12 year old girl hauled out of school in handcuffs for doodling on her desk

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No one sees it shocking they took a 5-year-old away in cuffs and put him in a psych ward for having an outburst in kindergarten? That all seems perfectly rational to people here?
Rational or par for course... whatever.[/QUOTE]

It's just fucked up in so many ways. I can't imagine none of the people on Halforums didn't overreact to something when you're friggin' FIVE. Not to mention, you needed to cuff a kid that age? And how does a psych ward fit into it? "Gee willickers, this five year old is pretty rowdy. I imagine he's mentally damaged in some way." "Or, maybe, he's acting like a five year old." "That's what I said!"

Makes me want to hurt myself! Stupid! Stupid! I feel like the Nostalgia Critic watching Battlefield Earth!
Pretty big bucket o' stupid right there. Who the hell calls the cops for something like this and what cop actually arrests someone for it? Hell, going from the article it doesn't seem like she was the troublemaker type either.

I think we covered the 5 year old or something similar on a topic in the past already, seems awfully familiar.


Pretty big bucket o' stupid right there. Who the hell calls the cops for something like this and what cop actually arrests someone for it? Hell, going from the article it doesn't seem like she was the troublemaker type either.

I think we covered the 5 year old or something similar on a topic in the past already, seems awfully familiar.
There was a thread about it before (the 5 year old one) so the 12yr girl is new one.... both are still mess up.


I'm glad I went to school before all this hubbub. We used to form little gangs, have wars, throw shit at each other, trade grasshoppers etc. I remember three big 'wars' in my middle school career. One was when everyone from grades 5 and under started fighting against grades 6-8, the other was when a new part of the playground opened up and we dug trenches (and used jackets to make cover them) and the last was when we just threw pinecones at each other.


Holy crap.

I saw this story in passing when it was posted yesterday...but didn't realize...this is the school NEXT FUCKING DOOR to me.

My daughter may very well go here in 2 years.



Holy crap.

I saw this story in passing when it was posted yesterday...but didn't realize...this is the school NEXT FUCKING DOOR to me.

My daughter may very well go here in 2 years.

tell her NOT to doodle on anything (just to be safe) I know that may sound sarcastic, but a doodle and get taken out in handcuffs?? yeesh.

what is next? writing "I like sports" (or whatever) on your notebook and get suspended.


Staff member
I keep reading the article over and over again... and I still can't figure out what in the sphincter of hell these people were thinking.

Also, as a soon-to-graduate teacher I am damn happy this kinda bullshit hasn't landed in here.

None, because I'm secure enough in my professional ability that I don't feel the need to sit on those who commit minor acts that can be corrected on-scene.

Y'know, a real cop, not a School Resource Officer.

...Actually, that's not fair. There's a large number of Campus Police who are just as professional as one could ask for, and are usually hamstrung by a byzantine maze of laws and ordinances, as well as the school's own rules preferences.

But yes, the officer who placed this girl in cuffs should turn in their badge. It was completely over the top and out of line.

Your Head
None, because I'm secure enough in my professional ability that I don't feel the need to sit on those who commit minor acts that can be corrected on-scene.

Y'know, a real cop, not a School Resource Officer.

...Actually, that's not fair. There's a large number of Campus Police who are just as professional as one could ask for, and are usually hamstrung by a byzantine maze of laws and ordinances, as well as the school's own rules preferences.

But yes, the officer who placed this girl in cuffs should turn in their badge. It was completely over the top and out of line.

Your Head
I got the joke, but you roped me in to WolfofOdin's lame, and it's tainted my skin and humor. Suddenly I don't like Iron Man anymore.


Does anyone else think that our society is really screwing itself over with the way it's raising the current generation?
Does anyone else think that our society is really screwing itself over with the way it's raising the current generation?
Not really. Problem is we only hear about the bad things, and it's really not that often we hear about something like this. When we do, it's a lot of times something we probably wouldn't have heard about 20+ years ago. We could always go back to paddlin.



Did anyone else misread the title as "12 year old girl hauled out of school in handcuffs for drooling on her desk"?
So... it doesn't say anywhere in the article just what she was detained for.

Is desk doodling an arrestable crime?
Vandalism of school property.

No one sees it shocking they took a 5-year-old away in cuffs and put him in a psych ward for having an outburst in kindergarten? That all seems perfectly rational to people here?[/QUOTE]

In a country where I have heard several times in recent years of kids 5 and six years old being hauled out of kindergarten and first grade classes, expelled from school, and remanded to sexual harassment training for hugging people on the playground, I find this utterly stupid, disheartening, rage-inducing, and downright shameful; but no, not shocking.
I have heard several times in recent years of kids 5 and six years old being hauled out of kindergarten and first grade classes, expelled from school, and remanded to sexual harassment training for hugging people on the playground


Staff member
Maybe there's a time it might actually be necessary not only to handcuff a child (six years old this time), but also to send her to a mental health facility, because clearly the parents had no intention of ever reigning in their daughter.

The report said Franklin had been contacted “several times” by the school and once by the deputy about Haley’s behavior problems. However, the parents have not showed up for meetings. The parents also were criminally charged with failing to appear in court near the end of 2009 for a truancy hearing involving Haley not attending school, the report stated.

Yeah, stomping out into the hall, kicking every living thing in sight, and screaming your head off for over an hour? Maybe we can go ahead and get the handcuffs this time.
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