But I can tell you, most (or many, at the very least) people who publicly defend bullfighting also condemn cockfights as abhorrently cruel (At least those who have expressed their opinion for me to know). And it IS socially considered wrong, legality aside. For some reason cock fights are regarded as something cruel without any value beyond that, whereas bullfighting is considered somehow a beautiful and elevated art.
Besides this, if a majority of people consider it wrong, then it is wrong by cultural standards, and since those determine what's right or wrong... it's wrong. Right?
It depends on what you are brought up by (culture) It is hard to think beyond it (few do it) but some examples.
What if you are brought up in a country where it is ok to eat people? in OUR culture it is wrong but it is ok to eat animals.
What if it is ok to kill someone on your land? Some culture it is illegal while some need probably cause.
I believe that overtime, collective culture becomes "universal" rules. As we progress, things change. Back in the height of many empire, slaves are ok, (usually capture from war from losing country) bought and sold, but as we advance recently, slaves are finally not acceptable in MOST culture, but in some, they still exist (or may call by other name like indenture servants)
I use to remember something that my psych prof tells me about how culture changes.
long ago divorce, sex before marriage, and murder is all wrong.
Later Divorce is ok, sex before marriage is still frown upon/bad and murder is wrong.
now divorce is common, sex before marriage is ok, but murder is still wrong.
Today - Divorce is ok (in most culture now), sex before marriage is ok (in most culture now) but murder is still wrong (except government assassination it seems, death penalty - some consider murder, and self defense)