Search results

  1. ElJuski

    AV Club;s 2009 Band Names

    Every year it's always a fucking riot. Here you go!,36204/1/ For the record, my favorite is Retarded Muppet Farm.
  2. ElJuski

    Yo, DVD movie creating / burning help

    Yo, Halforums, its been a while. How have you guys been? Geez it's felt like forever. But seriously--my brother collected our family movies and a bunch of pics and made an awesome hour long family video. It's broken up into a shitload of more manageable chapters (I think 25). Now, for...
  3. ElJuski

    Hate On: Best Albums of the Decade! Now it's time for Halforums to get it's HATE ON!...not to mention drop their own best CD's lists. HATE AND DISCUSS AND LOVE AND HATE AND OH FUCK!
  4. ElJuski

    Stupid Wireless ~___~

    Last Thursday I had to reformat my computer, and now I can't get back onto my wireless network. The router and the cable box seem to be working (the roomate's comps are all on the internet fine), and I have my wireless USB thing installed. When I try to connect to the network, the error that...
  5. ElJuski

    Jason Segel is a sweet, endowed man.

    And yes, apparently that is his real number.
  6. ElJuski


    The Pixies are playing tonight. GUESS WHO HAS TIX YOURE SO PRETTY WHEN YOURE UNFAITHFUL TO MEEEEE ---------- Post added at 04:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:01 PM ---------- I hope tonight doesn't end with me getting a BROKEN FACE UHHHUH UHHHUH UHHHUH OOOH ---------- Post...
  7. ElJuski

    Them Crooked Vultures

    ---------- Post added at 06:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:38 AM ---------- ---------- Post added at 06:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:53 AM ----------
  8. ElJuski

    Black Wednesday

    So whose passing out / where this year? I think it's going to be a randy ol' time at my favorite dive bar. This year I hope not to wake up in the middle of the afterhours party screaming about how awesome Paul Rudd is. I fell over and stuck my hands in two (2) bowls of dip that year. At the...
  9. ElJuski

    More ideas: things to make me RAGE

    Further blogging ideas--this time at your fun, at my expense. This idea I'm pursuing revolves around the idea that people will make me watch really stupid, insipid, aggravating things. The result of my pain, misery and rage will be entertaining. SO, if you think this idea may hold water...
  10. ElJuski


    Give my buddies some lovin'
  11. ElJuski

    Make "BEST OF 00s" List Ideas For Me

    So, the majority of you don't know this, but I'm working on building a personal creativity / vanity site over at [WELL I CAN'T TELL YOU JUST NOW, CAN I, but...remember those awesome cartoon doodles I did?)] And, since I really love this site, and even MORE importantly, the ad revenue from you...
  12. ElJuski

    Let's see how long this thread lasts on the first page

    Bump this thread if you did physical activity today
  13. ElJuski

    Okay, you got me, manbaww time for Juice.

    Okay, I confess. I give up with all this pretending bullshit. I have to break down and confess to you, dear readers of the internet, my own personal manbaww shame only highlighted by the hypocrisy of my relenting to the manbawwwww medium. Just kidding. HAD YOU...
  14. ElJuski

    Things You're Better at Than Your Roomate

    - Sonic the Hedgehog (the first Sega game, dick. You can take Sonic 2) - Reading Books - Pokemon Stadium - Underwater Basket Weaving (probably) - Not pulling out the plug to the meat freezer -Bear Staffs - Hugging (don't even try to compete!) EDIT: Beer Staffs, too.
  15. ElJuski

    Yo Doggs a Favor From Jo Mamas.

    You dongs with high school kids, I need to ask a few interview questions to one of you tomorrow morning sometime. You'd have to give your phone number for verification, just so you know. Your kids have to be (or have been, obviously) in 6th - 12th grade. The questions are in regard to your...
  16. ElJuski

    l4 boardwalk piece

    Listen up brochachos: I need Monopoly pieces. Willing to split winnings here. WATCHU GOT
  17. ElJuski

    Skating Bear KILLS ---------- Post added at 04:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:05 PM ---------- ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS A BEAR ON ICE SKATES KILLS A MAN AND YOU HAVE NOTHING TO SAY
  18. ElJuski

    THE MAD MEN THREAD and awesome cool club

  19. ElJuski

    Post like another user

    No, no, not a demographics poll. Thought this would be an interesting experiment. Just post in this thread aping the styles of one of our other users.
  20. ElJuski

    With the lights out, its less dangerous.

    Here I am, so entertain me with the cutest pictures of PUPPIES you can find! Fuckers