Ask Cajungal Anything

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Thanks, I look forward to knowing enough about you that I can write a song featuring you. ;)

---------- Post added at 12:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:26 AM ----------

*whisks off to morphine's introduction page*


Staff member
Well you have to be way more of a bitch than I think you're capable of being. I was a voice major for a year. I know all about em.

For starters you have to strut around as if the room would collapse if you weren't in it. Once you've got that down, the rest comes. It helps to have an amazing skill that at least somewhat justifies your behavior, but it's not required.
Not a question. I just wanted to tell you that I enjoy the videos you post of yourself singing. I really enjoy the sound of your a non creepy way :)
To be honest, I had hoped to write more, but it's not looking great. :( I have some lyrics written, but I haven't been able to connect them or come up with a melody. I'll tell you who I've written about so far, though:

Charliedontsurf, aka The Lovely Boner

Steven Soderburgin

Did you miss me?

Also, what would you think if I told you that for some reason, your name reads as "Cuh-jungle" in my head?

Also, any big plans this week?


Staff member
Auuuugh I hate this writer's block! Hopefully I'll have a few more ready for my AotM time.

---------- Post added at 08:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:21 PM ----------

-I DID miss you! I'm glad you are posting more.

-I'd laugh and say you can call me that if you want to.

-Big plans? Studying for the Praxis in two weeks, getting my damn apartment in order (the lil bro's moving out very soon, we need to make a few serious runs to Goodwill to get rid of stuff), I'm thinking of trying to do some writing for the first time in a while, aaaand I was thinking that tomorrow night I'd go replace my blood with espresso and play some Scrabble. OH and Friday I'm making some righteous tacos. Aaaand I'm going to try to jog a quarter of a mile this week. Last week I jogged for half a mile and then did a proud little dance. :D So all in all I have a very nice and productive First-week-back-after-spring-break planned.


Staff member
Oh, man... you just got me started. Hang on while I attempt to make a short list...

....K I'm back after forgetting that I was going to come back.

Favorite things to eat (this changes based on moods, but at the moment my top 5):

*Shellfish--boiled or steamed
*A medium rare steak (filet) with new potatoes and wilted spinach
*Melon--especially honey dew and watermelon
*Any poultry that my father prepares. He's the king of duck.
*Any Indian dish

Favorite things to prepare (again, current top 5)

*White or red beans and rice
*Chicken tacos
*a big breakfast (omelets, pancakes, biscuits, sliced fruit, Irish oatmeal, grits and grillades.... any of that stuff)
*French bread


Staff member
3 things mainly:

1. focused
2. creative
3. quick-witted (that one's not true all the time; I just get lucky sometimes... or people make it easy for me :p)
Easy. I've slept my way to the top.
I hope it was a fun ride. I apologize for the humor at your expense.

Anyway, I should ask a question since I'm here..., why were you bored at your job and why don't you ever feel like the pretty one? Is it things people say or just your perception of yourself that leads to the issue?

Ok, say you had to go an entire day only using 10 words to communicate. You can use them more than 10 times, but only those 10. You have no idea who you're going to encounter. Which words do you choose?

(tee hee)


Staff member
Easy. I've slept my way to the top.
I hope it was a fun ride. I apologize for the humor at your expense.

Anyway, I should ask a question since I'm here..., why were you bored at your job and why don't you ever feel like the pretty one? Is it things people say or just your perception of yourself that leads to the issue?[/QUOTE]

:laugh: Np, that's funny.

Well here's the thing, Piotyr. First off, I know this sounds crazy, but it was hard to blend in going to private schools all my life. I was always the fat one. LOTS of way more good-looking and fit people. Hell, one of my best friends in high school got a personal trainer for her birthday, so there you go. So it became this secret wish of mine to be, just for one day, the person who turned heads. I think I'm better looking than I was then, but old habits die hard. In my younger years, I was flat-out ridiculed for my appearance, and in high school, it was just painfully obvious that I wasn't considered attractive. Guys were really nice to me, I think because I was tomboyish and kind of complained about girls right along with them. But I was always a buddy. Well-liked, but not really treated like a "girl", I guess.

My boyfriend kind of turned that around. I don't think I ever feel more feminine than when I'm with him, and I like it. I guess that gave me more confidence, because since then, I've gotten hit on quite a few times. Then there was this one time that one of his friends got drunk and started profusely complimenting my figure in front of both of us. :laugh: But I still harbor lots of insecurities. I can look at myself in the mirror a little easier now--appreciate the good things about me--my muscles, my curves, and my face (I get more compliments on that than anything), but I still have really bad days sometimes. And I swear I can still catch people looking at me with eyes that betray very negative thoughts... especially the salesladies at non-plus clothing stores.

