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  1. Gurpel

    Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (On Hiatus)

    Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! -1 for Jay too, I guess?
  2. Gurpel

    Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (On Hiatus)

    Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! Thats a problem, I can't be two people. Damn my inability to reproduce asexually...
  3. Gurpel

    Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (On Hiatus)

    Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! If theres an open spot, could I play?
  4. Gurpel

    Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (On Hiatus)

    Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! Oh hey guys how you doing. I guess I probably missed some stuff. Kill that lich yet?
  5. Gurpel

    Hey remember me?

    Coincidentally, I'm banned from so many places that I have the opposite problem... hmmm... we should start a crimefighting initiative with our respective superpowers. I was really, really, irrationally mad about Lady Gaga and how she was mainstream, or something. is my soul still trapped...
  6. Gurpel

    Hey remember me?

    I did a google on my handle recently and realised I was still registered here, which made me think "hey didn't I ragequit those forums like a complete asshole?" (I did) To recap, I frequented these forums about a year ago, I guess, and generally spent my time being argumentative and...
  7. Gurpel

    Lady Gaga is amazing.

    yeah that sure is the kind of music i like ******. why dont you go feel superior about movies or something that takes your mind off how useless you are.
  8. Gurpel

    Lady Gaga is amazing.

    oh man you are just so dumb. good job threatening me on the internet, tough guy. suck a dick.
  9. Gurpel

    Lady Gaga is amazing.

    wow looks like saying "death metal" in a thread about mtv pop was a bad idea. whatever. first of all, just because stefani is capable of producing on her own the same kind of shit that britney spears needed a team for doesnt make her a good artist, and furthermore, i feel i am ENTIRELY...
  10. Gurpel

    Lady Gaga is amazing.

    hey i hate death metal but if i am permanently deaf i will never have to listen to poker face again. EDIT actually wait are you think mainstream pop doesnt all sound the same because if so i will break into your house and crucify your dog.
  11. Gurpel

    Lady Gaga is amazing.

    yeah, no no this. if she's out to make a statement, well, she isn't doing a very good job of it. the "oversexualised pop" she does, which you laud as making the unwashed masses feel bad that they like it or some shit like that has, big surprise, been around since at least britney spears...
  12. Gurpel

    Google Wave - Halforums members and invites

    i'd kind of like an invite...
  13. Gurpel

    Lady Gaga is amazing.

    >:| no, there isn't. joshua bell playing his stradivarius in a subway is rebellious. lady gaga autotuning her voice and showing a lot of tits in an effort to make money off of stupid people is not rebellious.
  14. Gurpel

    Space Jam

  15. Gurpel

    Ukulele Lady

    c-c-c-combo breaker. irc is that way btw
  16. Gurpel

    Dark Thing Lite

    oh. so, uh, what am i going to do with this 1000 dissertation entitled "Dark thing lite: our generation's greatest masterpiece"?
  17. Gurpel

    Can I has bawww thread now?

    1. how clear did you make it that you weren't going to continue dating the bf? 2. you are 100% sure about that mutual understanding, right? like, 100 percent sure?
  18. Gurpel

    Dragon Age: Origins - It's out, bitches!

    hey, i said that i found it hackneyed, not that i wasnt completely addicted to it. v:)v
  19. Gurpel

    Picked up my first nerf gun today

    yeah i bet they really compliment the 22 well seeing as they are of equivalent power.
  20. Gurpel

    Dragon Age: Origins - It's out, bitches!

    immediately after the battle you will once again be fighting bandits in the wilderness. the entire plot/dialogue of this game eats a dick. lets run down the checklist: -Predictable plot twists. -Half assed voice acting. -Facial expressions/voices/opinions change immediately and...