Ask "C" Anything. 100% Unabridged Truth.

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It's surprisingly difficult to find anything I particularly want to know about the person behind the persona, really.
That's just it. It's not a "persona" it's just a more "dramatic" version of who I am, who I could be, and who I want to become.

What's your favorite RPG besides Lunar (Which I missed out on - why did I buy Thousand Arms instead of Lunar?!) and do you have a preferred class?
Other than the obvious Final Fantasy, I've been an avid follower of the Suikoden series. It initally drew me in with the 108 Characters (I LOVE Rpgs with hidden characters in them) and the multiple endings. I also loved the fact that if you did certain things in previous games and used the same memory card, you'd see different events in future games (sadly this didn't carry over from PSX to PS2). The over all story arcs together to create a world/timeline that you can really lose yourself in. I really enjoyed the series and own the manga for Suikoden 3. An older favorite would be the Shining Force series. The "chess" feel the game had just really drew me in, and again the large number of hidden characters really poked at my interest.
Ooh ooh, tell me what you think of me next!!!

(I know, horrible question, but it was either that or asking what C stands for.)
Shegokigo said:
Forums: I can't possibly pick a favorite as there are quite a few, but one who stands out from time to time is Juski. He has a sense of comedy and sarcastic wit that come from odd places at times. His comical doodles are fantastic with their sense of timing and dry humor.
To expand on that a little:

On Half-Pixel we had a few "vocal tussels" here and there, if I'm correct you were one of the ones who didn't like my "schtick" verbalizing your dislike on occassion (I may possibly have you confused with someone like you on this matter). When we moved here and you became a mod, I was interested how you would handle it as I didn't really see you as the type who would want that kind of responsibility/headache.

As your doodles gained popularity, so did your forum presence and I remember being VERY jealous of you meeting HowDroll in person. Then came the famous "image removal" and a few other arguments we had (I think it was about the /spoiler tag) and I began to dislike you in almost every thread we met up in.

I began actively avoiding you, as I didn't really get much out of our discussions, but I did enjoy reading your posts. They were like "less aggressive" versions of Chaz posts, with obvious sarcasm. Over time I got to enjoy your humor more and more and began seeing your side of "the forums" view. I understood it and moved past my own problems with you, in the end: Enjoying your posts and glad to have you as part of our forums. Though more now that you're not a mod :slywink:
What are your attainable goals in life?
My current life goals are in this order:
Keep putting up with this job, that I can't stand, till the GF gets out of College and gets her degree. Soon after I'll be going to Culinary school full time and won't be working. Following that I plan on trying my hand at Chefing (not cooking) for a few years to get some "experience" under my belt so I can go for my degree in writing/English and become a Food Critic till the day I die. I know it's not a job that will make me rich and famous, but if I can actually get PAID to do it and LIVE off it, I'll have my "attainable dream".

What's with the theatrics?
Honestly? Because I'm so pent up in "this life" that my "online life" lets me FULLY be the ME I want to be/wish I could be. Everything I write, though sometimes a bit "over the top" is truly the way I think and feel inside. Though I've MASSIVELY scaled back on some topics and feelings (for Dave's sake and a few others) I do express myself fully on the boards and that can sometimes come across as "excessive" or "schtick" like I suppose.
If you feel forced into a fake life, can you still be a genuine person?
Genuine in some ways, sure. The way I feel about my GF isn't fake (anymore), I truly do enjoy my gaming and life of food. Those are authentic. The fakeness comes from having to fit within a socially acceptable lifestyle. EX: If I were in the 20s-60s I probably would have had to hide my sexuality as well as my penchance for violence/murder/dismemberment.

And a bonus question, since it appears to be the popular one in the thread...what do you think of me? :p
You have a Kefka avatar, you're damn cool in my book. Though honestly I can't think of too many occassions where you've stuck out to me. Still, everytime I see that avatar, I DO know who it is. :D-:thumbsup:
Ooh, ooh, me too! I'm genuinely curious since so much of our interaction is fake flirting!
Ah, do you really want to know? :p

I promised honesty and I will give it. Cajun, you're one of my favorite posters, one of the few that has gained my respect and someone I've grown to trust (as you've experienced in one of my PMs) I was fully in favor of you becoming a MOD because of your ability to really be patient and kind, no matter what the situation. You're leveled headed in the worst situations and always willing to look at both sides of the argument. As for poster, your cooking advice has gone a long way for me in alot of instances and the fact that you're a bit of a gamer really sticks you out for me in a sea of female posters we seem to have here/in most forums. You are also Cajun so that's a big plus in my book as my GF is Half Cajun/German.

