Previous Stats (08/22):
Weight: 174.7 lb
BMI: 30.1
Body Fat: 38.6%
Stats as of 09/01:
Weight: 173.5 lb (-1.2 lb)
BMI: 29.6 (-.5, and moved from "obese" to "overweight")
Body Fat: 37.04% (-1.56%)
Stats as of 09/11:
Weight: 171.1lb (-3.6lb)
BMI: 29.2 (-.9)
Body Fat: 37.88% (-0.72%)
Stats as of 10/01:
Weight: 169.2lb (-5.5lb total)
BMI: 28.9 (-1.2 total)
Body Fat: 36.59% (-2.01% total)
Bummer that a lot of you are dropping out
I'm a few days late, but here's my progress for October:
Stats as of 11/01:
Weight: 162.5lb
(-12.2lb total)
BMI: 27.7
(-2.6 total)
Body Fat: 35.3%
(-3.3% total)
Aaand progress pictures (I also found some pretty gross pictures from my highest weight, which was about a year and a half ago, so I included those for funsies as well):
All in all, I'm really quite satisfied with my progress this month. I'm still not happy when I see myself in the mirror, but everything is definitely looking much tighter than a few months ago. My fat rolls on my stomach/waist are pretty much gone, and I'm even starting to show some muscle definition in my arms (which you can really see in the last picture) and stomach. I'd like to officially declare myself halfway there -- I still have about another 20-25lb to lose, but I very much doubt I'll be able to lose much more than that. I've been building a lot of muscle with my strength training, especially in my quads from derby and squats (115lb on the barbell as of tonight, woo hoo!), and I don't think I'll be able to lose more than another 10-15% body fat tops without starving myself, which I'm not willing to do. In case you haven't figured it out by the top few pictures, I kind of like food a lot.
Here's to November -- and hopefully being back in the 150s for the first time since my sophomore year of college.