Gruebeard's D&D Game

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Staff member
Hey. I am a busy, busy man. I have so much stuff I have to d-

*busts into laughter* Sorry, couldn't keep it up.

Yeah I'm just lazy. I'll get around to it. I feel more invested in writing for Shawn's game, for some reason..


Staff member
I'll try to be there, but it's storming, satellite internet, yadda yadda, you guys know the drill.

As hard as it's raining, I'm surprised I'm still connected honestly.

Kitty Sinatra

One question for y'all.

I wasn't paying any attention whatsoever to how how badly hurt you were getting. Did anyone feel like they were close to dropping?


Boy I sure need better luck with my attack rolls. :bush:

I fell down fairly low a couple times, then got whispered something about brass balls each time and healed right up.
Heh, I took a total of one hit that entire time. If the force blast had hit me I would have been at 4 hp, but thanks to my reflex save it didnt and i wasn't


Staff member
Out of curiosity, did the bears pose any threat or have anything interesting for them? Did I kill poor helpless little bears?


Staff member
I have a question about charges-- I'm choosing the Barbarian Utility "Combat Sprint" which is an Encounter ability that allows me to move my speed (6) + 4 as a movement action. I don't see why it couldn't be, but could this be used as the movement action for a charge?

I'm looking forward to this ability, as both of our encounters today started out with me being unable to reach the enemies in the first turn.

Also, why would anyone pick the other barbarian utilities? Ever? One is a Daily that gains you Temp. HP equal to half your level + your Con. modifier. (4 total for me). Who could want this, when there's an At-Will that gets you (CON mod) Temp HP when you hit with it, and a Daily power that gives you Temp HP equal to your STR mod? I guess if you don't have those, fine, but still. Furthermore, you get your CON mod Temp HP when you reduce an enemy to 0 HP. Plenty of alternatives.

And then there's Stone Breaker, which is a +5 to STR checks against breaking objects, and you do double damage against objects. Big whoop. I've yet to need anything like this.


Staff member
Here's my Level 2 Char. Sheet

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&DI Character Builder ======
Jarek, level 2
Minotaur, Barbarian
Feral Might: Rageblood Vigor

Str 20, Con 16, Dex 10, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 10.

Str 18, Con 14, Dex 10, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 10.

AC: 15 Fort: 18 Reflex: 12 Will: 11
HP: 37 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 9

Perception +8, Athletics +10, Nature +8, Dungeoneering +7

Acrobatics, Arcana, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Endurance +3, Heal +1, History, Insight +1, Intimidate +1, Religion, Stealth, Streetwise +1, Thievery

User Choice: Skill Training (Dungeoneering)
Level 1: Powerful Charge
Level 2: Improved Rageblood Vigor

Barbarian at-will 1: Pressing Strike
Barbarian at-will 1: Howling Strike
Barbarian encounter 1: Great Cleave
Barbarian daily 1: Macetail's Rage
Barbarian utility 2: Combat Sprint

Adventurer's Kit, Greataxe, Hide Armor, Climber's Kit, Lantern, Oil (1 pint) (3), Potion of Healing (heroic tier), Chain (10 ft.)
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&DI Character Builder ======

Now to update all my macros. Wee!

Kitty Sinatra

Gurpel said:
Heh, I took a total of one hit that entire time.
Yeah, that was in large part because of your successful stealthing that led to ambushing the ambushers.

And no, doom. The bears were not a threat. I had placed them there with the thought that y'all might take them as pets if you didn't kill 'em.


doomdragon6 said:
Also, why would anyone pick the other barbarian utilities? Ever? One is a Daily that gains you Temp. HP equal to half your level + your Con. modifier. (4 total for me). Who could want this, when there's an At-Will that gets you (CON mod) Temp HP when you hit with it, and a Daily power that gives you Temp HP equal to your STR mod? I guess if you don't have those, fine, but still. Furthermore, you get your CON mod Temp HP when you reduce an enemy to 0 HP. Plenty of alternatives.
I browsed the available abilities for Fighters and a lot of them seems like they were pretty much worthless and/or likely to only be used once or twice.. ever. Take, for example, my ability 'Footwork Lure'. It sounded useful, but I've tried to find ways to use it and haven't seen a single one, yet. Perhaps I can use it to setup a Cleave, but I'd probably miss anyway x.x

Basically, I figured that they were things that become useful once you've reached a fairly high level and can be combo'd with other things that aren't available yet, kind of like talents in WoW that benefit 3 things, only one of which you actually have when you can get the talent, so it's pretty much crap at that stage, but later on it's uber.