I hit on you for a few reasons.
One: You're very cute and have such an innocent charm that I want to corrupt it completely.
Two: You're smart, outspoken on your feelings and you "just be yourself", which are all qualities I find attractive in a person.
Three: Your singing really puts me at ease and it has a very soothing quality to it, singing has always been big in my book.

All in all, you're easily one of my favorite people on the boards and I can't imagine the place without you.


Staff member
Would it turn you on if I sang for you? It might sound like two waterbuffalo fucking, but it would be singing.


Staff member
I'll bet you have a beautiful singing voice, if your speaking voice is any indication.

...And jeez, now I'm sorry I asked. Feels too much like fishing now. But thanks, that's so sweet. :eek:
I was wondering if there was a time when you were gaming competitively that the games ceased being fun and became more of a chore to you.
I played a few games on a "Professional" competitive level. Tekken Tag Tournament and Samurai Showdown 4 being two of the earliest I recollect. I also played Marvel Vs Capcom 2 and Capcom Vs Snk 2 at the same level. Those NEVER felt like a chore. I was constantly "learning" in the competitive enviroment. It was always fun to play against someone better and learn new techniques/strategies/learning from losses. It was always fun playing someone not as good, to teach them and hopefully "grow" a new generation of tournament worthy gamers (which I did in my hometown, alot of the kids I used to toss around like a Cat with a Mouse, are now competitive in the leagues and arena I used to play in) there were even a few "proteges" here and there.

Now for the meat of your question: Yes, but it came when I started playing WoW on a "competitive" level. Being in "epic raiding guilds" that were striving to be "Server firsts" really tried on my patience and began to feel like a second job as I was raiding sometimes 6hrs a night, 5-6 nights a week. It was mandatory, not in the remotest way "casual" and it really drained me. There were more than one occassion where I had to call in "sick" to a GAME just to rest. I'm "hardcore casual" now and would never go back.


Will you ever fucking talk on TF2 so I can hear your reaction to when I stabby stab you while you're sniping!!!!!!
Who here do you think could give you a challenge in (insert video game here)?
In WoW? Possibly ScytheRexx. Otherwise I don't know too many "hardcore" WoWers, maybe a few "Hardcore Casuals".

In TF2? Last time I played on the Halforums Server, it was a bit of a bloodbath, though I'm sure there are a few that could really test me. Methusela is a competitive TF2er I believe.

In Fighting Games? I'm not too sure, not many have spoken up about their talents at the genre, but I'm pretty sure I could beat anyone here in my "Power 4" as I've played against some of the best in the US and on some occassions, the World. (Might not have won them all, but I did damn well)
If you had to make a movie, who/what would it be about?
The idea would be a hired assassin for the Military (unnamed country), who has visions of demons and other otherwordly creatures that only she seems able to see. Her missions can range from either sniping targets from a distance or covertly capturing them for information through torture/mutilation before killing them. The demons become more and more frequent in her life as more targets are killed eventually culimating in a long storyline of a bloodline that has been keeping the demon world out of ours, and by killing off these "targets" she's esentially "unlocked" the door. Most likely would have a cataclysmic "bad/evil/sad" ending instead of a "happily wrapped up nicely" one.

You play WoW, right? If you could be any race from WoW, which would you be?
Um, as in a WoW like world or in this one?
In this world: Probably Blood Elf, their beauty knows no boundries and I could easily hide my non-human status.
In a WoW world: Most likely Undead. Their overall scheming and want to "end all life in the world" would really suit me in a setting where I could determine my own fate. The ability to not really fear death as a consequence is also a plus.
Do you own a Sham-Wow?

Have you ever spent time job shadowing with a food critic?

Is there any scenario in which you can envision raising a family with your current girlfriend?
To jump on the bandwagon, what do you think of Zenmonkey? ;-P

If there was a way for you to participate absolutely anonymously in the secret santa, would you do it, or are there other reasons you would not participate?

