A co-worker's daughter just tested positive for Corona. So she's headed home now. I can't believe that we have to work from the office when practically all our work can be done from home. I literally manage servers 100 and 300 miles away.
Awww I just learned that she was still alive a couple of weeks ago.
State Side, we mostly remember Glenn Miller as the sound of WWII.
Basically if it weren't for Pink Floyd, I would not have recognized the song on Dr. Strangelove.
My mom's US representative is Louie Gomert. One of the worst people in Congress. But his office fixed my mother's Social Security mix up in a day. SSI basically said that my mom's $100 retirement check from Teachers' Retirement negated my late Dad's SSI benefits. She was losing thousands of...
Dammit, I hate search engines now. There was a great cringe moment where an English Beauty contestant said Churchill was black. "I see his statue nearly every day." Now I can't find it. Google Fu no longer works. I used to be able to find anything.
I am tired of this biblical weather.
My front yard. It hailed so hard that it went from 80 degrees or more down to about 50. With really thick fog. Seconds later it was too foggy to shoot anything. With blue skies above.