A man finds true love, in Japan

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Lally said:
figmentPez said:
This guy has developed an imaginary, sexual, relationship with his idealized version of a 10 - 12 year-old girl. What happens if his delusion slips from an attachment to a pillow to a real child?
You can call me just as delusional as him, and I have no evidence whatsoever to support how I feel, but I just don't think that is the case with these "2-D lover" guys. I can't speak for everyone, but I'd be willing to bet that almost everyone has some sort of erotic fantasy that they would never really act out, for whatever reason, whether it's illegal or they are just too scared to try it. And half of anime girls look like they're ten anyway, the rest of them just have gigantic boobs.

chakz said:
I'm going with "There's alternative lifestyles, and there's personality disorders." I'm thinking this is the result of a personality disorder. If you actually believe that you can be "in love" with a fictional character and have a full relationship with them. Then you have a problem relating to people and you need some kind of help. This man is obviously extremely lonely and seems to be to insecure to attempt a normal relationship. This is a very disturbing trend, if not for its very nature, then for it is a sign of.
I might be persuaded to agree that it's a personality disorder or a mental illness (not sure if I feel that way, but I can see where the argument can be made), but I would definitely agree that these must be very lonely people. Like I said above, I genuinely feel that in the vast majority of these guys, they are not going to become predators of real life children (at least, not in any higher proportion than "3-D lovers" do. So, while some might feel it's not good for them to live like this, it's ultimately up to them to decide how they want to live their life and if they want to seek therapy/treatment.

I dunno. Even as I type this I'm wondering why I'm defending these guys. I really don't know why I am. I guess I just feel bad for them. They're already messed up enough without everyone piling on them about their weird kinks.
I wouldn't think of it as a defense/attack situation. I believe we are merely discussing the exact context of the situation. I agree that you cannot necessarily force them to change. But I do not think this should be accepted by society at large as anything but unhealthy behavior.


JCM: remember aliens HAVE visited in Archie Comic :) maybe those are alien hose ;)
a) @the quotes: :rofl:

b) @the article: Eh...It's sad, perhaps, but somewhat understandable

c) @the 10-year-olds....See, this I actually find somewhat disturbing. Not because I think they'll switch over to real girls that age, but...Really. There are only two types of girls in anime anyway, and I dislike both, butI think I'd still rather see them go for one of the DoA-Beach-Volleyvall-girls.

d) @whoever talked about animism: First off, they don't (all) claim the pillows love them back. Au contraire; the main person clearly states it's simply his love for the character. The claim isn't that the anime girl loves them; merely that they've fallen in love with an anime character...Which isn't, on the surface, that odd (surely most people have had a bit of a crush on some imaginarey character or other. James Bond, for all I care. Or Uhura or 7 of 9, for the nerdy men amongst us :-P). The second part of their claim is that this one-sided love is as real an emotion as that of anyone living someone. This...I dunno about. I do have to point out, though, that people "truely love" plenty of pets. And I'm not talking the creepy porn way (dammit internet!), I mean the "my dogs really are my children" way. We can argue till the cows come home, and I'll happily agree animals *do* have realy feelings, but still, it's not the same thing as a reciprocal relationship with a real human being. It's just a couple of steps further down that line.

e) About the state of our society: I do agree this si just further proof that our society is slowly killing itself and all human interaction. *sigh*


Staff member
Bubble, while it's true he admits that she is not real, the main part that made me bring up animism was that he was careful not to touch the image's private area when carrying it or putting her in a seat. He's developed enough mentally to not really believe that doing so would "offend" it, but he does anyway. He's treating a 2-dimensional image with the care that you're expected to treat a living, breathing person. And I'll bet if someone tried to touch it in a way he thought was inappropriate, he wouldn't be happy.

He knows that a picture of a girl can't actually enjoy going out on weekends or eating at a restaurant, but he takes the thing around anyway--doing things with it that one would do with a real person--things they would enjoy. It's done for his benefit, not because he can't understand. So, true, it's not the same thing that children do with their toys, because he is aware that none of it is real. I don't know enough about it to know whether it has to be involuntary to count.
Well...I still say it's closer to what people do with their dogs. Some people really do stupid $beep$ with their dogs :-P


Staff member
But the dog's alive. If you punch the pillow, it won't feel anything. If you punch a dog, it's going to feel pain.

I don't deny that people probably assign their pets feelings that they don't necessarily have, but dogs are alive. They get hungry, tired, thirsty, etc. It's more natural to get emotionally attached to something that shows something at least akin to affection and depends on you.
Well this certainly can't help Japan's declining birth rate. If they disappear it will definitely be sad, I mean who else will build our giant building crushing robots ?
Cajungal said:
So, true, it's not the same thing that children do with their toys, because he is aware that none of it is real.
Oh yeah, i totally remember when i though that my toy plane could actually fly... at about the same time i jumped of the roof thinking i was Superman... my burial was pretty nice.


A dark horse said:
Well this certainly can't help Japan's declining birth rate. If they disappear it will definitely be sad, I mean who else will build our giant building crushing robots ?
I'm still waiting for a sexbot that clean house ;)

hey.. what? double benefit!


i just read the story on the first page.

i feel really really bad for that guy. sure, he's an easy target because he's a harmless loser, but I feel really bad for him anyway. And as long as he's not a rapist, more power to him, I guess.
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