Search results

  1. ElJuski

    Quotes You Say All The Time

    What are the pop-culture quotes you find useful in day to day life? Pretty sure most of mine are from The Simpsons: "Abortions for some, miniature American flags for everyone!" "Boo-urns" "Me fail english? That's unpossible!" "Everything's coming up Milhouse!" although several...
  2. ElJuski

    hey gusto

  3. ElJuski

    The Tweet Thread

    Post great tweets in your feed.
  4. ElJuski

    Patton Oswalt, being all creepy and shit

    This is making the internet rounds. Observe, class: WHY IS THE BIG MAN STANDING ABSOLUTELY STILL, DADDY
  5. ElJuski

    [Music] The Mix Thread

    Drop your mix CDs, artwork, etc in this here thread. I just made two for a sweet lil' DC chickadee, both pretty hipster as fuck, but one more indie and the other more pop-py. Obsoive: Bitches and Britches-- "Sexy Boy" - Air "Two Weeks" - Grizzly Bear "Sunlight" - Harlem Shakes "Smile (Mark...
  6. ElJuski

    Trade Station

    Let's have a thread for interesting trades. For instance, I recently bought a 100 pack of Memorex DVD-Rs when I CLEARLY wanted CD-Rs. Anybody willing to trade something for that? Post all other WTB/WTS trades, cool? Cool. Cool cool cool.
  7. ElJuski

    [Announcement] Poor As F*ck

    Help me on my newest get-rich-scheme venture, Poor As Fuck, the Texts From Last Night of weird, ghetto, potentially unsavory and most never classy things you've done to save a buck or two. You guys get to see the ground floor action, but I need to get the word out to snag more submissions...
  8. ElJuski


    What the fuck's up with you guys these days? Babies, weddings, sex changes, puppies, some like video games or some shit?
  9. ElJuski


    Hey snatchbandits, Love in the Time of Sausage has been back online and running some sexy english education with a side of pizzazz. So give me ad revenue.
  10. ElJuski

    Any of you goons want a 20GB 360 Hard drive? (OOH, and a DVD-R too!)

    Old 360 went to the great electronics craphole in the sky, and I managed to get a new 360 for the holidays (squee!). So, anybody want the hard drive off of the old 360? 20GB, and it, uh, does whatever it is 360 hard drives do, except I held it in my hands, so it's that much better. Also, I...
  11. ElJuski

    A Puzzle (No Googling, failurefriends)

    A man is walking down the street when he passes by a restaraunt offering a special on turtle soup. He goes inside, tastes the soup. He goes home and kills himself. Why? You may only ask yes or no questions.
  12. ElJuski

    Fight For This Present I Will Give You

    No doubt this will fail hard, but I'm bored, and here goes: Only one of you can win. You can do whatever you can to try and win my favor and therefore win this gift. Gift is Undisclosed.
  13. ElJuski

    Yo, dogg. Unsubscribing Threads

    Probably a huge dumb question, but my subscription list for threads is massive, including really old locked threads, etc. I keep trying to just unscubscribe from everything and rock a fresh start...but it keeps saying it can't do that. What am I doing wrong? I don't want to click each one...
  14. ElJuski


    Folks. 6 Japanese Subcultures That Are Insane (Even for Japan) |
  15. ElJuski

    Fat WoW Girl Makin' Threats on da Webzz

    WOW Gangsta Threatens Ex-Guildies*Video I love when she gets all karate ---------- Post added at 03:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:45 PM ---------- oh and yeah, NSFW. SHE HAS A DIRTY MOUTH :(
  16. ElJuski


    Robert Pattinson related to Dracula OHHH JESUS
  17. ElJuski

    I need your questions about sex.

    Start asking all the questions about sex that you want. Be as real or as absurd as you want. Coming soon, my friend and resident Sex Book Champion C.M.Habber will be taking over the website to promote his own passion-- D.I.Y. Harlequin Romance novels and answering questions about people's...
  18. ElJuski

    Barry Catchem's Pokeadventure

    Gonna make this worse and worse until I get a cease and desist: (Allen, you're beautiful for getting this brainchild cracking).
  19. ElJuski

    Poke-Team go!

    Playing Pokemon Blue. Assemble my team, assholes. Though right now I'm rolling p.dirty: ~Alakazam ~Hypno ~Mr. Mime ~Dewgong ~Lapras ~Jynx
  20. ElJuski

    Since there's been obvious wondering...

    I don't have internet access at home, and therefore production of LITTOS has kind of stopped. Considering various options...and there are going to be changes to the content of the site. I just haven't figured it out yet. Scheduled cartoons about blowjays to follow.