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  1. Allen who is Quiet

    Whose got a crush on a fellow forumite here?

    I'm flattered, but no thanks.
  2. Allen who is Quiet

    animated avs

    If avatars get animated, I'm switching to the seizure-inducing frog.
  3. Allen who is Quiet

    [Webcomic] Hark! A Vagrant

    More book covers
  4. Allen who is Quiet

    [Question] So, I don't play Skyrim.

    You're fine. It's just a game. Liking or disliking it doesn't mean a thing, and if somebody thinks or pretends to think it does, they're a bad person.
  5. Allen who is Quiet

    MS Paint Adventures

    Jane: Back to the window!
  6. Allen who is Quiet

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    No, I need a gun. I'm hoping OC will let me borrow his. And some mutated anthrax. For "duck hunting".
  7. Allen who is Quiet

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    OC, give me your badge and your gun.
  8. Allen who is Quiet


    ._. Juice, you really are passionate about angry looking emoticons when you're drunk.
  9. Allen who is Quiet


    Or would you rather hear it from me? I can make up all sorts of fictional, juicy details
  10. Allen who is Quiet

    [Question] There's something outside my window here at work.

    Ask people on the internet for ideas about what you can do about this.
  11. Allen who is Quiet

    [Question] There's something outside my window here at work.

    Take a picture of it, and post it to r/pics with the title "Look at what's outside my office window"
  12. Allen who is Quiet

    [Question] What is your favorite Christmas song?

    GenSpec is right. All Christmas music is equally awful, but some are more equally awful than others.
  13. Allen who is Quiet

    Steam Has Been Hacked

    I think ejaculating is completely the wrong reaction to finding out about Steam getting hacked.
  14. Allen who is Quiet

    [Webcomic] Webcomic Appreciation Jamboree
  15. Allen who is Quiet


    School. Chronic medical condition. That's about it.
  16. Allen who is Quiet

    [Important] North_Ranger's Wacky Tumor Thread

    I'm sorry toolazytosignin, but I'm not really picking up what you're putting down. :/