Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

Thoughts and prays. In other words, I hope he's having strong, regretful thoughts over what he's done. And if he's not, then I pray he's in a lot of pain.

I don't often think ill thoughts of people, but Trump and everyone who backed him are the exception. He can go to Hell for all I care. My only hope is he lives through this so he can be properly tried for his many crimes.
He apparently just walked on to the helicopter, but reporters are only allowed to show recorded footage after the helicopter leaves, you can't see shit from the street where the live feeds are happening. Time for everyone to play "Is this a body double?" :p

(I wonder if it took so long because they were juicing him up enough to be able to walk)
President Trump has received a dose of an experimental antibody cocktail being developed by the drug maker Regeneron, in addition to several other drugs, including zinc, vitamin D and the generic version of the heartburn treatment Pepcid, according to a letter from his doctor that was released by the White House Friday afternoon.
He said Trump had been administered a Regeneron polyclonal antibody cocktail and has been taking zinc, vitamin D, famotidine, melatonin and a daily aspirin.
Zinc--shown to lessen the severity of other coronaviruses like the common cold.
Famotidine--he's got heartburn problems.
melatonin--sleep problems? anxiety problems?
daily aspirin--Mayo clinic say these are the reason for a daily aspirin regimen
  • You've already had a heart attack or stroke.
  • You haven't had a heart attack, but you have had a stent placed in a coronary artery, you have had coronary bypass surgery, or you have chest pain due to coronary artery disease (angina).
  • You've never had a heart attack, but you're at high risk of having one.
  • You have diabetes and at least one other heart disease risk factor — such as smoking or high blood pressure — and you're a man older than 50 or a woman older than 60. The use of aspirin to prevent heart attacks in people with diabetes but no other risk factor is controversial.
Zinc--shown to lessen the severity of other coronaviruses like the common cold.
Famotidine--he's got heartburn problems.
melatonin--sleep problems? anxiety problems?
daily aspirin--Mayo clinic say these are the reason for a daily aspirin regimen
The government was doing studies on Famotidine as a potential cure for COVID a few months ago. Word got out (probably do to Trump) and supplies dried up, which is bad because there was already a supply drop due to a recall. I wouldn't be surprised if he's taking it for more than just heartburn.
If Trump dies before the election, what happens?

Assuming that Pence just takes up the ticket, will the same people who are voting against Trump still show up to vote against Pence?
First of all - because he's currently POTUS, Pence would step in to the job immediately.

Secondly, the GOP would go apeshit because people wouldn't be voting for a living person. That'd be against the laws of several states.

Thirdly, the GOP could just direct their electors to choose Pence instead of Trump, and whoever they slip in as Veep.

Fourth, if it happens after the electors vote, but before the new Congress gets the votes... All votes for a dead person would be declared null and void. Which would mean the House would choose the President from the top three vote getters.
But electors go to whoever gets the most votes. If Trump gets 15% of votes from early voting and then dies while Pence gets 40% and Biden gets the remaining 45%, Biden's electors go to the EC republicans got the most votes
Considering how many people are getting it, it looks like someone brought it into the White House. It's likely most of the staff are going to come out as having it. This is what happens when you make things like masks "optional".
Is this the dumbest take anyone's ever given?


This guy was a fucking college professor and memeber of the INTELLECTUAL DARK WEB! Holy shit, no wonder your country is in the state it is when people like this are considered INTELLECTUALS.
This guy was a fucking college professor and memeber of the INTELLECTUAL DARK WEB! Holy shit, no wonder your country is in the state it is when people like this are considered INTELLECTUALS.
Yeah. A better analogy would be that it’s like having a clogged drain and rooting for the Drano.
