Ask Cajungal Anything

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He appreciates multicultural educational children's shows so much that he buys and uses their merchandise.
I'm certainly not making you a T-shirt from scratch using only fibres that I've spun myself, that's for sure. :)


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Hah, kind of a silly story. You know how people do stuff just to be obnoxiously ironic sometimes? Well, I saw this guy on campus who was wearing a Dora the Explorer backpack. It just aggravated me. So I said something about it on Facebook, "oh, him and his skinny jeans and his lady scarf and his children's show backpack, yada yada" and Allen was kind enough to help me give him a name.

That's his signature.

And his mortal enemy is Guitarist Fauna, Man of Chumps. I think Piper Flora, Man of Destiny and Trombonist Fauna, Lady of Fate are in this kind of thing where they love each other, but he's a Flora and she's a Fauna so their families will never approve.
Gusto, it is totally natural. Maybe you don't understand what Piper Flora, Man of Destiny had to do to become the Man of Destiny. He had to go a store and buy a Dora the Explorer backpack. You can't just buy a Dora the Explorer backpack lightly. There are consequences. For Piper Flora, the consequence was he became extremely awesome.
When Piper Flora, Man of Destiny and Trombonist Fauna, Lady of Fate first laid eyes on each other, they both felt it was something special. Trombonist Fauna, Lady of Fate looked away demurely before giving Piper Flora, Man of Destiny a bone. He instantly put his hands on it, put it up to his mouth, and went to work. He blew a tune that blew Trombonist Fauna, Lady of Fate away. When the music faded, they looked into each other's eyes and knew that this was destiny and fate.


What made you choose the name Cajungal? Are you Cajun ? Are you hot and Spicy?

Just curious :)


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Just cuz I'm Cajun. I never really liked any of my other online handles, so I made up a new one when I signed up here.


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I might, but I like that mine is shorter. You're free to call me that, though. I like it. :)

White bean and turkey sausage soup:

Rinse white beans and simmer on med-high in chicken broth with finely-minced onion, bellpepper, celery, and garlic. Brown 1-2 links of turkey sausage (depending on how much soup you're making) in oil and throw into the liquid once the beans start to soften. Simmer on medium-low heat. Finish with salt, pepper, red pepper, and parsley. Simple. Did I already do that one?...

If so:

Chicken soup:

For best results, buy an roast a whole chicken, then remove the meat and simmer the carcass with leftover vegetable parts and parsley stalks to make a broth. Make sure you skim and/or strain the broth. Otherwise, just buy some meat and broth.

Season (I use parsley, thyme, and a little rosemary along with salt and the three peppers), brown and cube/shred chicken. Saute diced onion, carrot, bellpepper, celery, and mushrooms in the leftover fat; add peppers and whatever herbs you want to that as well. Throw meat and vegetables into a pot and cover with broth. Bring to a low boil and add either uncooked noodles, brown rice, or barley. Once the starch is tender, bring temperature down, simmer a little longer, taste, reseason if you need, then serve. My mom also adds pureed squash to make it more hearty. It's goooooood.

I forget exactly how I do this one, but I make a simple broccoli soup by boiling and seasoning broccoli, adding sauteed onion and garlic, and pureeing it all with milk and half and half or something... I don't have the recipe around, though. You can flesh that one out online, I'm sure.
If the I number the strings on a ukelele 1 2 3 4 from left to right and play the tune 1 4 2 3, what notes am I playing?


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If I'm holding it up with the strings towards me, 1 2 3 4 from left to right = g c e a. So, in that order, it would be g a c e
Is that a real tune? I was playing with my daughters ukelele last night and stumbled upon that comination and also the reverse. Is it from Cool Hand Luke?


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I saw them, but I haven't yet been in a place where I could watch them with sound. I was gonna comment tonight when I was alone in my room. :D Thank yoooou!
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