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No, it's all obviously incredibly early, they barely had roughed out maps and concept art for most of the new zones.
Frankie said:
No, it's all obviously incredibly early, they barely had roughed out maps and concept art for most of the new zones.
So they should have waited till next year to pop the announcement.

Sometimes I'd like to see these MMO's fix the issues at hand before expanding content that will be broken too.
sixpackshaker said:
Frankie said:
No, it's all obviously incredibly early, they barely had roughed out maps and concept art for most of the new zones.
So they should have waited till next year to pop the announcement.

Sometimes I'd like to see these MMO's fix the issues at hand before expanding content that will be broken too.
Waited why? They always announce their expansions about 8-9 months before releasing them.

Aslo fix the issues at hand? Such as?

I'm curious about the old-world zones. Are they simply never going to exist again in the forms they are now? I have totally mixed feelings in that I can't WAIT to see how they all change, but at the same time I'll really miss the old world.

I really look forward to the new stuff but I can't believe I'm turning into one of those people who also wants a vanilla WoW server (and not a private one).
Goddamn Goblins! So many awesome races in Azeroth, and we get fucking Goblins? I would've taken Troggs or Tuskarr over fucking Goblins...

Gilneas sure looks cool. Glad the Alliance gets something awesome, again. I don't play Alliance, but I at least messed with Dranei because they were cool. I'll likely do the same with Worgen. Sure not fucking playing Goblin...

I hope they will introduce race-change later though; I'd love to turn my Pally into a Tauren.
Phasing. As you progress in the new story for each zone, they phase into their cataclysmic versions from what I understand.
escushion said:
Goddamn Goblins! So many awesome races in Azeroth, and we get fucking Goblins? I would've taken Troggs or Tuskarr over fucking Goblins...

Gilneas sure looks cool. Glad the Alliance gets something awesome, again. I don't play Alliance, but I at least messed with Dranei because they were cool. I'll likely do the same with Worgen. Sure not fucking playing Goblin...

I hope they will introduce race-change later though; I'd love to turn my Pally into a Tauren.
I'm staying on my Horde Tauren Shaman as he's "Grandfathered" as a High Warlord. I will say this, I will be "seriously" playing a Goblin Rogue as a "second main" and not an "alt".

Goblins have always been my favorite race to play in Fantasy games whenever given the chance, I'm damn glad to see them on WoW.
I played a Goblin in WAR because they looked cool; I don't really see that awesome asthetic in these screenshots. They look like the same globs of goo I've been questing for since I started.

Oh well, no sense in bitching; it ain't gonna change. Guess I can make a shaman toon now without worrying I'll want to remake it as a different race.
ZenMonkey said:
I'm curious about the old-world zones. Are they simply never going to exist again in the forms they are now? I have totally mixed feelings in that I can't WAIT to see how they all change, but at the same time I'll really miss the old world.

I really look forward to the new stuff but I can't believe I'm turning into one of those people who also wants a vanilla WoW server (and not a private one).
Looks like the Cataclysm is going to happen to Azeroth no matter what. The old zones will change expansion or no expansion.
DarkAudit said:
ZenMonkey said:
I'm curious about the old-world zones. Are they simply never going to exist again in the forms they are now? I have totally mixed feelings in that I can't WAIT to see how they all change, but at the same time I'll really miss the old world.

I really look forward to the new stuff but I can't believe I'm turning into one of those people who also wants a vanilla WoW server (and not a private one).
Looks like the Cataclysm is going to happen to Azeroth no matter what. The old zones will change expansion or no expansion.
Yeah, I was dead wrong. Man, that's actually pretty awesome.
escushion said:
I played a Goblin in WAR because they looked cool; I don't really see that awesome asthetic in these screenshots. They look like the same globs of goo I've been questing for since I started.

Oh well, no sense in bitching; it ain't gonna change. Guess I can make a shaman toon now without worrying I'll want to remake it as a different race.
Except that races have been known to change aethstically during the beta phases, I would agree that they don't look much different than current goblins.
Shegokigo said:
escushion said:
I played a Goblin in WAR because they looked cool; I don't really see that awesome asthetic in these screenshots. They look like the same globs of goo I've been questing for since I started.

