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  1. Baerdog

    Finally moving out of my parents house

    A 5-6 hour drive up the Spanish coast would be beautiful.
  2. Baerdog

    Finally moving out of my parents house

    Oh man we could have had cr-aaaaazy Spanish parties if you and Tegid were already in your new place when I was visiting Denbrought.
  3. Baerdog

    Finally moving out of my parents house

    I too am moving out in a monthish, makare. We should team up and steal Poe's thunder.
  4. Baerdog

    Finally moving out of my parents house

    Poe's gonna have the fliest bachelor pad in the whole swamp.
  5. Baerdog

    Who wants... to live... forever???

    It's still probably not enough dakka.
  6. Baerdog

    Who wants... to live... forever???

    I iz ready!
  7. Baerdog

    Minor victory thread

    No worries, I had tons of bread and dumplings too. Also, I had to look that up. Diverticulitis does not sound muy divertido.
  8. Baerdog

    Proposing? That's nothing! Time Ask Permission From Her Fathers!

    It's Belgium's run of the mill pale lager. It's not bad, but it's not excellent either.
  9. Baerdog

    Who wants... to live... forever???

    You is aksing for a crumpin'! WAAAAAAAAGH!!!
  10. Baerdog

    Who wants... to live... forever???

    Be gone with you, Imperial dog.
  11. Baerdog

    not so serious but I want to rant II: Redemption

    It might just be a blown fuse. Or at least, I really hope that's all it is.
  12. Baerdog

    New Adam Sandler Movie.

    Funny People was excellent.
  13. Baerdog

    not so serious but I want to rant II: Redemption

    It's over 100 degrees out and the AC in my car stopped working.
  14. Baerdog

    EVE Online

    That's not bad at all.
  15. Baerdog

    Minor victory thread

    That...that is one of the most clever puns I've seen in a long time. The picture is neat too.
  16. Baerdog

    EVE Online

    How much does one of those puppies run?
  17. Baerdog

    EVE Online

    Hey Necro, what are your characters' names again?
  18. Baerdog

    [Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

    That's alright, it always gets knocked off in the movies anyway.
  19. Baerdog

    Who wants... to live... forever???

    Pssh, 20 years on a machine is nothing.
  20. Baerdog

    EVE Online

    Well that's the least of my problems right now. At the moment the only thing that happens when I open EvE is a nice pretty black screen and the background music for the login screen. Edit: Nevermind, I fixed it. Deleting and reinstalling the client did the trick. Rick Baern is back in the black!