We'll see, I guess.

-- Wed Jun 03, 2009 2:23 am --

Character Sheet for lvl 2

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&DI Character Builder ======
Odan, level 2
Dwarf, Fighter
Build: Great Weapon Fighter
Fighter Talents: Two-handed Weapon Talent

Str 18, Con 16, Dex 10, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 8.

Str 18, Con 14, Dex 10, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8.

AC: 18 Fort: 17 Reflex: 11 Will: 12
HP: 42 Surges: 12 Surge Value: 10

Athletics +10, Heal +7, Intimidate +5, Endurance +11

Acrobatics +1, Arcana +1, Bluff, Diplomacy, Dungeoneering +4, History +1, Insight +2, Nature +2, Perception +2, Religion +1, Stealth +1, Streetwise, Thievery +1

User Choice: Skill Training (Endurance)
Level 1: Dwarven Weapon Training
Level 2: Toughness

Fighter at-will 1: Cleave
Fighter at-will 1: Footwork Lure
Fighter encounter 1: Spinning Sweep
Fighter daily 1: Brute Strike
Fighter utility 2: No Opening

Adventurer's Kit, Ale, Pitcher (2), Greataxe, Scale Armor, Torch, Wine, Bottle, Potion of Healing (heroic tier)
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&DI Character Builder ======

Dayum! 42 HP! Try to kill me now, bitches!

Kitty Sinatra

I haven't seen many level 2 utility powers in any class that look appealing.


Gruebeard said:
I haven't seen many level 2 utility powers in any class that look appealing.
I'm liking the look of my 'No Opening' as it's an Immediate Interrupt to any attacks of opportunity I give opponents, so I can move around more without getting smacked around for doing so.
I know the cleric ones are pretty useful. As for wizards, the are all around average (but not completely useless) except for one, which is awesomesauce.
Gruebeard said:
And no, doom. The bears were not a threat. I had placed them there with the thought that y'all might take them as pets if you didn't kill 'em.
We can at least make a nice wallet.

Kitty Sinatra

Pojodan said:
Gruebeard said:
I haven't seen many level 2 utility powers in any class that look appealing.
I'm liking the look of my 'No Opening' as it's an Immediate Interrupt to any attacks of opportunity I give opponents, so I can move around more without getting smacked around for doing so.
That's not at all what No Opening in the Players Handbook does. It cancels out an enemy's Combat Advantage, so they get no benefit from flanking you or for you being prone for example, and perhaps most importantly they can't make that attack a Sneak Attack against you.

It's a solid sounding utility power, as it's essentially a +2 to AC against an attack. Add in the Sneak Attack cancelling and it's excellent.

Or is there another No Opening power?


Staff member
Dammit! I killed potential pets!! Damn you failed insight check!!

Also, damn my wanting to hit as many things as I can.


Gruebeard said:
Pojodan said:
Gruebeard said:
I haven't seen many level 2 utility powers in any class that look appealing.
I'm liking the look of my 'No Opening' as it's an Immediate Interrupt to any attacks of opportunity I give opponents, so I can move around more without getting smacked around for doing so.
That's not at all what No Opening in the Players Handbook does. It cancels out an enemy's Combat Advantage, so they get no benefit from flanking you or for you being prone for example, and perhaps most importantly they can't make that attack a Sneak Attack against you.

It's a solid sounding utility power, as it's essentially a +2 to AC against an attack. Add in the Sneak Attack cancelling and it's excellent.

Or is there another No Opening power?
Well, the skill on my combat sheet basically states that anytime an enemy gains combat advantage against me, I can cancel it, once per encounter.

Kitty Sinatra

yeah, combat advantage and opportunity attacks aren't related.

If you have Combat Advantage over someone you gain a bonus to attack. This comes from flanking, from the opponent being blind, prone or something like that

Opportunity Attacks: When you move, make a ranged or area attack or perform certain other actions, enemies adjacent to you can make melee basic attack against you as you are considered to have dropped your guard against them.


Gruebeard said:
yeah, combat advantage and opportunity attacks aren't related.

If you have Combat Advantage over someone you gain a bonus to attack. This comes from flanking, from the opponent being blind, prone or something like that

Opportunity Attacks: When you move, make a ranged or area attack or perform certain other actions, enemies adjacent to you can make melee basic attack against you as you are considered to have dropped your guard against them.
Ah, gotcha.

Not was I thought it was, but still useful.
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