Conquest is up.

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I think you went a little overboard with the new rules, Dave, lol.

Of all nations, only ONE has gold.. How much? Exactly ONE gold. haha
Largest village has 57 troops. You didn't make it hard, you made it impossible! :p
Mine has 60, and a long list of attacks since yesterday, with every attack taking incredible amounts of 0 to 6 gold.

The difficulty in attack raids seem to have been amped, and while before I´d have a long list of people raiding me, and lost no troops, now Im losing troops left and right[/quote]
'Pillaging' those amounts doesn't make it feel worthwhile either. Just numbers, sure, but woohoo I got 6 gold? :/[/QUOTE]

Yes, but that's still a better return than using your troops to make gold. Not much, but a little. Still, I find that I'm not fast enough to do it that way, so at the moment I'm just letting my turns build up, and when I have enough I hit the "make gold" button several times, and then tab over to the armory and hit the "buy" button (having already set up how many of what I'm buying) and so far no one has been able to grab my gold inbetween those actions.

Also, this comic is relevant:

Yeah, there is no point in spending any gold on defense anymore.

I just save up all 60 turns, put them all to raising gold, and spend it all right away. I haven't had anyone steal it from under me. With everyone attacking it's kinda pointless to spend it on troops cause you will just lose them right away.


Staff member
I've upped a few things. First, you get 100 gold every turn (15 minutes) and now when going for money you get 2 g for each soldier.

Lets see if more money helps or if it skews back to turtling.


Staff member
Yeah, I am putting everything into defense right now, since I am constantly being attacked...and it is worthless.
Hey stienman, what was that all about? Doesn't seem like your style.
I have two goals

1. Build my village
2. Make sure no one else's village is greater

I first try to satisfy both, but if not then I satisfy 1, and if I can't do 1, then I'll work on 2 alone.

You had too many troops for my liking. I try to be even about it - few others outside users have more than 110 or so, and usually that's due to "advance scouts deemed this village too weak to attack"

It has a lot to do with my fear that if someone gets 300+ troops then I will be vulnerable.

So, yeah. Crush my enemies, see them driven before me, hear the lamentation of their women.

I sitll don't understand how with 2-3 times my might steinmen can still attack me kill 47 of my men(a 1/3 of my troops) and lose 0 solider and can be considered my considered within the 60% of his power :p


Staff member
What nation do you want to be, Telephius?

---------- Post added at 07:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:37 AM ----------

Seems to be more balanced, though.
Yeah, for instance I can't attack cat even though there's 110 troops, but I can attack several other people all the way down to 0 troops.

I'm not targeting anyone in particular, though, I'm beating on everyone reasonably equally.

The problem is that everyone gets 60 turns every three hours, and you lose turns if you don't pay attention to the game at least 8 times a day. I deal with it about 4-5 times when I'm not sleeping, and spend mostly on offense, some on defense (whenever someone attacks and I lose significant troops), and anything left over (under 10 gold) on spies.

I only buy equipment that is the most efficient (ie, gets the most power per gold) and while I prefer having a lot of troops, it isn't as important as having a huge offensive capability.

Since I have 1,000+ spies, no one has been able to spy on me for several days, so I'll give my stats here if you want to use me as a target:

Battle Potential
Available Troops : 279 Troops
Offense Rating : 25683
Offense Training : Ballista
Defense Rating : 3634
Defense Training : Spiked Parameter
Available Spies : 1077 Spies

Even though this is blocked at work, I've been playing it on my iPhone so as before the game is largely about who can spend the most time playing it and use up all their available turns.

Yeah, I tried keeping others down below 100 for a while. I've been focusing a bit more on defense, but I have a feeling if people actually attack me I won't put up much of a fight.


