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  1. Vagabond

    Gone, But Not Forgotten?

    I miss Thread Necromancer. Cool guy with shit luck.
  2. Vagabond

    Any want some Halbucks? (all gone)

    Any want some Halbucks? As soon as I get off of work.
  3. Vagabond

    MS Paint Adventures

    When I first viewed the bed, my first thought was sacrificial runes. And now look at where we are. Vriska is seriously 8 steps ahead of everyone else.
  4. Vagabond

    MS Paint Adventures

    Shit just got for real real, damn.
  5. Vagabond

    Tron : Discuss! (spoiler here be!)

    I've seen it. I want to see it again.
  6. Vagabond

    Minor victory thread

    Just got back from a free screening of Tron : Legacy. In IMAX 3D. Never thought this level of happy was attainable.
  7. Vagabond

    Gone, But Not Forgotten?

    The Lagonda really added a touch of class.
  8. Vagabond

    not so serious but I want to rant II: Redemption

    You would bring color into this wouldn't you? Wouldn't you.
  9. Vagabond

    not so serious but I want to rant II: Redemption

    Damn it Bear why do you always want to duel so early? Why? You know it goes against my minority code of ethics.
  10. Vagabond

    not so serious but I want to rant II: Redemption

    But I'm the one receiving mail this time. Not that makare's statement is any less true because of that.
  11. Vagabond

    not so serious but I want to rant II: Redemption

    UPS lost my order. Via the USPS. The fuck did that even happen, I ask.
  12. Vagabond

    Pirates of Caribbean: On Stranger Tides trailer

    I love this series, I really do. No idea what's going on plot wise anymore but that hardly even matters.
  13. Vagabond

    [TV] Community

  14. Vagabond

    Gone, But Not Forgotten?

    None of these answers are Chippy what is wrong with you people.
  15. Vagabond

    Why Young People Suck and Old People Rule

    So what you are saying is that old people literally rule.
  16. Vagabond


  17. Vagabond


    The airspace near the White House is oddly clear most of the time.
  18. Vagabond


    Ah yes, that's how most people who work in the city do it. You get a lot more for house your money in VA, generally. The only downside is the commute. And it's a huge downside.
  19. Vagabond


    Stay far away from Southeast, if you want to live.