And somewhere a Calleja wept...

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Staff member
Oh GOD, I hate those albums. Some of my little cousins have them. Who came up with this idea? Because it's terrible.


I actually don't mind the albums in general. We had them at the preschool I worked at and they were fun for the kids. I just think covering the Beatles is hilarious.
hehehe. My kids enjoy the one or two kidz bop albums we have (included with happy meals at mcdonalds some time ago. They are less irritating than the multitude of "children's music" cds that are really terrible renditions of nursery rhymes.

But if they like, for instance, the Kidz Bop cover album of the Beatles, wouldn't they be better served by being introduced to the Beatles themselves?

Kitty Sinatra

Not really. Some of the Beatles songs are less bouncy, or more seriously intoned than these things.

Kitty Sinatra

But why does it matter if they listen to the original or not? It's not as though the Beatles were really stellar musicians and vocalists. I'd be on your side if we were talking about covers of Celine Dion, as there's simply no way to match her skill and that's what she's all about. But we don't listen to the Beatles because they nailed the performances with impeccable skill (that's laughable); it's good for a whole other set of reasons, and those reasons let anyone cover them and be interesting.

There are plenty of Beatles songs that have been done better than the Beatles did them. And I don't just mean quality-wise: The connection between listener and song can be improved by a cover. These songs may very well fit that category.
This isn't an argument that I was applying to just the Beatles. They were the example I used, yes, but it applies to other bands as well.

Kitty Sinatra

So what's your take on Rush's recent album, Feedback, where they covered songs by the stars of the 60s?
That's fine, I'm not against covers themselves. A good cover, by a good artist can add great things to a song. I personally love Jimi Hendrick's version of "All Along the Watchtower" a lot more than Bob Dylan's version. I was asking why a parent would rather let their kids listen to the watered-down Kidz Bop version of a song, something that is not a good cover, instead of introducing them to the original artists.

Kitty Sinatra

The answer's obvious: The original Beatles recordings don't appeal to that parent's kids while this does. Therefore, they choose this.

This even appeals to me more. I've never much cared for the Beatles' recordings of their own songs.


Staff member
That's fine, I'm not against covers themselves. A good cover, by a good artist can add great things to a song. I personally love Jimi Hendrick's version of "All Along the Watchtower" a lot more than Bob Dylan's version. I was asking why a parent would rather let their kids listen to the watered-down Kidz Bop version of a song, something that is not a good cover, instead of introducing them to the original artists.
That's pretty much my beef too. I grew up listening to real bands--sure, also Raffi and kiddy stuff like that--but mostly bands and singers that my parents listened to. I guess one of the problems is that some songs aren't appropriate for kids and have to be edited a little. While my sister and I thought it was hilarious that my niece knows all the words to Mason Jennings' "Your New Man" ("woah-woah woah woah woah woah, Right now he's a prob'ly moanin' your name..."), others might not think so.

Philosopher B.

It's creepy when actual kids sing Octopuses' Garden. Ringo is the ultimate kid.


But why does it matter if they listen to the original or not? It's not as though the Beatles were really stellar musicians and vocalists. I'd be on your side if we were talking about covers of Celine Dion, as there's simply no way to match her skill and that's what she's all about. But we don't listen to the Beatles because they nailed the performances with impeccable skill (that's laughable); it's good for a whole other set of reasons, and those reasons let anyone cover them and be interesting.

There are plenty of Beatles songs that have been done better than the Beatles did them. And I don't just mean quality-wise: The connection between listener and song can be improved by a cover. These songs may very well fit that category.
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