And somewhere a Calleja wept...

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The Beatles were very popular with the Baby Boom generation. People have often complained that the Baby Boomers seem to impose their chosen culture and philosophy from their youth on every other part of culture. That could be why the Beatles remain so popular simply because the generation that truly loved them has so much pull.
you do realize they're famous worldwide and not just in the US, right?


The Beatles were very popular with the Baby Boom generation. People have often complained that the Baby Boomers seem to impose their chosen culture and philosophy from their youth on every other part of culture. That could be why the Beatles remain so popular simply because the generation that truly loved them has so much pull.
you do realize they're famous worldwide and not just in the US, right?[/QUOTE]

Yes, but if the US didn't give a crap about the Beatles, I doubt things like Beatles Rock Band would exist.

Or Kidz Bop Beatles for that matter.
...are you truly saying that the only reason the Beatles still have worldwide fame is because the US happens to like them? Things like The Beatles Rock Band are a symptom of their popularity, not the cause... they'd still be famous without the video games, I'm sure. And they're covered by artists from aaaall around the world, who are not affected by the baby boom that happened in the US post WWII.


...are you truly saying that the only reason the Beatles still have worldwide fame is because the US happens to like them?
Yes, that is pretty much what I am saying and I stand by that statement. if the US didn't celebrate the Beatles at the level they do they would not be nearly as popular. I am not saying they would have disappeared off the map or anything but it would be a drastic difference in popularity.
For you.

The rest of the world has no problem listening to stuff the US has never heard of. We have popularity charts of our own and everything. Wow, can you imagine that?
Gruebeard said:
EDIT FOR CHIPPY: Celine came up, by the way, because I suggested it was perhaps pointless to cover her songs seeing as what mostly makes her songs worth listening to is her skill in singing them.
That's nice. Still not what I was addressing earlier, but nice I guess.

Kitty Sinatra

I can't imagine the world isn't heavily influenced by American tastes. We all consume so much of their culture every day. If it falls off the American radar, I can't see how it won't fall off most everyone else's radar, too.
I do, and I even said what I was.

That's fine, though. Passive aggressive comments work just as well, right? :p
I can't imagine the world isn't heavily influenced by American tastes. We all consume so much of their culture every day. If it falls off the American radar, I can't see how it won't fall off most everyone else's radar, too.

Do I really need to list famous people that are completely unknown in the US yet still enjoy enormous amounts of fame and praise elsewhere? That list could grow to be very, very long so I'm just gonna let you realize on your own the planet is bigger than the states.

Also, I think this is relevant to the thread:


For you.

The rest of the world has no problem listening to stuff the US has never heard of. We have popularity charts of our own and everything. Wow, can you imagine that?
Quit being obnoxious. I know that the rest of the world has their own pop culture and interests stop acting like I don't. But I stand by the Beatles popularity being a product of the American 1960's Baby Boomer obsession.

Kitty Sinatra

You'd know who Celine Dion is if she wasn't famous in the States?
For you.

The rest of the world has no problem listening to stuff the US has never heard of. We have popularity charts of our own and everything. Wow, can you imagine that?
Quit being obnoxious. I know that the rest of the world has their own pop culture and interests stop acting like I don't. But I stand by the Beatles popularity being a product of the American 1960's Baby Boomer obsession.[/QUOTE]

Your theory can be easily disproved with time. We'll talk when the baby boomers are gone.

Kitty Sinatra

We breed Bruces that can burn your cock with a rocket launcher!

Of the 4 Beatles, yeah, Lennon and McCartney were a great team, mostly because they were working so hard to impress the other one (though it rarely worked). It had great effect but when the Beatles split neither one of them were as good as they were together. The only Beatle to come out of the band with surprising potential and skill was George Harrison. He spent so many years in the shadow of the other two (despite being a fantastic guitar player) that no one expected his solo album to be so good.

Lennon/McCartney were two sides of the same coin. Harrison was a fucking dollar bill.
I'm a Lennon/McCartney man myself... but I can't argue with a Harrison man. I can't. That fucker was one awesome hippie.

Now, a Ringo man I'd argue with.


Staff member
I just have 2 things to say about the Beatles:

1. I love them.

2. I have never ever cared for the song "Yesterday" or understood why it's such a big hit.


Staff member
I'm totally with makare on this one. America had rock, the Beatles came over, the Beatles became the next step in rock. Babyboomers continued to push that shit worldwide.

This is also why Led Zep shirts are sold at department stores. Besides, you know, Led Zep being pretty neat.
Again, Juski, the "baby boomer" generation is an entirely American phenomenon... there are no Baby Boomers "worldwide". I will not deny the obvious influence American pop culture has in the world.... but that doesn't mean that EVERY thing the American people gobble up will become famous worldwide nor that everything that is famous worldwide started first in the US.

There is no Led Zep stuff in any store I've ever been to in Mexico, sadly. :(


I'm totally with makare on this one. America had rock, the Beatles came over, the Beatles became the next step in rock. Babyboomers continued to push that shit worldwide.

USA (and Britain) =/= the world.


%^%$# mexican soap opera teen rockers %^$#@ got bigger than Led Zep ever did.
Can you believe they played at Brasilia rock festivals?
Dude, they sold out one of the biggest stadiums in the world, El Estadio Azteca, something like 16 times. Not even U2 did that.

But I'm sure that's all thanks to the fame they had in the US, right? :lol:
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