We know what makes you laugh. What reliably makes you cry (in sadness, not pain or happiness)?
Sheki -

Yeah, I really enjoyed Suikoden as well, at least Suikoden I and part of IV, but honestly IV and V felt like unfinished games - like they hadn't playtested them before shipping, and the pacing was way off. And Suikoden Tactics just reminded me of how much better FFT was. Seemed needlessly clunky.

Did you enjoy FFXII?
Why does everyone want to know what 'C' thinks of them? I guess that's a way of sharing that her opinion matters to them, which I suppose is good, but it also comes off as a bit insecure. Even supposing she did have an opinion about someone, what makes one think that she'd be shy about expressing it?
Do you like/watch Anthony Bourdain?
I really haven't gotten around to watching "No Reservations" though I know I should. I just don't watch enough TV.

Who is your favorite celebrity chef?
That would have to be my idol: Andrew Zimmern. He has my dream job. Traveling the world, tasting exotic foods from all corners of the Earth. Strange, Delicious, Disgusting, and Exciting foods all at your fingertips. *sigh*

Which celebrity chef's food would you like to try?
They each have their specialties, it would completely depend on what type of food I'm in the mood for. Bobby Flay's Southern style cooking has a large appeal to me as I'm from the area. I hear Ducasse's style of French cooking is unmatched in the Celeb world. Rachael Ray..... oh I wouldn't eat her "cooking" necessarily but I'd have her over for dinner any night. :slywink:

---------- Post added at 01:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:34 AM ----------

Ha, awe! Let's hi-five sometime.
Maybe once you're done with that avatar, blech! :moon:

Would it turn you on if I sang for you? It might sound like two waterbuffalo fucking, but it would be singing.
Singing alone isn't enough to get the wetworks running. Sorry Turbo. ;)

Will you ever fucking talk on TF2 so I can hear your reaction to when I stabby stab you while you're sniping!!!!!!
You'll need to have actually done it more than once. :twisted: Although I have occassionally run around SourceOP using "Shegokigo" as my tag. I may toss you a "BOOMHEADSHOT!" if I do.

Do you own a Sham-Wow?
Only in any thread I feel like berating him in! Hey-oh! As for the object/cleaning tool? Nope, I don't buy "As Seen On TV" items.

Have you ever spent time job shadowing with a food critic?
Unfortunately no, there are none of any real merit to speak of in any real proximity to me, though it WILL be something I try and do frequently once I begin moving in that direction educationally/professionally.

Is there any scenario in which you can envision raising a family with your current girlfriend?
We've actually had a few arguments on that front in the past. She does want to have at least one child one day, I on the other hand could never stomach it. Like, ever.
Why does everyone want to know what 'C' thinks of them? I guess that's a way of sharing that her opinion matters to them, which I suppose is good, but it also comes off as a bit insecure. Even supposing she did have an opinion about someone, what makes one think that she'd be shy about expressing it?
Did you know Lying Bastard makes awesome acronyms like Balding Satyr ?[/QUOTE]

I did not. I've neither the hairline nor the feet to fit that description, that's for sure.
To jump on the bandwagon, what do you think of Zenmonkey? ;-P
Zen was a mixed bag for me. On one hand we had some really interesting conversations that went on for a long time in PMs, on the other hand we seemed to butt heads in the forums almost consistantly. I always looked up to her as one of the few posters I really did admire and respect. She's lived a life I can only hope to match one day. She's so intelligent, keeps herself "above" the idiocy, restrains her emotion yet let's it slide just enough, she's reserved and respectful, always there with the right thing to say at the right time. I can only hope her departure is temporary cause I miss her like crazy on a daily basis around here.
If there was a way for you to participate absolutely anonymously in the secret santa, would you do it, or are there other reasons you would not participate?
I considered entering through one of the two people on these boards who actually know my physical address. If I could get them to be my "middle-man" I would gladly participate (I've actually contacted both of them by PM with no response yet)

What reliably makes you cry (in sadness, not pain or happiness)?
Break out the "Oh my god she can be a girl" faces. Truly emotional scenes in some games/anime series really can hit me to the point of tears. The reason why I don't say Books or TV/Movies is because most don't last long on the character build-up the way certain games and long anime series really can. A few notable scenes I can instantly conjure up are:

