And somewhere a Calleja wept...

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He thinks that without the US the world would have like 5 famous people. (yes, I'm being hyperbolic)
Heh. At any given point in time our national top40 music chart consists of 50% non-American based artists. Half of those don't even sing in English and will never ever be heard in the US. They are still big artists nonetheless.[/QUOTE]

This doesn't exactly help your case.


To make a valid point the list has to have enduring bands that are as world-wide culturally ingrained as the Beatles and they cannot have been popular in the US.

Kitty Sinatra

Oh, and I'd just like to say that I did not tag this thread with The Beatles Suck. However, I'm glad it's been done because it removes the temptation.

Also: The Celine tag is mine. She is the wind beneath my wings.
Being famous in the US generally means being known worldwide.
Not being known in the US means not being known in the US.
Confused by the last line.. lol

Not being known in <x> means not being known in <x>.
Well, duh? x = x
You said the same thing twice.
That's exactly my point:
Being known in the US means probably being famous worldwide.
Not being known in the US means nothing worldwide, just that you aren't known in the US.


My argument is that the Beatles were only as long lasting and culturally ingrained as they were because they were popular not only in the US but during the Ed Sullivan/Baby Boom generation. It doesn't matter that they were not a band originally from the US. The US is what drove them to the pop culture heights they reached.

For this discussion, I don't care about the popularity of other bands around the world unless they are comparable to the Beatles, and have not had any influence from the US. If they are not those two things then they are irrelevant to my argument.


Abba was very popular in the US though and may still be for all I know.


I guess Abba could work. They are at about the same level as The Beatles, pop bands that made it huge.

I would rather have something that was not popular in the US at all but still popular elsewhere.


I guess Abba could work. They are at about the same level as The Beatles, pop bands that made it huge.

I would rather have something that was not popular in the US at all but still popular elsewhere.

Abba sucks as well. Nicely done!
You all amuse me greatly.

One butthurt untraveled American (sorry to be redundant...)

*Note: The butthurt may or may not be related to a recent bout of diarrhea.


Staff member
Not to be a prick, Ame, but house music started in Chicago.

Now, with what you guys DID with it...

as for the Beatles...the Beatles came here, got super huge, and then went back and took over the pop culture world. If it wasn't for the baby boomers, I'm not sure--though yeah, kinda hypothetical--that it would be so internationally ingrained into the world's pop conscious.

Though that's skeptical, I concede.
Actually, everything is from Space because that's where all the dust that clumped togetherto create the Earth came from. know, come to think of it, 99% of the world's problems would be solved overnight if people actually thought like that, that we're all really, in the end, the same clump of space-stuff
"The cosmos is also within us, we're made of star stuff. And we are a way, for the cosmos, to know itself." - Carl Sagan.

Actually, everything is from Space because that's where all the dust that clumped togetherto create the Earth came from. know, come to think of it, 99% of the world's problems would be solved overnight if people actually thought like that, that we're all really, in the end, the same clump of space-stuff
"The cosmos is also within us, we're made of star stuff. And we are a way, for the cosmos, to know itself." - Carl Sagan.

I see your moby and raise you the actual Sagan (and some others):


You guys aren't getting the point, and are seemingly stuck on some "I don't get it because I'm an American" tirade.

Therefore, international friends, make me a list of things that are considered internationally known pop culture items which are not American pop-culturally produced. You started with football, now continue. Impress me.

And, since apparently even pop culture icons like "Oprah Winfrey" don't count, it has to be big enough and international enough. The same standards apply, boyos.

And, since the biggest thing everyone is gonna throw against me is "Well you're American so you wouldn't understand", international friends, please be honest about your selections and please honestly tell other people their ideas aren't.

And also, once again, I'm not saying that producing the most entertainment is exactly a merit badge, nor am I saying that all other international stuff is without merit.
"make me a list" lol

The Beatles ? (lol)

The Rolling Stones ?

David Bowie ? (He's even afraid of Americans.)

Rammstein ?

Pink Floyd ?

Bee Gees ?


or.. how about:

Andrew Lloyd Webber ! lol[/QUOTE]lol [2]

I guess Abba could work. They are at about the same level as The Beatles, pop bands that made it huge.

I would rather have something that was not popular in the US at all but still popular elsewhere.
Pick any major Bollywood artist, and you got an artist that has billions of followers and is not known in the US but in many other countries. I just suck at naming them.

That reminds me I still need to watch Om Shanti Om. I might do that over dinner, actually.[/QUOTE]
Pretty much this. The east has its own cinema, heck, billions more watch Chinese/Hindi/Japanese movies than English movies. And at cheaper ticket prices, to boot.


Staff member
That's a lot of UK you got there, I thought you said US/UK does NOT equal the world? :p

But seriously, the point wasn't to say that you COULDN'T find pop culture that is homogenous worldwide which started from other countries, but that the United States is the largest manufacturer of pop culture which gets worldwide homogeny.

