Post your funny political/religious pictures here. Rather than the main thread. Please. For the children.
Here, I'll start you off:
As Gilgamesh is so fond of pointing out to me , if it's based on a lie or outright fallacy it's not funny.Is this the "Post funny poltical/religious pics" thread or is this the "Post funny political/religious pics with citations" thread?
I kid, I kid. Everyone knows everything should have a citation.
As Gilgamesh is so fond of pointing out to me , if it's based on a lie or outright fallacy it's not funny.
I'm glad that they clarified that DPS means deaths per second.
Excellent use of the McGurk effect.
Psychology nerd alert!Excellent use of the McGurk effect.
Takes one to know onePsychology nerd alert!
Let's see you and IronBrig4 in a fistfight. Do it! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHTThe UT case about Affirmative Action gave me this priceless quote today (I am a UT grad):
"A marginal candidate who gets rejected by UT can always enroll in ROTC at Texas A&M or Texas Tech" - Justice Samuel Alito
Suck it aggies.
reminder that in this instance that 2 means corporations paying for roads, police, fire fighters, and the following gem:How it feels to be a Libertarian, in one panel.
LP dot org said:We favor free-market banking, with unrestricted competition among banks and depository institutions of all types. Individuals engaged in voluntary exchange should be free to use as money any mutually agreeable commodity or item. We support a halt to inflationary monetary policies and unconstitutional legal tender laws.