Staff member
I decided to go oppositwe this time and focus on defense, since I was getting heavily assaulted from all frontsright off the rip. I went and upgraded my defense at first, putting all my funds into that as I lost more troops, then building the actual armor. looks like it may work.

then again, everyone at the top is fromt he user base, so i doubt we will see any attacks at this point anyways.
It's so easy to get offense I have a feeling it will be fairly easy to take out those with large armies. They just need to focus on offense.
I'm not targeting anyone in particular, though, I'm beating on everyone reasonably equally.

Ok I don't feel as bad now, I would come on a certain times in the day and feel like a gold mine for the powerful to take a pick axe to when I saw:


The thing about this game is I am more defense oriented in mind for games typically but I decided if offense was being buffed this phase I would try to attack more but I would attack someone and get a minor amout of gold but loose like 10 troops would be too costly for me to attack.

I did make a mistake at the beginning though I was buying the best value per gold items but was used to the old troop inflation and one day I did not pay attention and over capped. Before that I was able to strike Steinman back and usually reclaim my gold but once I flop up I could not even recover as being attacked so much meant my troops could not bolster my defense, when I made them look for troops they were still on 2 troops per turn and attacking people meant I would lose even more hehe.

I get attacked by people around me but whether they succeed or fail at taking my gold usually I don't lose 8 hours worth of troops and they don't get away without cost either hehe.

It's so easy to get offense I have a feeling it will be fairly easy to take out those with large armies. They just need to focus on offense.
I had better offense in the beginning but when a third of my troops gets wiped out in one attack I have an over abundance of weapons and can only buy stronger weapons but because I can't generate alot of gold it is slow to super equip each troop which leads to time, which leads to super armies mass super equipping their massive armies with the mounds of gold they have. Also it must be nice when all the super nations around you can't attack you because they are allies ;p.

Dave said:
What nation do you want to be, Telephius?
Don't worry about it I will contrinue trying to be a troll hehe I was going to ask to be a user simply so steinman couldn't attack me and I could actually progress hehe.
So far the game seems to be fairly balanced. Although if I start sucking I will quickly change my opinion on that :)
It is getting much closer, I would be attacking more if the cost of lost troops was not so great as it was the past few days.

Also Steinmann the reprive you gave me ove rthis night helped me recover ty, if you feel like attacking that is fine I was more frustrated with stats of the attacks then the fact I was gettng attacked. My troop to weapon ration is not overcapped now so hopefulyl I put up better defense versus some armies hehe.

EDIT: Also is there a way to get rid of the Assets part of the overview? This game(I guess these type of games in general) seem to be built around alot of people so on small scale certain things can be a problem. Though I am not sure if anyone else ever used this to their advantage but if you want to pick on one of the lesser nations people wise you basically see that nations total funs. Last game instead of wasting spies I would just look at the two administrators notice that there was 8k gold and attack one till I hit the jack pot. This game the users have alot of gold but they have 6 out of 8 players at the top so it is probably distributed evenly and well protected but the Mods have 1800 in the bank and there are two of them so two main possibilities either each has around 900g or one has alot and the other has a little.


Seems better now tho I haven't been able to run a successful spy mission in a while. They just die so I gave up. :p
Reading your post, I went on and bought 62 spies and successfully spied on 5 villages, with no losses but 2 dead spies while spying on Jake.

Then I spied on Iaculus and got this-
Your spy mission has failed and as a result 60 spies have been lost in the process

Jake keeps on attacking me.

It's pointless to attack him - he's got no money.

Jake is part of the Troll nation.

I'm going to aim retaliatory attacks at nations now, rather than individuals...

I'll answer Jake's strikes sometime tonight.

You've been warned.

I can still breach your defenses with 19 soldiers just to let you know :p

Trolls attacks as per usual can inflict hurt even with very little substance to their attack mwahahahaha!
I'm going to stop attacking people to give other nations a chance to grow.

Ok, I need more money, so I'm going to start attacking people again, in order:

Probably starting tomorrow sometime.

If you don't want to be attacked, don't leave any gold lying around.

If you do get attacked and I steal your gold, know that it is going to a good purpose, my solid gold toilet and bidet:

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