Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

I continue to be baffled that Trump has not been hospitalized with Covid yet. Unless he has had it and was asymptomatic and even the universe mocks us.
It's because he is a known germophobe.

He actually hates shaking hands and only does it when he wants to do his little flaunting grab and yank to assert his "dominance". It's well known that he has been having his aids tested daily and has them wear masks around him unless it's time for a photo op.

He probably sanitizes his hands all the time too, which should be easy when your hands are that small.

What shocks me is there's ANY amount of NDPers that would vote for Trump. The CPC doesnt' surprise me, nor does Alberta since they're both just mostly made of up of worthless bigoted garbage people.
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How's that for an October surprise?

Of course, he's probably going pumped full of blood thinners, and even if things get bad he'll have someone else tweeting for him so that he can recover and say it was nothing/a hoax. I don't know which outcome here is worse TBH.
I’m more worried that he recovers (or is lying about having it at all), then claims that a new medicine that he personally authorized cured him. That might sway enough idiots in key states to see him as a savior and change their vote.


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I doubt it will kill him, but I hope he suffers a long, slow, unpleasant recovery, with lots of permanent complications afterwards.


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He's 74, has preexisting conditions, and will prove to be a difficult patient. The odds aren't in his favor.
But he has literally all the resources of the country at his beck and call. They'll keep him alive, even if they have to hook him up to an ECMO (and I hope they will have to).
Anything that will shut him up and keep him off twitter for a few days, just to have maybe a weekend of peace from the constant stupidity.

Does anyone rememver what life was like before election night 2016, when you could just not worry about political malevolence from the executive branch on a daily basis?


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If Trump dies before the election, what happens?

Assuming that Pence just takes up the ticket, will the same people who are voting against Trump still show up to vote against Pence?
If Trump dies before the election, what happens?

Assuming that Pence just takes up the ticket, will the same people who are voting against Trump still show up to vote against Pence?
That's another of my worries. How many Never Trumpers will happily flock to Pence's banner if Trump dies? How many stray Republicans will be moved by the "tragedy" of it and vote Republican? How many conservatives will be energized to support their fallen leader, whereas before they were just going to sit home? If Trump dies, or FLOTUS dies, this could create a huge wave of sympathy that would overwhelm an otherwise boring Democratic candidate.

But honestly, who the fuck knows? If his health goes bad or he dies, this would be the most chaotic "October Surprise" of all time.
Not going to lie, but I really feel he is lying. I mean I could be wrong, but the timing makes it feel like he just wanted an excuse to not do any more debates. Claiming you have COVID is like a get out of debate free card when you don't want to look "weak" by abstaining.
But he has literally all the resources of the country at his beck and call. They'll keep him alive, even if they have to hook him up to an ECMO (and I hope they will have to).
This is Trump. He has tried everything he possibly can to get himself removed from the White House. Covid doesn't stand a chance.
Not going to lie, but I really feel he is lying. I mean I could be wrong, but the timing makes it feel like he just wanted an excuse to not do any more debates. Claiming you have COVID is like a get out of debate free card when you don't want to look "weak" by abstaining.
This is probably accurate. Trump seems like the kind of person that would lie about having it just to get out of shit AND look like he was able to walk away perfectly fine like some kind of super-man. And he's the kind of man who wouldn't admit to having it if he actually did get it, knowing full well that having it will screw him up to the point where he can't hide it anymore if people knew.
Between the daily tests, meaning it's undoubtedly in a very early stage, and the amount of resources and information available, I can't imagine him dying from it.
Still, one can hope he at least suffers - couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

I'm going with "play to avoid debates and get sympathy /fright votes" though.
The other option: He's not sick, he's faking his death so he can evade prosecution in New York AND give up the Presidency without technically losing.
The other option: He's not sick, he's faking his death so he can evade prosecution in New York AND give up the Presidency without technically losing.
no way on that one. He'd miss the attention so much that he'll "resurrect" within an hour. Will probably try to pass it off as the second coming.


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With all the people who have met with the president in the last few days (including Moscow Mitch and judge Karismatic Kultist "Karen"), this may put a halt to proceedings on confirming the SCOTUS nomination.