Sailor Moon (this anime was my second series ever as a young adult and I care for the characters still to this day)

Tuxedo Mask's "death" in the first Season. Not because I truly liked their relationship but because of how completely destroyed Serena was at that very moment, her pain was my pain, then she uses every ounce of it to drag herself up and become the Princess they had all sought out. (while that outcome was obvious, seeing her go from the bumbling idiot she began as to the Moon Princess was something really emotional to watch at that climactic moment)

The final battle with Beryl was truly the most epic moment in anime I still to this day I've ever seen. Someone who just a year or so ago who couldn't even take a scrape to her knee, watched each of her friends sacrafice their own lives just so she could reach the final confrontation. She saw EACH of them DIE before her very eyes and still carried on. They all give her final push she needs just when she herself doesn't believe she can overcome it. It gave me goosebumps just LOOKING up this video to post.

I've posted this video in this thread already, but it really does strike me in whatever hidden depths of a soul I think I may have. The changes that Lucia goes through from the emotionless drone that arrives on the Planet, to the final "sacrafice" of leaving behind her love to save it was just amazing. I thought the "ending" was touching and strong in the fact that it didn't "wrap up nicely", then after the credits you control the main character again a few months later, realizing that he hasn't given up trying to get up to the Moon to be with her, finding the way, and the sheer look of love on her face when she sees him will ALWAYS make my throat swell up.

Your question however is what makes me cry in "sadness", and to be honest, I can't really think of anything that makes me sad to the point of tears. At one time I did cry in what I thought was the "pain of losing a loved one" but I realized that I never loved her to begin with and was just more afraid of being "alone" and "abandoned".
I gotta admit... I agree about the Sailor Moon Vs Beryl thing. That is one of my favorite scenes of any anime. I remember seeing that show when it was still only in Syndication and wondering why the fuck they stopped showing new episodes after the arc involving the weird group of sisters. I couldn't have been more than 10 at the time.
I too agree with the Sailor Moon ending, and since it was the first anime I ever watched (on YTV at the ripe old age of 7) it is what got me HOOKED.
Sheki -

Yeah, I really enjoyed Suikoden as well, at least Suikoden I and part of IV, but honestly IV and V felt like unfinished games - like they hadn't playtested them before shipping, and the pacing was way off. And Suikoden Tactics just reminded me of how much better FFT was. Seemed needlessly clunky.
I did *not* enjoy Suikoden IV as much as the others. There was just something "off" about it. The characters didn't hold the same kind of charm or personality. On the other hand I disagree with V, I really did enjoy the storyline. Though the graphics could have definitely used more time and work. Suikoden Tactics doesn't exist.... :eek:rly:
Did you enjoy FFXII?
As much as I tried, as often as I restarted it, I could *not* get into the game. It was a single player MMO, which is the worst kind of way to go about a game. Grinding levels in a free form enviroment just wasn't "Final Fantasy" to me. The characters, while interesting, just got over saturated by Side Characters and those Side Characters had Side Characters who had Side Storylines and it just got ridiculously convoluded. To top things off, the job system board was really terrible and the "International" version that "fixed it" never got released here. I might, MIGHT have been able to play through it with the "Job Board" but alas I'll never know.
What is the longest time you have ever spent deliberately not gaming?
From the age of about 6, I can think of maybe a whole week/two weeks where I went on a vacation with no gaming, though I probably had a gameboy/arcade visits inbetween it so it'd be a safe bet to say "Not more than a few days".
Who's your favorite Sesame Street character, and why?
Oscar the Grouch, he always did what he wanted, said what he wanted and never cared about what everyonelse thought about it. I envyed that like no tomorrow, hell I still do.

Favorite type of wooden furniture (Teak/Oak/Cherry/etc..)
Oak for sure, I have a few pieces in my place that are Oak and I love em. "Sturdy" stuff like our table and chest of drawers. :unibrow:

Oh, and how can I forget..! This bandwagon may be getting a little crowded but luckily I don't take up much space, so:
What do you think of me?
Wow Amorous, where could I begin? You are easily the most interesting person I've ever met on an online board ever. That's saying a bit considering my history with forums throughout the years. Your bravery to "be what you truly feel you are" on the inside and bring it to the outside is something I could never do (for reasons different than your own but none the less) and it's something I respect and admire like noonelse.