And no, U2 is not as big as it is because of the baby boomers. You're a generation too late there, champ. I don't even know what your point even is, except to say, yes, hey, add U2 to the list. I am aware of this.

But I want to go back to the baby boomer / Beatles argument for a moment here. Let's say the Beatles never came to America. I suppose they still would have become the same sensation without one of America's biggest generation burst of consumer consumption and production. Yep, totally would have been the same thing. Completely. They didn't need the Ed Sullivan show! The Beatles would have figured out how to get huge record sales elsewhere. Third world countries would have eventually lapped it up and pressed the records themselves. America and its consumer culture had absolutely nothing to do with it.

What would have happened to the Beatles, I wonder, if the British Invasion never happened in the US?


Sigh, it needs to be a list of stuff that is NOT FAMOUS IN THE US.

Why is that so difficult.....


Don't get so worked up and personally invested.

I think you're projecting.

How on earth would I be personally invested?
To me (and I'm sure most who are reading this thread) it is you who seem to get all worked up over this.

every single international poster in the forum could make a list of famous pop icons that the US has never heard about.
Oh, was that what he wanted? Yeah I could make a huge list, but still don't see the point.[/QUOTE]Amen on that.
But it was amusing to see the "America rocks, world sucks" wonder suddenly run and support UK as well. ;)

To explain a guy who probably has never left his country the success of Kaoma, Mana, ACDC, Rammstein, Björk, Camui Gackt, Kaizers Orchestra, Apocaliptica, and et al is pretty much of a waste of time, after all, its like trying to explain someone at the Super Bowl how half of the world watches the World Cup.

But its still funny seeing ElJuski whine about how USA=all culture (or is it UK now?) when right now on tv they are showing clips from the Police show here with Sting making homage to the great bossa nova composer, Tom Jobim (who is even receives homages from every other american band, president and even has two characters named after him by Blizzard in WOW).

Not that I expect him to even know what Bossa nova, Lambada, Samba are, maybe to him they are the last winners of Paris Hilton's "Be my BFF" reality show.


JCM you are the one who added the UK. ElJuski is just trying to make his point with people who are constantly changing the rules and failing to answer questions as asked.


Err, rules?
We're not even listening to him, after all having someone whine about america = all the world's culture in a thread where we're discussing British bands is simply hilarious.

Thank god they were British though, otherwise they'd be screwed into contracts to make the same shit to the level of overdose or suicide like Elvis and Hendrix were.
He thinks that without the US the world would have like 5 famous people. (yes, I'm being hyperbolic)
Yeah, fuck Akira Korusawa and every other movie director copying him, Beatles and every other band copying their 4-man style and of course Asian and Indians dont watch their own movies.

What Juski sees on American tv/hears on american radio = what the whole world sees on TV/listensto on radio. I think the thread is about over, really.


Yay just in time for the What the fuck is JCM even talking about now show

I love this show.


Staff member
Yay just in time for the What the fuck is JCM even talking about now show

I love this show.
As soon as JCM gets in on his WARGLEBARGLEBARGLEBARGLE, it's just a matter of sitting back and enjoying. And every once in a while saying something to throw him into another shitfit.

For instance,

America is in fact the only culture that matters. We gave you trogdolytes jeans and rock n roll. SUCK IT


Weak as you running away from replying Ama's post and running between Juski's usual ad-himineming all international users and uneducated shit?

Pathetically I could take any movie/music industry, toss off a few name name, like Japanese directors-
Akira Kurosawa
Takashi Miike
Yasujiro Ozu
Hiroshi Teshigahar
Isao Takahata

They have been copied, had americanized versions of their stuff remade, angles and stories copied but people at your level of education, language and travel wouldnt know anything about it.

Maybe thats why ElJuski and you, after getting to the level of insulting all international users are now trying to bring this to a flame war, to avoid the fact that even if we spent all day telling you about the world, you wont know shit.

Requesting a mod lock, as I dont have time for this shit.


[America is in fact the only culture that matters. We gave you trogdolytes jeans and rock n roll. SUCK IT
Pity you had the British sell it to you, and the Chinese lend you money so that your industry could survive to buy it from them.


No one has said anything against international users.

You are the one making the thread intolerable. How about you just leave and we can go back to having a discussion. Ame was actually making valid points whereas you are just being an ass.

This thread is fine.. it is you that is the problem.
Yay just in time for the What the fuck is JCM even talking about now show

I love this show.
As soon as JCM gets in on his WARGLEBARGLEBARGLEBARGLE, it's just a matter of sitting back and enjoying. And every once in a while saying something to throw him into another shitfit.

For instance,

America is in fact the only culture that matters. We gave you trogdolytes jeans and rock n roll. SUCK IT[/QUOTE]

I'm not even American...
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