Why am I bored at work? Because our responsibilities are starting to wind down, and no one ever calls lately. Not much to do.

---------- Post added at 01:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:35 PM ----------


Ok, say you had to go an entire day only using 10 words to communicate. You can use them more than 10 times, but only those 10. You have no idea who you're going to encounter. Which words do you choose?

(tee hee)
Ahhh you. Ok lemme see... probably...

"Yes, no, why, medium, skim, au, lait :)awesome:), hi, bye, pardon."
Well here's the thing, Piotyr. First off, I know this sounds crazy, but it was hard to blend in going to private schools all my life. I was always the fat one. LOTS of way more good-looking and fit people. Hell, one of my best friends in high school got a personal trainer for her birthday, so there you go. So it became this secret wish of mine to be, just for one day, the person who turned heads. I think I'm better looking than I was then, but old habits die hard. In my younger years, I was flat-out ridiculed for my appearance, and in high school, it was just painfully obvious that I wasn't considered attractive. Guys were really nice to me, I think because I was tomboyish and kind of complained about girls right along with them. But I was always a buddy. Well-liked, but not really treated like a "girl", I guess.

My boyfriend kind of turned that around. I don't think I ever feel more feminine than when I'm with him, and I like it. I guess that gave me more confidence, because since then, I've gotten hit on quite a few times. Then there was this one time that one of his friends got drunk and started profusely complimenting my figure in front of both of us. :laugh: But I still harbor lots of insecurities. I can look at myself in the mirror a little easier now--appreciate the good things about me--my muscles, my curves, and my face (I get more compliments on that than anything), but I still have really bad days sometimes. And I swear I can still catch people looking at me with eyes that betray very negative thoughts... especially the salesladies at non-plus clothing stores.
I won't hijack the thread, but just make a comment...

I was the same way growing up. My nickname through middle school was the "Dough boy", because I was always so short and fat (I think in 9th grade, I was 4'10" and 155 lbs). I tried football, but even the coach blasted my weight and used me specifically for his own comic relief.

When high school came along, between age 15 and 16 I grew a foot and barely gained any weight (say, 5'10" and maybe 170 lbs). Got into soccer for endurance and tennis because I was just really damned good at it. At that point, even though most of the fat comments had stopped and I was really athletic (I would kill to be in that kind of shape again), I continued to alienate myself and feel outcast, like I was always the fat and ugly one in the room.

After high school, I was extremely bitter with everyone and really made an effort to cut off all contact with everyone at the time. All I succeeded in doing was being alone and still feeling the same way. When my 10-year reunion came along, those same people that ridiculed me all those years had nothing but nice things to say to and about me there (even though by then I had resumed balloon status). At that point, I decided to try to not worry so much about what others' perception of me was. I am who I am, and no looks of disdain will change that. I just use it as a motivation to treat everyone else with the respect I wished to feel for myself.

That's not to say I was or am happy with my fitness or weight. But now I am losing weight/exercising for the health benefits, rather than to change how people will perceive me. Change the things I can change, control the things I can control, let the rest sort itself out, is how I look at things now.

And heck, you've lost 40 pounds! That's a huge deal. :) I mean, I've only lost 12 in 8 weeks, and I'm still pretty happy about it.

EDIT: Damn it, forgot a question again. Does your boyfriend know how lucky he is to have a girl like you?


Staff member
Thanks, Piotyr. :) It's really helpful to hear that, actually. I felt pretty alone in school usually, when it came to that. It's better now, but yeah, there are off-days. I'm glad to hear things are going well for you. 12 lb in eight weeks is fantastic! You should be proud. :)

Aww, that's a sweet question. ^_^ He's a hell of a guy and is very good to me, you'll be glad to know, so probably. Heehee.

Ok, say you had to go an entire day only using 10 words to communicate. You can use them more than 10 times, but only those 10. You have no idea who you're going to encounter. Which words do you choose?

(tee hee)

*counts fingers*



Staff member

I miss my godmother. I miss my friends who live in England, Lizzie and Arun. They're some of my favorite people, and I wish we could see each other more often.

I sometimes have a moment where I miss being an oblivious and carefree kid, but most of the time I prefer adulthood.
Be really honest with yourself on this one, and choose:

Team Edward
Team Jacob
Team Fun Size
Throwing yourself on a pointed stick.
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