a Trump vs Clinton United States Presidential Election in 2016

Who do you vote into the office of USA President?

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Republicans Declaring Total War.

Prosecutors telling agents who got their info from Trump campaign boss Steve Bannon (who is obsessed with digging up dirt on the Clintons, BTW) they don't have a case. Those agents leak it to the media. The inevitable shitstorm erupts.

In other words, if you're basing your "Clinton crimes" posts on something that eventually goes back to Steve Bannon and his book, you've violated the Wikipedia reliable sources rule. And in case y'all have forgotten, the Breitbart wing of the Trump staff is perfectly fine with just Making Shit Up if it harms their enemies.

And that's just for starters. In other words, the GOP is holding a proverbial gun to the rest of America's head.
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I hate to sound so defeatist, but there is absolutely nothing any of us can do about that except vote. If that isn't respected, we're pretty much at their mercy, so long as the system revolves around and caters to them.

Trump can insinuate a revolution all he pleases, but the truth is that the system benefits both sides and even if they use it to strangle each other, damned if they'll let it cease to exist lest it stop serving them.
I'm gonna ask this, politics aside, how does anybody like Donald Trump?

He's so fucking unpleasant. His gross orange fake tan. His mannerisms. The way he talks. Everything about him is unpleasant. Not even gonna bother with his hair.
There are people that can't stand listening to Hillary speak - and they support her. Just don't like the way she sounds and prefer to read her speeches afterwards.

I suppose some of the issues you have with him are grating to you and fine for some.


Staff member
I hate Hillary with the intense heat of the Sun. The sound of her voice just sound like nails on a chalkboard to me.

Trump, on the other hand, is infinitely worse. His smug, smarmy, condescending voice and facial expressions make Hillary look and sound like a glamour model with pipes of gold. I hate him with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns.


Staff member
The Honor Code at West Point says, "A Cadet will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate those who do." Other military organizations have adopted the same code. Yet so many of a military background support
What are you trying to do, completely disenfranchise military personnel?
There are people that can't stand listening to Hillary speak - and they support her. Just don't like the way she sounds and prefer to read her speeches afterwards.

I suppose some of the issues you have with him are grating to you and fine for some.
But Hillary is it then? I didn't mention it but I do mean outside of Hillary, politics, anything. Even before he ran for president.

How did anyone watch the apprentice? He's horrible there too. Just awful.
That was literally a sketch on the Daily Show, where they were following Donald Trump's "social media director" and his job was basically keeping Trump from tweeting as much as possible - changing his password, finding his hidden caches of phones to Tweet from, etc. I guess his people saw it and said, "You know..."

When your own people can't trust you with Twitter, but they still want people to vote for you for President...


Staff member
Aaaaaand Hillary is cleared. Again. Republicans will never stop beating all these dead horses, but maybe they'll fuck off for a bit.
Aaaaaand Hillary is cleared. Again. Republicans will never stop beating all these dead horses, but maybe they'll fuck off for a bit.
I think it's the FBI's desperation, not the Republican party. They've put their major efforts elsewhere. The FBI doesn't have face to lose since no one elects them.

Steinman estimated Trump's chance of success at less than 2% IIRC. If that's accurate, I'm sure there are people on the Republican side who are aware and know their best chances at maintaining control are to win the Congressional votes.
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Is it really going to matter at this point? The election is tomorrow.

Fucking finally.
Well, the last week or so has seen a remarkable decline in the amount of crap DT has spouted. Really, the combination of DT being relatively quiet and that useless HRC e-mail scare, have meant the last week or so has been more "Hillary is bad" than "Trump is evil". Lots of people really do seem to have the memory of a goldfish. If DT had made one or two more idiotic claims or had "lost it" a bit more the past few days, so the media cycle had been on him and his failures instead of her and hers, yes, I think that would've made a difference.

That said, #smod2016.