because they specialize in ranged attacks, something called warpfire.

Now I'm thinking of taking the old pink horrors (like 4 or so), cutting the arms and legs off so i'm just left with the body heads, and sculpting flames coming off the head. Then I'll have faces and flames. Maybe attach them to a metal rod to give the impression of floating.
I dunno... it's not bad (it's actually pretty good) but does it fit Tzeentch? When I think the Changer of Ways, I don't think "smiles". I think faceless monsters and the unimaginable.
Well, the smiley is actually from an old Pink Horror model.

I think once I get him floating and painted, the grinning won't seem so... um... happy?
You know, I'm not sure! I was going to paint them similar to the Flamers, but I'm not sure if I can pull that off at this point. I will have to think about that.
Well, the smiley is actually from an old Pink Horror model.

I think once I get him floating and painted, the grinning won't seem so... um... happy?
See, when I think Tzeentch, I think flamers: Faceless, featureless abominations. That's where the disconnect happened.
See, when I think Tzeentch, I think flamers: Faceless, featureless abominations. That's where the disconnect happened.
I absolutely understand that. In the second metal incarnation they were more formless (and in some cases twisting out of themselves). While those are my favorite, I wanted to use my older models with some modifications in this case. Focusing on the flame aspects of the army. I'll be repainting the chariots (and making actual chariots) and try to incorporate flames of some sort to keep the theme going.
I don't know how feasible this is (and even if it is, it may be more work than it's worth), but could you do a Ghostrider type thing? Some kind of translucent resin you can tint, or perhaps paint accents on?
It's probably doable, but not with the tools I have. I'd need a vacuum seal and 2 part injection set up to avoid air bubbles.

With a clear resin partially unpainted, I couldn't have a piece I can trim and work. It would have to come out perfect each time.

Those are the models I've painted recently.

Base for the upcoming chariot

For the Blue Scribes when I remake them.
Hey, how do you get that shimmer pattern on your swords? Every time I try, I get a god-awful mess. Yours, however, look like sex on toast.
You could try using a very fine square brush; using your finger to pull back on the bristles will get you a spray pattern. It won't be as controlled as an airbrush, but with some patience it could work. You might need to mix up some intermediate colors to get a good blend, though.
"I'm riding a disk pulled by a Screamer. Your argument is irrelevant. But it pleases Tzeentch that you're willing to try..."
Bolded fix :D

I hope that means you like it. I still have the second one to finish up, but it is almost done. Then I can paint all the ground tentacles and the 2k army will be completely painted and ready for battle.
Dammit... Screamer was what I had first written. *headwheel*

Yeah, it's fantastic work, sir... I loved how your Nurgle army turned out, and while I may not roll with Tzeentch, I can appreciate the stuff you're doing with these guys... your paintwork is, for lack of a better word, sublime.
Thanks Ash! I knew that if I couldn't pull off the Horror heads, the whole thing would be a wash. Luckily I had a well thought out plan going into it and knew that using a 2 part mold wouldn't look as good as 2 single part molds glued together.

Still need a better camera though!