And somewhere a Calleja wept...

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If you don't need it don't ask for it closet bisexual on the downlow for chocolate rain man. Charlie you know exactly what he means don't act so shocked..

Am i the only person ever that doesn't like the beatles? I don't think they suck or anything, I just... don't get into them. They don't make me want to get up and shake my booty, they don't make me want to sing along... they just... are.

p.s. your chicago cd is next to the foreigner vinyl in your attic. It didn't burn with the Boston, Nazereth, Skid Row, Kansas, Alabama, Europe, Asia, New york dolls, Manhattan transfer... linkin park...


If you don't need it don't ask for it closet bisexual on the downlow for chocolate rain man. Charlie you know exactly what he means don't act so shocked..

Am i the only person ever that doesn't like the beatles? I don't think they suck or anything, I just... don't get into them. They don't make me want to get up and shake my booty, they don't make me want to sing along... they just... are.

p.s. your chicago cd is next to the foreigner vinyl in your attic. It didn't burn with the Boston, Nazereth, Skid Row, Kansas, Alabama, Europe, Asia, New york dolls, Manhattan transfer... linkin park...
I...oh my God, I think that is singly the best reply to one of my posts ever. I...I think I love you. But I meant Chicago as in the musical, not the progressive 80's rock band with the one hit from Karate Kid.


I dont mind the Beatles and yes they were a great band, but I do think they are overated to the level where many great bands will never touch their fame.

If you don't need it don't ask for it closet bisexual on the downlow for chocolate rain man. Charlie you know exactly what he means don't act so shocked..

Am i the only person ever that doesn't like the beatles? I don't think they suck or anything, I just... don't get into them. They don't make me want to get up and shake my booty, they don't make me want to sing along... they just... are.

p.s. your chicago cd is next to the foreigner vinyl in your attic. It didn't burn with the Boston, Nazereth, Skid Row, Kansas, Alabama, Europe, Asia, New york dolls, Manhattan transfer... linkin park...
I...oh my God, I think that is singly the best reply to one of my posts ever. I...I think I love you. But I meant Chicago as in the musical, not the progressive 80's rock band with the one hit from Karate Kid.[/QUOTE]Actually Chicago had many hits, like "You are my inspiration" and that "Hard to say Im sorry", and Karate Kid 1's Something Esposito is a multiple grammy winner.

Maybe you are referring to the one hit wonder from Karate Kid 2, as the guy's voice sounds like Chicago's lead singer.

Kitty Sinatra

I dont mind the Beatles and yes they were a great band, but I do think they are overated to the level where many great bands will never touch their fame.
If I was to add on to that - as I apparently am - I'd like to point out that the fame the Beatles had is very much like the fame that The New Kids on the Block had.

They were pop stars.

If there had been other pop stars at the time, the Beatles might have been lost in the crowd. If there had been no other pop stars at their time, NKotB might have been bigger than Jesus, too.


I dont mind the Beatles and yes they were a great band, but I do think they are overated to the level where many great bands will never touch their fame.
If I was to add on to that - as I apparently am - I'd like to point out that the fame the Beatles had is very much like the fame that The New Kids on the Block had.

They were pop stars.

If there had been other pop stars at the time, the Beatles might have been lost in the crowd. If there had been no other pop stars at their time, NKotB might have been bigger than Jesus, too.[/QUOTE]To be fair, they shed that off and became more han a boyband with this-


Kitty Sinatra

I don't mean to say they were "just" a boy band. I wasn't even thinking about that, actually. Heck, Angelina Jolie might have been a better comparison. She ain't a great actress - doesn't even make great movies - but she's appealing in some pop-culture way. And so she gets in the media, and each media appearance makes her that much more appealing so she gets in the media even more, and it builds like an avalanche until it reaches the point where she grows ever more popular by being popular.


That was to say that they WERE. The ITT, or In This Thread, means that only in this thread does a certain not true thing pertain to real life.

Kitty Sinatra

You really think that Lennon was a singer with a skill and range even approaching Celine Dion? That Paul McCartney could match Jimmy Page or Eric Clapton on guitar? That Ringo Starr was the next Buddy Rich, or worthy predecessor to Neil Peart? There's another one, whose name escapes me (and I'm open to acknowledging I should've compared Paul to Les Claypool), so I'll just close by asking:


(Cause y'know, I didn't say they were bad. Also, I'm not saying the musicians I mentioned are actually the best in their field, just better than their Beatles' counterpart )

Kitty Sinatra

That would be why I went on to mention Mr Claypool. Also: I don't know bassists.
Also, I don't see the point of comparing Lennon or McCartney to Celine Dion. Of course they don't have the range or "skill" she has, but they're a rock band. Celine Dion sings "My Heart Will Go On." Just as I think Lennon would butcher any Celine Dion song, I'm sure she would butcher "I Saw Her Standing There"

Kitty Sinatra

You'd have had to read the point I was making back when I first brought it up.
Well, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you wanted to know if someone really thought Lennon was as good as Dion?

Kitty Sinatra

Not really, but close enough.

Do you know why I wanted to know that?
I'm sure it's all some big point I would have got if I actually read this thread. But who does that? I saw you made a comparison I thought was unfair, and I commented on it. That's it.

But keep going with your cute question game. Everyone here thinks you're super rad!
Since when is the ability to sing the deciding factor on whether a band is awesome or not?

Can you name a better song writing, team or solo, enterprise than Lennon/McCartney?

Like them or not, you can't deny the Beatles were groundbreaking and, less to their merit, they shaped popular music as we know it today. And that's not hyperbole, the actual formula most pop songs use today was a Beatles/George Martin creation.

Kitty Sinatra

Awesome. Calleja's come in on my side. You've expanded on my original point quite well. Thanks.

Not that y'all still have any clue why Celine's been mentioned.
Also, I should add, that you and several other posters I've noticed are quick to compare the Beatles' fame with disposable pop phenomena like New Kids on the Block and what not.... the difference I'd like to point out here is that The Beatles have held on to pop icon status for nearly 50 years now. Who remembers the New Kids on the Block now? I don't see a "Vanilla Ice: Rock Band" being put out, either.

That longevity right there? That means this band has actually caught the attention of several generations. It's not the same fans of the 60's that are keeping the Beatles famous, they get new fans with every generation. Do you see the backstreet boys being listened to 50 years from now? Are musicals going to be made about, say, Hannah Montana, long after she's retired/died/disappeared? I doubt it.
Awesome. Calleja's come in on my side. You've expanded on my original point quite well. Thanks.
No, your point about them becoming popular just because they were popular like, according to you, Angelina Jolie did, is quite destroyed with my point about their fame longevity.
If your reading comprehension had a higher modifier you'd have known I was NEVER on your side. Notice how I made no new points when I "left" your side? :D


The Beatles were very popular with the Baby Boom generation. People have often complained that the Baby Boomers seem to impose their chosen culture and philosophy from their youth on every other part of culture. That could be why the Beatles remain so popular simply because the generation that truly loved them has so much pull.

Kitty Sinatra

You certainly did. Look:
Since when is the ability to sing the deciding factor on whether a band is awesome or not?

Can you name a better song writing, team or solo, enterprise than Lennon/McCartney?
I was saying the same thing, only in more specific terms: The Beatles, while not the best musicians, wrote songs well, songs that are ripe to be covered by other musicians.

And then you go on talking about the popularity. That's where we parted.

EDIT FOR CHIPPY: Celine came up, by the way, because I suggested it was perhaps pointless to cover her songs seeing as what mostly makes her songs worth listening to is her skill in singing them.
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