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  1. Baerdog

    Did you hear, you're losing patience with 10 hour campaigns...

    Yeah, Clerks. Seriously, it's the longest 92 minute movie ever.
  2. Baerdog

    Reason #6135 for why Hollywood should be nuked from orbit

    This is the industry I'm going into. :facepalm:
  3. Baerdog

    Games on SALE!

  4. Baerdog

    Games on SALE!

    I just want to add that I'm fucking hooked on this game and wish I'd gotten it sooner. It's one of the few games where I actually want to go around collecting all the secret things in between beating up bad guys. Also, beating up bad guys as Batman is hella fun. Can't wait for the sequel.
  5. Baerdog

    Games on SALE!

    The sale and the new Arkham City trailer was the motivation I needed to finally pick up Arkham Asylum.
  6. Baerdog

    Minor victory thread

    You feel those feelings. Feel them!
  7. Baerdog

    not so serious but I want to rant II: Redemption

    At least it's not Sturgis.
  8. Baerdog


    Just got back from LA where it was balmy 70s-80s during the day and mid 60s at night. Perfect.
  9. Baerdog


    It's so hot it looks like Dali painted my yard.
  10. Baerdog

    EVE Online

    Those bitches. Let's wreck their shit.
  11. Baerdog

    By your power combined, i am a live action mullet...

    I'd like to see Kurt Russel's mullet play Captain Planet.
  12. Baerdog

    Rant VII: Now With 25% Less Drama

    "No, really officer I can explain. I was going to show it to some people on the internet..."
  13. Baerdog

    Your state is not a state and never has been.

    It's a name that just rolls off of the tongue.
  14. Baerdog

    [Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

    Oh god, I need this crossover.
  15. Baerdog

    not so serious but I want to rant II: Redemption

    I think it's time for a dance-off. Maybe with pants off.
  16. Baerdog

    Rant VII: Now With 25% Less Drama

    Dear Internal Affairs, I am writing to complain about one Officer Charon. Despite all the calls I make to get him to come to my house, he has adamantly refused all of my sexy advances. I mean what good is this police department if its officer can't even do a little strip search now and then...
  17. Baerdog

    Did you know...

    That's pretty slick and it's good to know that there was an actual reason behind it instead of overblown rock star ego.
  18. Baerdog

    The EPIC WIN Thread 3: SON OF EPIC

    It's true, that's why I need to buy a new car. One that can make the trip back and forth from Phoenix a bit more reliably than my current car can anymore.