Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats


Staff member
Turns out those 7.8% numbers also were based on one state not reporting its numbers for the week. That state? California. Hrmm.. think maybe that had something to do with the rate going down?
Ugh, what am I doing?

Gas, the source of your source quoted somebody but didn't provide proof of the quote. It's basically A linking to B saying C said something but not providing a link to C saying it.
If you spoil the surprise/the twist ending/the sudden revelation, it's a spoiler.
Except it's not, because ERBOH does it all the time. I get your point, but if your familiar with the series, it wouldn't have been surprising at all. I didn't mark it a spoiler because, to me, it wasn't a spoiler at all.
This just in - 7 year old says she supports the only presidential candidate she's heard of after late night talk show host tells her that the other guy doesn't like her. in other news, I have convinced my cousin's 7 year old to support Obama based on their agreement on the importance of Spider-Man.
This happens every time they need to do a levy here in the South Western City Schools district (the one my mother works for). It's basically the only way they can raise money for other things... and this was a district that suffered through split sessions for a year because no one was willing to pass a levy to build more schools.

Even then it only happened because it made practicing for extracurricular stuff a pain in the ass for everyone involved. You ether had to practice at 5 am, 7pm, or call off a class of the second session and do it from 1-2PM.
Remember when there was a national scandal and tons of outrage because some lazy asses hired by ACORN (which had no official tie to the Democrats) faked some voter registrations, which ACORN then flagged as most likely false before passing them along to the relevant government authorities as required by federal law in what should have been a complete non-story? How much do you want to bet that someone affiliated with an official contractor of the Republican Party actually attempting to illegally destroy voter registrations won't garner nearly as much attention?
Remember when there was a national scandal and tons of outrage because some lazy asses hired by ACORN (which had no official tie to the Democrats) faked some voter registrations, which ACORN then flagged as most likely false before passing them along to the relevant government authorities as required by federal law in what should have been a complete non-story? How much do you want to bet that someone affiliated with an official contractor of the Republican Party actually attempting to illegally destroy voter registrations won't garner nearly as much attention?
You're exactly right.


Staff member
Well, it's good the perpetrator has been arrested. I wonder how he decided which registrations to toss - from what I've heard, party affiliation isn't listed on the form, so was he just picking out names that "sounded" democrat?