Oh well, no sense in bitching; it ain't gonna change. Guess I can make a shaman toon now without worrying I'll want to remake it as a different race.
Except that races have been known to change aethstically during the beta phases, I would agree that they don't look much different than current goblins.
True. Guess we'll have to see.
Holy shit, the class changes coming up are INFUCKINGSANE.
No more MP5, ArP, Def or Block Value.

Next Legendary is a two handed axe!!!

/happy Orc warrior/Death Knight.

-- Fri Aug 21, 2009 6:23 pm --

Man, the changes are FUCKING vast.

Cataclysm is changing WoW more than BC/LK put together.
What... why do they insist on fucking hunters? First the nerfs. Now, no mana? Hunters are good to use like they are; just alternate Aspect of the Hawk with Aspect of the Viper and mana isn't a problem...

Guess I better make as much money with him as I can now, while he's still useful.
escushion said:
What... why do they insist on fucking hunters? First the nerfs. Now, no mana? Hunters are good to use like they are; just alternate Aspect of the Hawk with Aspect of the Viper and mana isn't a problem...

Guess I better make as much money with him as I can now, while he's still useful.
If you read what they've said so far this sounds like a great change. It means less item budget spent on INT and more on Agility/Hit/other stats.

I'm stalling my Dwarf Hunter and waiting for a Worgen Hunter. Sweet.

Also, these new zones and events sound fucking awesome. Can't wait for more info (especially on Warriors!).

Also also, I think the Goblins are looking a lot different, thought I'm looking at them with a modeler/texture eye. Not to mention even the idle animation is leaps above the classic WoW animations they have right now.


Get your cameras ready. Rare moment:


I officially apologize.

I will never doubt your Warcraft knowledge again.

Let it be known that this shit is grabbing my ass back to WoW. FUCK! I've been WoW free for a damn year too!


ZenMonkey said:
I'm curious about the old-world zones. Are they simply never going to exist again in the forms they are now? I have totally mixed feelings in that I can't WAIT to see how they all change, but at the same time I'll really miss the old world.

I really look forward to the new stuff but I can't believe I'm turning into one of those people who also wants a vanilla WoW server (and not a private one).

I hope they phase old world content for people leveling from level 1.

-- Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:00 pm --

TeKeo said:
Chazwozel said:

I officially apologize.

I will never doubt your Warcraft knowledge again.
Rexx, you've got a new sig!

From what I've been reading I'm gathering that the sundering has set up new leveling zones.

So far Horde, for example, has Azshara as a lower level zone connected to Org. Also the Barrens is split between a higher and lower level zone. The images on MMO-Champion look like Mulgore has been walled off completely from Barrens.


Will I need the expansion to be able to experience the Cataclysm changes?

When the Cataclysm occurs, it will occur for all players, whether they have purchased the expansion or not--you will no longer be to play in the original version of Kalimdor or the Eastern Kingdoms. However, certain features such as the new zones, new races, and new level cap will only be accessible to players who purchase the expansion.



rofl @ the justin tv cast..

dude the guy doing the hosting is fuckin hilarious, i cant remember his name but i know him from movies

dudes fuckin funny


Holy fucking shit. As a worgen, out of combat you get to choose whether you want to be in human form or worgan form. In combat you become worgan.
Chazwozel said:
Holy fucking shit. As a worgen, out of combat you get to choose whether you want to be in human form or worgan form. In combat you become worgan.
They also get a free Sprint as a racial, and always have a 1% damage bonus. Goblins have some nice ones too.
Wonder if they will keep wailing caverns easily accessible. Very cool that they are shaking everything up though. The beginning areas were getting stale, this should be interesting.
Chazwozel said:
Let it be known that this shit is grabbing my ass back to WoW. FUCK! I've been WoW free for a damn year too!
I know, I've been WoW free for 6 months or so now and all I want to do is resubscribe right now and play some more.


It's like it's aimed right at me. Focus on leveling? Redoing the old world? A monstrous race that doesn't make me switch factions? ARCHAEOLOGY?

Where do I sign?
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