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    Your analogy is flawed, though: we see houses being built and kitchens being created. We are not seeing God create new beings or new planets. Everything was already here so it's a bad analogy. With creationism, you're taking a while uneducated guess about what happened before our time. We...
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    Dragonquest IX sells 2.343 million copies in 2 days

    After having played 5646103578556456456779 of these JRPGs, I've grown sick of them. They are all too damn similar. Their control system, their story, the art style, combat style, menu style, sound style, dialog style, etc. Come on, it's been 20 years, SURELY you can come up with some *new*...
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    Ze british... zey don't like ze noize...

    Because she was the one making the noise? In any case, when I was at college, my neighbour was REALLY loud during sex as well. Waking up at 2am by the sound of sex with the whole wall shaking isn't fun, trust me. Some women just get a kick out of being very loud - but come on, be a bit...
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    French Tourist are worst in the world??

    You got to love those surveys :laughing: A few years ago, the worst tourists were Americans because they were rude, refused to speak the local language, arrogant and loud (positive: they tipped). Then the year after, it was the English. Why? Because they were rude, refused to speak the local...
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    F***ing Microsoft *updated*

    Mine got hit by lightning and only the network port was damaged. I didn't call them - simply filled out an online form, got a boxed mailed to me, put Xbox 360 in the box, got picked up the next day, got delivered back, fixed (they even put in an improved HDDVD drive) two days later. That's a...
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    Tales of Monkey Island

    Well I got faith in Telltale - their goal is to make the games fun and enjoyable to complete without throwing incredibly hard puzzles our way - as long as the games are not TOO easy (like Dreamfall's) I'm fine with it.