I don't really remember you from the Image days, but I think we were all a little different back then and have come a long way in alot of different aspects. I remember your first posts as Amorous Bitch though and from the onset you really caught my attention. I wasn't sure how to really approach you on a number of subjects so I mostly just observed your posting attitude and found you to be "rough on the outside, yet genuinely kind on the inside" You may rib people here and there but I really see the "real" you when you're looking out for a friend or concerned for someone's well being. You never seem to mind bending over backwards for someone if it's within your capacity and that is just beyond me. I've always been self-centered and selfish, and to see someone like you really makes me wonder if I've even been "doing it right" all these years.

You're beautiful, inside and out, strong (whether you may think so or not at times), outspoken when someone rubs you the wrong way and yet have the capacity to rethink an opinion if you think someonelse may be right. These boards would also not be ANYTHING like they are without your help, that in itself should speak volumes about what you mean to me, as I love these boards more than any I've ever been to in the past.
Hm, okay, I have a question.

What would a girl have to do in order to be one of the select few given the privilege of seeing a picture of you sans mug/hat/etc?
Hm, okay, I have a question.

What would a girl have to do in order to be one of the select few given the privilege of seeing a picture of you sans mug/hat/etc?
And can the rest of us have the pictures HowDroll will be sending you to buy the privilege of seeing your face?
What is an opinion of yours that will never ever change?
Oh I'm sure there are alot. I'll never like "Emo" kids who come from rich families, in that same line of thinking: I'll never like Twilight fans. I won't ever tolerate liars. I won't ever have a sexual sitaution with a guy/male. Hm, I'm not sure I'm answering this question correctly, maybe an example?
Do you have an XBOX 360 and do you like Soul Calibur IV?

These talks about fighting games have awoken my competitive spirit :D
Who is your favourite Sailor Scout?
It was 1995 when it first began airing and I had only seen one other anime series before (in Spanish, Captain Tsubasa) and really liked the animation style. Sailor Moon really appealed to my "girls can kick ass too" senses at 14yrs old and I began enjoying the show very much. Though unfortunately DiC only aquired half of the 3rd season in total, it was by the 2nd season (Doom Tree) that I began realizing that I liked Mina ALOT. It wouldn't be for another year or so that I realized it was because I had a sexual attraction for long legged blondes but I was just so enraptured by her and her character. (Serena was a bit too ditzy for my taste)

The others were awesome in their own rights: Mars was strong and confident, with a hint of vulnerability as she began to care more for the others. Jupiter was a great friend to everyone around her, a fantastic cook and a powerful martial artist, yet was afraid of being alone. Mercury was intelligent, always the straight "think before you act" girl, and at first she had no people skills/relationships outside of her own studies, though over time she became good friends with the others and learned to be more open to people in general. Moon was probably my favorite character plotwise, as she would go from bumbling fool to calm and collected savior of the universe through trial and tribulation, without losing her innocent charm and kind demenor.

Venus will always hold a special place in my heart as one of my first animated "crushes".

Who is your favourite Ninja Turtle?
It's strange, my answer to that question has really changed over the years. Originally when I first watched the show, it was Michaelangelo, though I wasn't alone in that aspect as he was the character meant to appeal to the younger of the audience base. He was a bunch of 80's teen cliches all rolled up into one and we ate it up.

As I got into the comics, I was introduced to Slash and he appealed to my budding violent nature. He was a Ninja Turtle with no boundries or morals. So I obviously began favoring him (though not technically part of the team, it's still a valid option!) though his appearance was short lived, I had the action figure and loved beating up the other Turtles with it :twisted:

Around the time I began getting into X-Men, even though I wasn't big on "heroes" as much as I was the "villains" of each series, I actually started to enjoy the "Leader who does what it takes to succeed" type (Ex: Cyclops) and when I revisted the old Ninja Turtle Comics/Cartoon, I found myself revaluating Leonardo and really gaining a new respect for him. So if asked today, my answer would definitely be Leo.
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