
I have a confession to make.

I think I'm genetically incapable of seeing cuteness. Everyone's going squee and all I can see is animals. Like, in a detached, objective, clinical way. "Oh it's a baby seal. Oh a fox. Oh a kitty."
Out of curiosity, did you have any pets when you were a kid?
We had fish. They had a tendency to get sucked into the filter and die.

Out of curiosity, are you a robot?
I once found myself in a desert. I saw a tortoise—a turtle—crawling towards me. I flipped it on its back. And it lay on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over. But it couldn't. Not without my help.

But I didn't help it.
I have a confession to make.

I think I'm genetically incapable of seeing cuteness. Everyone's going squee and all I can see is animals. Like, in a detached, objective, clinical way. "Oh it's a baby seal. Oh a fox. Oh a kitty."
That's probably just the depression talking. Or maybe something deeper. Were you...scarred as a child?

