Ask "C" Anything. 100% Unabridged Truth.

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I know you're of latin ancestry, and I've seen you pick up on things only latin people would... but how good is your Spanish, really? Like, could we chat in spanish and frustrate people trying to use google translate?


This is an ask \"C\" (Yes C is the first letter of my real name). You will ask the person whom I am everyday, and will get the 100% Unabridged truth with no exaggeration or theatrics added.

This introduction has gone on long enough, I simply will refer you to my wiki page
as it was written by one of those who truly does know me on an almost intimate level, it's as close to \\\"knowing me\\\" as anyone has gotten here, or anywhere for that matter and I agree wholeheartly with the entire entry



Staff member
Good to see you again, you crazy sumthin' or another.

Anyhoo, now that you have a frontyard, will you be sitting on the verandah, yelling at those dang kinds to git off yer lawn?


I know you've mentioned, in the past, about coming to terms and/or changing a feeling like you don't have a lot of "friends" outside your relationship. Any change/advancement in this? If not, how have you been/how do you usually cope?

Or am I smoking crack and totally remembering wrong?


do you have a habit of smoking crack? Or is that what the governments want you to think, while they plot the NWO?


Staff member
Do you think that when genetic engineering finally comes to fruition, the first thing they'll invent is a pig with wings?

Follow up question: do you think people will honor all of their airborne pork-based promises when said engineering takes place?
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