Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!
Alright wait. Are you guys serious about thinking that Im offended by something? ...because I'm not. The post "and? your point?" was a joke. I cant tell if it actually flew over your guys' heads or if you were being sarcastic. The same thing goes for "i like the creative...
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!
i don't see your point.
edit: i read adia's story. i really enjoyed the creative imagery you used to insult me : |
that said, i guess it's only natural that adia and kratash are at odds. we have opposite wisdom/int scores, not to mention opposite alignments >.>
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!
OH LOOK AT THAT it's weekly "complain about gurpel" time.
1. i didnt take too much time rolling. the one time my turn took more than 20 seconds it was because i was deciding what to do.
2. i talked over someone (on purpose) once. i'm sorry my shitty internet connection...
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!
merchants in dnd would probably pay a hedge wizard to ward their shop against illusion magic a to prevent fake money and b to prevent fake items.
you. are. so. dense.
anyway, i have the original release discs, but there are 2 problems i guess;
1. they're version 1.0 (or whatever the release version was) will this be alright?
2. i havent tried them yet, and they might be scratched. in any case, i would like to not say that i may or may...
well, if i weren't taking damage, someone else would be. the rest is just bad rolls. in fact, the worst i've ever been, 4 hp, was when i stuck to the plan, stayed calm, and didn't run in.
as for serin, actually, i've never seen her take damage.
i think you need a specific feat to fight on horseback, actually, but mounted combat does sound cool. i might look into that for level 3.
bird riding is awesome. ... rodeo.html
if it takes you 4 hours to get lvl 5 then (speaking as someone who has leveled in all the start zones) it's just lack of practice. :P
however, they have bumped the exp rate. it just kicks in at lvl 20, is all.
here are some tips:
1. get questhelper. not having to dick around with finding...
Heh, I took a total of one hit that entire time. If the force blast had hit me I would have been at 4 hp, but thanks to my reflex save it didnt and i wasn't