Attention Haters!

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Why is it still sad after the happy ending? If you got your head stuck in a wall and then got free you wouldn't get all sad by remembering those stuck minutes, would you?

The dog won't be traumatized, he's ok.. probably never gonna stick his head in a hole again... but then again, maybe he would. Dogs are goofy like that.


Why is it still sad after the happy ending? If you got your head stuck in a wall and then got free you wouldn't get all sad by remembering those stuck minutes, would you?

The dog won't be traumatized, he's ok.. probably never gonna stick his head in a hole again... but then again, maybe he would. Dogs are goofy like that.
If I injured myself and was all cut up yeah I probably would be sad about it. And regardless of the ending a bloodied up dog is still sad.


Staff member
And regardless of the ending a bloodied up dog is still sad.
I'm pretty sure that's not blood on the wall. I've seen similar red glops on concrete, and I think it's some sort of caulking agent. Either that it's red paint splatter from the pipe that used to go through that hole.


Staff member
He looks pretty unharmed inthe "after" picture, maybe some of the caulking agent got smeared on his eyebrow as he pushed his head through.
Yeah, plus it's a really weird splattering pattern for tearing skin by trying to wiggle away. As in... Dexter would tell us that's not it in 3.5 seconds.
So... on a lighter note. My dog tried to eat a broken light bulb on the sidewalk once. I had to pull and tug at his leash to keep him from eating a goddamn broken lightbulb. You'd think it was made of sausage the way he was going for it. Dogs are dumb like that.


Two of mine have been making me nuts all day. When I was trying to hook up the new printer they were pestering me and pestering me so I'd shout at them "go sit on the damn couch!" so they would run over to the couch touch it with their noses and come back.

Yes well done you found the couch. NOW SIT ON IT!
I love dogs.

Since we got Abbey, I kind dig cats too, which is weird as I always hated them. This one, though, has me wrapped around her claw. She's literally under my bed covers with me right now, and I have to pee but I don't want to move and wake her ¬¬


I have four bigs dogs and three cats. Our house gives new meaning to Fur-niture.


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I can hardly imagine anyone with one of that bright white a color. Not even porn stars who bleach their starfish. Not even Stoya.
Do you like freckles on dogs that are stuck in walls that eventually escape and become the feel good story of the holidays?
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