Krisken's art stuff, previously all 40k miniatures

That's a dang impressive army. It's really rare to see someone actually finish painting a whole army and to do it as well as you have. I think the flamers are still my favorites.
I have to say that I don't think I could have gotten as far as I have or nearly as much as I have without all the support I have received from all of you. Whenever I get a comment or suggestion from you all, I feel energized to continue and complete each project. I strive to improve on my methods and models because of the great support you've all been so kind to offer me.

Again, thank you all for your support!
Been a while since I posted an image, so here we go. This is the completely built Predator (the other one looks like this as well).

Razorbacks are... what? Troop carriers with a Las-Cannon?
Razorbacks are basically Rhinos which carry up to 6 models and can have a turret of some kind. This one has a las cannon/twin linked plasma gun combo. They are a dedicated transport for the troops.
Yes sir, Blood Angels counts-as. With their assault units you get vehicles crazy cheap, and I really wanted to center on vehicles for this list as a way to keep the army fairly cheap.

1 Package of Terminators: $40
4 packages 5 Assault Marines: $18 each

2 Land Raiders, 3 Razorbacks, 2 Predators, built myself: $15-$20

Still need the Librarian and 4 models to convert into Apothecary/Sanguinary Priest (only model available are metal, to hell with that!). Will probably get a package of regular marines of some sort and convert them.
Still need the Librarian and 4 models to convert into Apothecary/Sanguinary Priest (only model available are metal, to hell with that!). Will probably get a package of regular marines of some sort and convert them.
Have you considered making your own? If you can borrow one from a friend, you can make a clay mold and then just make one out of resin or something.
My sculpting skills are pretty basic, really. Anything too detailed becomes kinda goofy when I try to make it. I'll probably stick with spending another $35 on a package of Marines and a Librarian.
Gah! Story of my life! I am still amazed that it brought people in, though. I guess some people just hope for tragedy.
So some slow progress on the scratch built Predator tanks so far.

I'm going to have to find a way to scrounge up the cash to get a Terminator Librarian and 4 Space Marines to turn into Sanguinary Priests. Until then I won't be able to play the army (though that might be a month away anyways).

I did get to play a game the other day with the Tzeentch army. It was a team game with 2k per player, and we only had 2 turns before I had to go to work. In a fit of desperation, the Blue Scribes deep struck 6" from Marneus Calgar and proceeded to force him to make a toughness test or become a gibbering spawn. The first test he passed, but they duplicated the power and he failed the second. All before he could call down his orbital strike!
These I just primed over as it was the first coat. I haven't noticed any loss of detail on these models as I tend to paint pretty thin coats.

The lion clawed Terminators were nice, but I discovered I wanted the Sanguinary Priests to be in Terminator armor, and to do that they had to be in Land Raiders.
Most impressive! I suck at painting and honestly prefer buying used models so I don't have to. You wouldn't happen to be for hire, would you?
Heh, all I've managed to do so far is prime my pieces on sprue (the weather has been poor for painting - humid and cold). Might paint my Sanguinary Guard this weekend, though. I was thinking of doing their wings in black, with a red leading edge.

Your tanks look pretty awesome. Why so much hate for the lascannon/plasma combination? Too effective?
Hehe, yeah, pretty much. It's the combo that everyone uses. I'm ok with using one or two of them without seeming like a WAAC buttmuch though.


Staff member
Krisken I think I've asked you this before but what do you use to take your pictures? I've been wanting to show off some of my latest work but I can't seem to get a good shot of them (I have a crappy camera).
My camera is crappy too. It's a Kodak EasyShare. Most of the time I use the macro setting without flash, but in the most recent on the site I used the flash.
Everything I've read seems to indicated use a solid white background ("fold a sheet of paper" seems to be the most common post on the subject, with regards to a backdrop), but I've never tried it myself, so I couldn't tell you how well it works.
Everything I've read seems to indicated use a solid white background ("fold a sheet of paper" seems to be the most common post on the subject, with regards to a backdrop), but I've never tried it myself, so I couldn't tell you how well it works.
A neutral background of some kind does work best. If there are background distractions the image may not focus where you want it to, leading to blurry photos. I've been going with a piece of felt draped over a background and across the desk to remove any distinction between under the model and behind the model. And yes, lots of light is good, but be careful of the source. If you can soften the lighting using a diffuser, you can remove some of the shadows that occur. Some great suggestions on materials for a soft box can be found here.

I do wish I had a nicer camera for picture taking. The colors never seem quite true to life and I can't seem to get it correct in the image programs.